263 research outputs found

    Enhancement of the Deuteron-Fusion Reactions in Metals and its Experimental Implications

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    Recent measurements of the reaction d(d,p)t in metallic environments at very low energies performed by different experimental groups point to an enhanced electron screening effect. However, the resulting screening energies differ strongly for divers host metals and different experiments. Here, we present new experimental results and investigations of interfering processes in the irradiated targets. These measurements inside metals set special challenges and pitfalls which make them and the data analysis particularly error-prone. There are multi-parameter collateral effects which are crucial for the correct interpretation of the observed experimental yields. They mainly originate from target surface contaminations due to residual gases in the vacuum as well as from inhomogeneities and instabilities in the deuteron density distribution in the targets. In order to address these problems an improved differential analysis method beyond the standard procedures has been implemented. Profound scrutiny of the other experiments demonstrates that the observed unusual changes in the reaction yields are mainly due to deuteron density dynamics simulating the alleged screening energy values. The experimental results are compared with different theoretical models of the electron screening in metals. The Debye-H\"{u}ckel model that has been previously proposed to explain the influence of the electron screening on both nuclear reactions and radioactive decays could be clearly excluded.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, REVTeX4, 2-column format. Submitted to Phys. Rev. C; accepte

    Incremental document map formation: multi-stage approach

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    The paper presents methodology for the incremental map formation in a multi-stage process of a search engine with the map based user interface1. The architecture of the experimental system allows for comparative evaluation of different constituent technologies for various stages of the process. The quality of the map generation process has been investigated based on a number of clustering and classification measures. Some conclusions concerning the impact of various technological solutions on map quality are presented

    Hadron production in heavy relativistic systems

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    We investigate particle production in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC energies as function of incident energy, and centrality in a three-sources Relativistic Diffusion Model. Pseudorapidity distributions of produced charged hadrons in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 19.6 GeV, 62.4 GeV, 130 GeV and 200 GeV show an almost equilibrated midrapidity source that tends to increase in size towards higher incident energy, and more central collisions. It may indicate quark-gluon plasma formation prior to hadronization.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    In medium T matrix for neutron matter

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    We calculate the equation of state of pure neutron matter, comparing the G-matrix calculation with the in-medium T-matrix result. At low densities, we obtain similar energies per nucleon, however some differences appear at higher densities. We use the self-consistent spectral functions from the T-matrix approach to calculate the 1S0 superfluid gap including self-energy effects. We find a reduction of the superfluid gap by 30%

    Nuclear Self-energy and Realistic Interactions

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    The structure of nucleon self-energy in nuclear matter is evaluated for various realistic models of the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction. Starting from the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation without the usual angle-average approximation, the effects of hole-hole contributions and a self-consistent treatment within the framework of the Green function approach are investigated. Special attention is paid to the predictions for the spectral function originating from various models of the NN interaction which all yield an accurate fit for the NN phase shifts.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations and Two-Nucleon Currents in Exclusive (e,eNNe,e'NN) Reactions

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    The contributions of short-range nucleon-nucleon (NN) correlations, various meson exchange current (MEC) terms and the influence of Δ\Delta isobar excitations (isobaric currents, IC) on exclusive two-nucleon knockout reactions induced by electron scattering are investigated. The nuclear structure functions are evaluated for nuclear matter. Realistic NN interactions derived in the framework of One-Boson-Exchange model are employed to evaluate the effects of correlations and MEC in a consistent way. The correlations correlations are determined by solving the Bethe-Goldstone equation. This yields significant contributions to the structure functions W_L and W_T of the (e,e'pn) and (e,e'pp) reactions. These contributions compete with MEC corrections originating from the π\pi and ρ\rho exchange terms of the same interaction. Special attention is paid to the so-called 'super parallel' kinematics at momentum transfers which can be measured e.g. at MAMI in Mainz.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures include

    Adaptive Document Maps

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    Abstract. As document map creation algorithms like WebSOM are computationally expensive, and hardly reconstructible even from the same set of documents, new methodology is urgently needed to allow to construct document maps to handle streams of new documents entering document collection. This challenge is dealt with within this paper. In a multi-stage process, incrementality of a document map is warranted. 1 . The architecture of the experimental system allows for comparative evaluation of different constituent technologies for various stages of the process. The quality of the map generation process has been investigated based on a number of clustering and classification measures. Some conclusions concerning the impact of incremental, topic-sensitive approach on map quality are presented

    Shear viscosity of the Quark-Gluon Plasma from a virial expansion

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    We calculate the shear viscosity η\eta in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) phase within a virial expansion approach with particular interest in the ratio of η\eta to the entropy density ss, i.e. η/s\eta/s. The virial expansion approach allows us to include the interactions between the partons in the deconfined phase and to evaluate the corrections to a single-particle partition function. In the latter approach we start with an effective interaction with parameters fixed to reproduce thermodynamical quantities of QCD such as energy and/or entropy density. We also directly extract the effective coupling \ga_{\rm V} for the determination of η\eta. Our numerical results give a ratio η/s0.097\eta/s\approx 0.097 at the critical temperature TcT_{\rm c}, which is very close to the theoretical bound of 1/(4π)1/(4\pi). Furthermore, for temperatures T1.8TcT\leq 1.8 T_{\rm c} the ratio η/s\eta/s is in the range of the present experimental estimates at RHIC. When combining our results for η/s\eta/s in the deconfined phase with those from chiral perturbation theory or the resonance gas model in the confined phase we observe a pronounced minimum of η/s\eta/s close to the critical temperature TcT_{\rm c}.Comment: Published in Eur. Phys. J. C, 7 pages, 2 figures, 3 tabl