7 research outputs found

    Urban green infrastructure planning as a contribution to the smart ‘green’ city

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    The urban green infrastructure is getting due to the strong growth of the City of Vienna under increasing pressure. A foresighted planning of green and open spaces is necessary to obtain the different "Ecosytem Services" - provision-related services, regulatory services, cultural services and support services (MEA 2005). Additionally an increase in the number of hot days and thus an increase of the heat load in the city is predicted for Vienna (ZAMG 2012). Again, making a foresighted planning of green and open spaces is a significant contribution to meet these climatic challenges (Kuffner A. 2012, Hagen et al. 2010). Based on the concept of "green infrastructure" (Pauleit et al. 2011) and the ecosystem services of these, it is shown which contribution - in particular to reduce the heating of the city - they can make to the Smart City concept

    Escaping the Summer Heat – Revival Potential and Challenge of Near-Metropolitan Tourism Areas

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    To be economically successful in the future, alpine tourism in Austria must develop appropriate strategies to adapt to changing climate conditions. The revitalisation of the historic “Sommerfrische” represents one potential strategy for low-lying mountain destination close to urban agglomeration to benefit by the increase in urban heat days. Whether this potential exists on the demand side and how it can be tapped by the respective destinations on the supply side will be investigated throughout this project. For this purpose, a large scale survey will be conducted in Vienna. This paper focuses on the development process, which is informed by a range of quantitative and qualitative methods at the pre-survey stage. First results indicate that the potential exists, yet mainly for shorter, spontaneous trips, not necessarily labelled as “Sommerfrische”