25 research outputs found

    The effects of COVID-19 on New York State’s Drug User Health Hubs and syringe service programs: a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background Syringe service programs (SSPs) deliver critical harm reduction services to people who inject drugs (PWID). Some SSPs in New York State received enhanced funding to provide additional services to combat opioid overdose fatalities. These SSPs, known as Drug User Health Hubs, provide buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder and other health-related services in addition to their syringe services. While the COVID-19 pandemic posed widespread challenges to the delivery of health services nationwide, the effect of the pandemic on SSPs uniquely impacts PWID. This study examines the impact of COVID-19 on service delivery of Drug User Health Hubs and stand-alone SSPs in New York State. Methods Between July 2020 and September 2020, we performed eleven semi-structured virtual interviews with staff from three Health Hub SSPs and three stand-alone SSPs. The interviews explored the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on SSPs and their clients as well as the changes implemented in response. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. We performed content analysis to identify emerging themes from the data. Results Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some SSPs temporarily shut down while others limited their hours of operation. SSPs modified their service delivery to maintain syringe services and naloxone distribution over other services such as STI and HCV testing. They virtualized components of their services, including telemedicine for the provision of buprenorphine. While SSPs found virtualization to be important for maintaining their services, it negatively impacted the intimate nature of client interactions. Participants also described the impact of the pandemic on the well-being of PWID, including isolation, worsened mental health challenges, and increased drug overdoses. Conclusions In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, SSPs demonstrated innovation, adaptability, and togetherness. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, SSPs continued to be key players in maintaining access to sterile supplies, buprenorphine, and other services for PWID. In addition to adapting to COVID-19 restrictions, they also responded to the dynamic needs of their clients. Sustainable funding and recognition of the critical role of SSPs in supporting PWID can help to improve outcomes for PWID

    Can the 'Ending the HIV Epidemic' initiative transition the USA towards HIV/AIDS epidemic control?

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    : Using a dynamic HIV transmission model calibrated for six USA cities, we projected HIV incidence from 2020 to 2040 and estimated whether an established UNAIDS HIV epidemic control target could be met under ideal implementation of optimal combination strategies previously defined for each city. Four of six cities (Atlanta, Baltimore, New York City and Seattle) were projected to achieve epidemic control by 2040 and we identified differences in reaching epidemic control across racial/ethnic groups

    Comparing projected fatal overdose outcomes and costs of strategies to expand community-based distribution of naloxone in Rhode Island.

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    Importance: In 2021, the state of Rhode Island distributed 10 000 additional naloxone kits compared with the prior year through partnerships with community-based organizations. Question: What community-based naloxone distribution strategies would be the most effective and efficient in preventing opioid overdose deaths? Findings: In this decision analytical model study evaluating the distribution of 10 000 additional naloxone kits annually in Rhode Island, the strategy focusing on distribution of naloxone according to geographic need to people who inject drugs resulted in the best outcomes at the lowest cost, averting an estimated 25.3% of opioid overdose deaths at an incremental cost of $27 312 per opioid overdose death averted. Meaning: This study suggests that expanding naloxone distribution to people at highest risk for opioid overdose should be prioritized and that redirecting spatial distribution of naloxone to areas with the greatest need will improve both effectiveness and efficiency and reduce geospatial health inequality

    Responding to a surge in overdose deaths: perspectives from US syringe services programs

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    Abstract Background US overdose deaths have reached a record high. Syringe services programs (SSPs) play a critical role in addressing this crisis by providing multiple services to people who use drugs (PWUD) that help prevent overdose death. This study examined the perspectives of leadership and staff from a geographically diverse sample of US SSPs on factors contributing to the overdose surge, their organization’s response, and ongoing barriers to preventing overdose death. Methods From 2/11/2021 to 4/23/2021, we conducted semi-structured interviews with leadership and staff from 27 SSPs sampled from the North American Syringe Exchange Network directory. Interviews were transcribed and qualitatively analyzed using a Rapid Assessment Process. Results Respondents reported that increased intentional and unintentional fentanyl use (both alone and combined with other substances) was a major driver of the overdose surge. They also described how the COVID-19 pandemic increased solitary drug use and led to abrupt increases in use due to life disruptions and worsened mental health among PWUD. In response to this surge, SSPs have increased naloxone distribution, including providing more doses per person and expanding distribution to people using non-opioid drugs. They are also adapting overdose prevention education to increase awareness of fentanyl risks, including for people using non-opioid drugs. Some are distributing fentanyl test strips, though a few respondents expressed doubts about strips’ effectiveness in reducing overdose harms. Some SSPs are expanding education and naloxone training/distribution in the broader community, beyond PWUD and their friends/family. Respondents described several ongoing barriers to preventing overdose death, including not reaching certain groups at risk of overdose (PWUD who do not inject, PWUD experiencing homelessness, and PWUD of color), an inconsistent naloxone supply and lack of access to intranasal naloxone in particular, inadequate funding, underestimates of overdoses, legal/policy barriers, and community stigma. Conclusions SSPs remain essential in preventing overdose deaths amid record numbers likely driven by increased fentanyl use and COVID-19-related impacts. These findings can inform efforts to support SSPs in this work. In the face of ongoing barriers, support for SSPs—including increased resources, political support, and community partnership—is urgently needed to address the worsening overdose crisis