6 research outputs found

    Internet of Things for Sustainable Human Health

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    The sustainable health IoT has the strong potential to bring tremendous improvements in human health and well-being through sensing, and monitoring of health impacts across the whole spectrum of climate change. The sustainable health IoT enables development of a systems approach in the area of human health and ecosystem. It allows integration of broader health sub-areas in a bigger archetype for improving sustainability in health in the realm of social, economic, and environmental sectors. This integration provides a powerful health IoT framework for sustainable health and community goals in the wake of changing climate. In this chapter, a detailed description of climate-related health impacts on human health is provided. The sensing, communications, and monitoring technologies are discussed. The impact of key environmental and human health factors on the development of new IoT technologies also analyzed

    Bioenergetics Approach to Modeling Striped Bass and Threadfin Shad Predator-Prey Dynamics in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona

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    An understanding of the mechanisms driving the cyclic relationship between piscivorous sport fish and their food base is needed in systems where predator and prey are tightly coupled. To understand the dynamics between striped bass Morone saxatilis and threadfin shad Dorosoma petenense in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona, we (1) synthesized and evaluated 20 years of historical data on temperature, diet, growth, and abundance of these fish, (2) collected similar data on a finer scale in 2003-2004, (3) used components of this data set to develop specific conversions between coarser historic data and present data, and (4) modeled striped bass and threadfin shad dynamics within a bioenergetics framework. We estimated the consumption of threadfin shad by age-0, subadult, and adult striped bass in Lake Powell from 1985 to 2003..