20 research outputs found

    Analysis of the rat brain surface temperature and cerebrocortical microflow changes

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    Celem badań było sprawdzenie czy zmiany temperatury powierzchni mózgu szczura rejestrowane za pomocą kamery termowizyjnej korelują ze zmianami mózgowego przepływu krwi. Przepływ krwi mierzono w korze mózgowej za pomocą sondy laser-Doppler w warunkach podstawowych oraz w czasie wymuszonych zmian ukrwienia mózgu takich jak: zwiększenie całkowitego przepływu krwi pod wpływem wzrostu stężenia dwutlenku węgla we krwi tętniczej oraz zmniejszenie/zwiększenie lokalnego przepływu krwi w wyniku czasowego zamknięcia/udrożnienia tętnicy środkowej mózgu. Przeprowadzono analizę dynamiki zmian rozkładu temperatury wykazując istotną dodatnią korelację tych zmian ze zmianami mikroprzepływu. Otrzymane wyniki potwierdzają możliwość wykorzystania kamery termowizyjnej jako nieinwazyjnej aparatury pomiarowej umożliwiającej oszacowanie zmian ukrwienia mózgu.This study was aimed at verifying the hypothesis that changes in the temperature of the rat brain surface assessed with a thermal imaging camera are correlated with changes of the microflow in cerebral cortex. The experiment was performed on a rat intubated and anaesthetized with 2.5% isoflurane in 30%O2/70%N2O. The SC5600 thermovision camera equipped with a lens with focal length of 54 mm (angle field of view 10° x 8°) and a matrix of cooled detectors InSb 640x480 with a sensitivity of 25 mK was used to record changes in the temperature of the dura matter-covered cerebral cortex, supplied by the middle cerebral artery (MCA). The microflow was measured with a laser-Doppler flowmeter positioned in the same territory [4]. Changes in the microflow (LDF) were elicited either by the increase in CO2 content in the blood or by occlusion/reperfusion of the MCA. Increase in the LDF by 81% during hypercapnia (Fig. 3) was accompanied by the rise in the brain temperature by 0,9 ºC (Fig. 5). During decrease of the LDF by about 80% due to the occlusion of the MCA (Fig. 6), the temperature decreased on average by 0.5 ºC (Fig. 7). Reperfusion resulted in the hyperemia, which was demonstrated as the increase in the LDF by 300% in comparison with the pre-occlusion value and the rise in the brain temperature by 1,6 ºC (Fig. 7). Moreover, a significant correlation was found between the LDF and brain temperature changes (Fig. 8). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study which directly demonstrates a correlation between the microflow and temperature changes in the brain cortex

    Thermal imaging for intraoperative evaluation of metabolism and brain function – preliminary study

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    Analiza termiczna powierzchni kory mózgowej ma na celu wyznaczenie granic funkcjonalnie ważnego obszaru kory oraz określenie lokalizacji guzów mózgu zdiagnozowanych innymi metodami obrazowymi. Celem badań jest również znalezienie korelacji pomiędzy stanem klinicznym pacjenta a rejestrowanymi śródoperacyjnie zmianami temperatury powierzchni kory mózgowej. Doświadczenia wstępne przeprowadzone na szczurach miały na celu zbadanie korelacji zmian temperatury powierzchni mózgu ze zmianami mózgowego przepływu krwi. Mózgowy przepływ krwi mierzono za pomocą sondy laserowego przepływomierza dopplerowskiego zarówno w warunkach prawidłowych, jak i w czasie wymuszonych zmian ukrwienia mózgu.Thermal analysis of the cortex surface allows to determine the borders of its functionally important areas and to localize brain tumors that are diagnosed by other imaging methods. The goal of the research is also to check the correlation between the patient's clinical status and temperature changes of the brain surface. Preliminary study conducted on rats aimed to verify the hypothesis that changes in the barin surface temperature correlate with changes of microflow in the cerebral cortex. The microflow was measured with laser Doppler flowmeter both in physiological conditions and during forced changes in cerebral blood supply

    The origin of lactate in peritumoral edema as measured by proton-magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging

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    Using in vivo proton-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H-1-MRS), which allows the measurement of metabolites of adequate tissue concentration, the origin of lactate in peritumoral edema has been assessed by comparison with lactate levels in the central and marginal areas of the tumor in 18 patients with cerebral gliomas. In the majority of cases lactate content in the area of peritumoral edema was lower than that in the tumor margin or tumor center, which is consistent with the assumption that the tumor is the source of lactate, which then reaches the surrounding area of edema by diffusion. In 3 of the 18 cases the amount of lactate in the peritumoral edematous tissue was higher than in the tumor, indicating that the lactate is locally produced on account of ischemia due to regional elevation of tissue pressure in the edematous area

    Expression of annexin and Annexin-mRNA in rat brain under influence of steroid drugs

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    Brain tissue of rats pretreated with methylprednisolone or with the 21-aminosteroid U74389F, and that of untreated control rats, was assessed for the expression of Annexin-l (Anx-1) and the transcription of its mRNA. For this purpose Anx-1 cDNA was amplified and simultaneously a T7-RNA-polymerase promotor was incorporated into the cDNA using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Then digoxigenin-ll-UTP was incorporated into the transcribed cRNA with T7-RNA-polymerase. With this probe ill situ hybridization was carried out in sections of the brain. The probe was visualized by an immunoassay using an anti-digoxigenin antibody conjugate. Anx-1 protein was assessed by means of immunohistochemistry using a polyclonal antibody. The various brain areas of the control animals showed an appreciable amount of Anx-1 at mRNA or protein level; on the other hand, the animals which had been pretreated with either steroid, showed a more intense Anx-1 mRNA signal than the controls in many areas. In the pretreated animals Anx-1 immunostaining was unchanged in cortex, basal ganglia, amygdala and septum, but more intense in hippocampus, hypothalamus and thalamus. In ependyma, choroid plexus, meninges, and vascular walls there was no Anx-1 mRNA transcription detectable. An opposite profile was shown by the Anx-1 immunoreactivity, the protein was present in control animals as well as the steroid-pretreated animals, suggesting that here the protein was either from systemic origin, or has diffused from adjacent structures. The results indicate that Anx-1 mRNA transcription is upregulated by either steroid, and that in the untreated animals there is a resting level of Anx-1 mRNA transcription, presumably reflecting physiological influences on Anx-1 expression

    Chapter 5 - Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring during brainstem surgery

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    Brainstem surgery is challenging due to the high concentration of essential neural structures such as cranial nerve nuclei, sensorimotor and auditory pathways, as well as the reticular formation. Therefore, even a small injury to the brainstem can hinder the functional integrity of one or more of these neural pathways and result in neurological deficits. Intraoperative neurophysiology aims not merely to predict but also to prevent neurological injury, thanks to the tailored intraoperative use of standard clinical neurophysiological techniques such as electromyography, and somatosensory, brainstem auditory and motor evoked potentials. Monitoring these potentials allows to prevent an injury to the long pathways within the brainstem. In addition, mapping techniques provide functional identification of critical anatomical landmarks, whenever their visual identification is ambiguous, to select the safest entry route to the brainstem. In this chapter we critically review the various intyraoperative mapping and monitoring techniques that can be used during surgery for lesions in the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata