31 research outputs found

    Feasibility evaluation of construction methods specified in design documentation

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    W pracy przedstawiono propozycj臋 oceny rozwi膮za艅 projektowych (dokumentacji projektowej) pod wzgl臋dem technologiczno艣ci realizacji zaprojektowanych obiekt贸w, to jest pod wzgl臋dem mo偶liwo艣ci sprawnego i efektywnego wykonania zaprojektowanych budynk贸w, z uwzgl臋dnieniem podstawowych wymaga艅 technologiczno- organizacyjnych. Zaproponowano model oceny punktowej, uwzgl臋dniaj膮cy siedem zdefiniowanych kryteri贸w oceny i przeznaczony w szczeg贸lno艣ci dla oceny projekt贸w wielorodzinnych budynk贸w mieszkalnych.The evaluation of building design documentation is usually limited to consideration of cost and duration of works needed to execute a designed object. However, factors as safety of works, extent of mechanization of works, and other good or bad sides of construction methods needed to be implemented as per the analyzed design, are also considered, but normally without any measures. The method presented in this paper allows to evaluate the construction methods, as specified in the analyzed design documentation, using the points assigned to seven defined evaluation criteria. The final, total number of points represents the technological quality and feasibility of the construction processes and materials specified in the evaluated design documentation

    Influence of the Bioactive Diet Components on the Gene Expression Regulation

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    Diet bioactive components, in the concept of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics, consist of food constituents, which can transfer information from the external environment and influence gene expression in the cell and thus the function of the whole organism. It is crucial to regard food not only as the source of energy and basic nutriments, crucial for living and organism development, but also as the factor influencing health/disease, biochemical mechanisms, and activation of biochemical pathways. Bioactive components of the diet regulate gene expression through changes in the chromatin structure (including DNA methylation and histone modification), non-coding RNA, activation of transcription factors by signalling cascades, or direct ligand binding to the nuclear receptors. Analysis of interactions between diet components and human genome structure and gene activity is a modern approach that will help to better understand these relations and will allow designing dietary guidances, which can help maintain good health

    Optimization of Phenolic Compounds Extraction from Flax Shives and Their Effect on Human Fibroblasts

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate the most effective technique for extraction of phenolics present in flax shives and to assess their effect on human fibroblasts. Flax shives are by-products of fibre separation, but they were found to be a rich source of phenolic compounds and thus might have application potential. It was found that the optimal procedure for extraction of phenolics was hydrolysis enhanced by the ultrasound with NaOH for 24鈥塰 at 65掳C and subsequent extraction with ethyl acetate. The influence of the flax shives extract on fibroblast growth and viability was assessed using the MTT and SRB tests. Moreover, the influence of flax shives extract on the extracellular matrix remodelling process was verified. The 20% increase of the viability was observed upon flax shives extract treatment and the decrease of mRNA collagen genes, an increase of matrix metalloproteinase gene expression, and reduction in levels of interleukin 6, interleukin 10, and suppressor of cytokinin signaling 1 mRNA were observed. Alterations in MCP-1 mRNA levels were dependent on flax shives extract concentration. Thus, we suggested the possible application of flax shives extract in the wound healing process