28 research outputs found


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    International audienceThe synoptic configurations of the particles pollution in Nice. During the first half of the year 2011 50 campaigns of itinerant measures of particles were led by bicycle in the city of Nice on the same route at the beginning of the morning. The averages calculated during every measure and for every size of particles (TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1) are discretized in 5 classes for which the average configurations of the meteorological variables arising out of NCEP reanalysis, and the most connected to this type of atmospheric pollution, are established. The results show a strong influence of the anticyclones centered over Western Europe.Au cours du premier semestre 2011 50 campagnes de mesures itinérantes de particules ont été conduites à vélo dans la ville de Nice sur le même parcours en début de matinée. Les moyennes calculées lors de chaque mesure et pour chaque taille de particules (TSP, PM10, PM2.5 et PM1) sont discrétisées en 5 classes pour lesquelles les configurations moyennes des variables météorologiques issues des réanalyses du NCEP, les plus liées à ce type de pollution atmosphérique, sont établies. Les résultats montrent une forte influence des dorsales anticycloniques centrées sur l'Europe de l'Ouest. Mots-clés : mesures itinérantes, particules, réanalyses NCEP, circulation atmosphérique

    Ozone spatialization in urban and hinterland areas

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    International audienceDespite the air-quality monitoring networks run by approved organizations, large numbers of areas in France suffer from a lack of information about air pollution levels. Pollutant modeling enables such information gaps to be filled, albeit with certain limits. The approach used in this article to model average ozone concentrations in the city of Nice is based on environmental regression. The variables used refer to urban morphology, topography and weather conditions. The resulting model allows 70% of spatial variations in ozone pollution in Nice to be explained


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    International audienceLe projet CASSANDRE a pour but d'anticiper l'évolution de la végétation dans les Alpes-Maritimes afin d'identifier les zones naturelles à protéger d'ici2100. La première étape consiste à régionaliser les sorties du modèle climatique ALADIN-Climat du CNRM afin de renseigner localement l'évolution attendue des précipitations et températures minimales et maximales à l'horizon de la fin du XXI ème siècle. En croisant des variables prédictives décrivant au mieux l'environnement physique avec les températures en sortie du modèle ALADIN-Climat, des modèles de régressions multiples sont établis mensuellement pour la période 1961-1990. Les résultats obtenus offrent des résidus acceptables au regard du changement d'échelle opéré (passage de 12 km de résolution à 90 m). Ainsi la même méthode est employée pour affiner la résolution spatiale des modélisations climatiques futures (2071-2100) selon les trois scénarios A2, A1B et B1. Mots-clés : modélisation climatique, descente d'échelle, régression environnementale Abstract: The CASSANDRE project aims at anticipating the vegetation evolution in the Alpes-Maritimes French region to identify natural areas to protect before 2100. The first step consists in regionalizing the outputs of the climate model ALADIN-Climat of the CNRM to locally evaluate the precipitations and the minimal and maximal temperatures trends at the end of the XXIst century. By crossing predictive variables that bestdescribe the physical environment with temperatures from the ALADIN-Climat model output, several models of multiple regressions are established monthly for the period 1961-1990. The obtained results give acceptable residues considering the scaling operated (from 12 km horizontal resolution to 90 m). Hence, the same method is used to refine the spatial resolution of the climatemodel simulated (2071-2100) according to three SRES scenarios A2, A1B and B1

    Pluri-annual bedload monitoring in a Mediterranean mountain stream prior and after a ~200-year flood

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    International audienceThe Roya is a 60 km-long semi-alluvial riverbed, with alpine/mountain influence upstream and Mediterranean influence downstream. It is characterized by steep and narrow gorges (mean slope: 3.2%) on long reaches, and a local wandering pattern when the narrow valley floodplain allows it (mean active width: 40 m). Sediment load on the catchment (area: 660 km2) comes from steep hillslopes mainly constituted of limestones, marls and flyschs, very sensitive to erosion. As in Mediterranean streams, hydrology is characterized by an acute contrast between low flows (mean daily flow: 12 m3/s; Q2 = 100 m3/s) and floods (max. known in 2019: 1130 m3/s). Because of its narrow floodplain and steep hillslopes, the Roya riverbed is mostly embanked. Despite several hydropower infrastructures, it is renowned because of its endemic trout population. We began a bedload monitoring in 2016, in order to assess 1/ sediment fluxes in a mountain Mediterranean stream and 2/ the link between hydrology and morphosedimentary evolutions of trout spawning areas, that displayed intriguing interannual spatial stability.An exceptional rainfall occurred on Oct. 2nd, 2020 on the Mediterranean Riviera region (max. 663 mm in 24h, return period ≥ 1000 years; CEREMA, 2021). With a maximum flow assessed between 1100 and 1800 m3/s (return period: between 100 and > 500-years; DDTM 06, ONF-RTM 06 & Inrae, 2022), the Roya experienced exceptional active width widening (W × 2.4, Melun et al., 2022) that generated human fatalities and huge infrastructure damage (approx. 1 billion euros worth).Based on bedload fluxes monitoring (RFID tracking and geophone) before, during and after the Oct. 2020 flood, this study contributes 1/ to define travel distances in a Mediterranean mountain stream, including a ~200-year flood, 2/ to understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of trout spawning areas and 3/ to develop a prospective conceptual model of sediment connectivity in the Roya catchment and stress few essential guidelines for the reconstruction of the valley. Fig.1. Roya Oct. 2020 flood kinetics from seismic analysis and rain/discharge simulation.ReferencesCEREMA (2021). RETEX technique ALEX - Inondations des 2 et 3 octobre 2020 - Expertise hydrologique – Rapport d’étape. Technical report (in French, hydrological expertise).DDTM 06, ONF-RTM 06, Inrae (2022). Retour d’expérience technique de la crue du 2 octobre 2020 dans la vallée de la Roya - Volet torrentiel. Technical report (in French, torrential expertise). https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nzwplHXasGfr4FF5W8hFpQkrPEMmCK1E?usp=sharing Melun G., Liébault F., Piton G., Chapuis M. and Passy P. (2022). Major floods of the Vésubie and Roya Rivers (Alps, France) in October 2020: hydrogeomorphological caracterisation and management perspectives. IS Rivers Conference, 4-8 July 2022, Lyon, France. https://www.graie.org/graie/graiedoc/doc_telech/isrivers2022/A5/A5_ISRivers22%20(3).pd


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    International audience– Malgré les réseaux de mesures gérés par les associations agréées à la surveillance de la qualité de l'air (AASQA) en France, de nombreux espaces souffrent d'un manque d'information sur les niveaux de pollution atmosphérique atteints. Le recours à la modélisation des polluants permet de combler, avec certaines limites, ces lacunes. La démarche employée dans cet article pour modéliser les concentrations d'ozone moyennes à Nice s'appuie sur la régression environnementale. Les prédicteurs retenus font référence à la morphologie urbaine, à la topographie et aux conditions météorologiques. Le modèle mis en place permet d'expliquer 70 % de la variabilité spatiale de la pollution par l'ozone dans la ville de Nice. Mots-clés : pollution atmosphérique, modélisation, régression multiple. Abstract – Ozone spatialisation in urban and surburban area. In spite of the networks of measures managed by associations approved the surveillance of the air quality in France numerous spaces suffer from a lack of information about the atmospheric levels of pollution reached. The recourse to the modelling of pollutants allows to fill, with certain limits, these gaps. The approach used on this article to model the average concentrations of ozone in Nice leans on the environmental regression. The reserved variables makes reference to the urban morphology, to the topography and to weather conditions. The set up model allows to explain 70% of the spatial variability of the pollution by the ozone in the city of Nice


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    International audienceDownscaling at fine spatial resolution of the current and future temperatures using statistical modeling of ALADIN-Climat outputs in the Alpes-Maritimes (France) The objective of this work consists in regionalizing the outputs of the model ALADIN-Climat of the CNRM to locally evaluate the minimal and maximal temperatures trends at the middle and at the end of the XXI st century. Crossing predictive variables that best describe the physical environment with temperatures from the ALADIN-Climat model output, several models of multiple regressions are established monthly for the period 1961-1990. The obtained results give acceptable residues considering the scaling operated (from 12 km horizontal resolution to 90 m). Hence, the same method is used to refine the spatial resolution of the climate model simulated (2021-2050 and 2071-2100) according to three SRES scenarios A2, A1B and B1.L'objectif de ce travail consiste à régionaliser les sorties du modèle ALADIN-Climat du CNRM afin de renseigner localement l'évolution attendue des températures minimales et maximales à l'horizon de la moitié et de la fin du XXI ème siècle. En croisant des variables prédictives décrivant au mieux l'environnement physique avec les températures en sortie du modèle ALADIN-Climat, des modèles de régressions multiples sont établis mensuellement pour la période 1961-1990. Les résultats obtenus offrent des résidus acceptables au regard du changement d'échelle opéré (passage de 12 km de résolution à 90 m). Ainsi, la même méthode est employée pour affiner la résolution spatiale des modélisations climatiques futures (2021-2050 et 2071-2100) selon les trois scénarios A2, A1B et B1. Mots-clés : modélisation climatique, descente d'échelle, régression environnementale


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    International audienceLe projet CASSANDRE a pour but d'anticiper l'évolution de la végétation dans les Alpes-Maritimes afin d'identifier les zones naturelles à protéger d'ici 2100. La première étape consiste à régionaliser les sorties du modèle climatique ARPEGE-Climat du CNRM afin de renseigner localement l'évolution attendue des températures minimales et maximales à l'horizon de la fin du XXI ème siècle. En croisant des variables prédictives décrivant au mieux l'environnement physique avec les températures en sortie du modèle ARPEGE-Climat, des modèles de régressions multiples sont établis mensuellement pour la période 1961-1990. Les résultats obtenus offrent des résidus acceptables au regard du changement d'échelle opéré (passage de 50 km de résolution à 1 km). Ainsi la même méthode est employée pour affiner la résolution spatiale des modélisations climatiques des Tn et Tx futures (2071-2100) selon les trois scénarios A2, A1B et B1. Mots-clés : Modélisation climatique, descente d'échelle, régression environnementale, température. Abstract: Regionalization of simulated temperatures over France for the period 2071-2100, using the ARPEGE-Climat model and the GES scenarios A1B, A2 and B1. The CASSANDRE project aims at anticipating the vegetation evolution in the Alpes-Maritimes French region to identify natural areas to protect before 2100. The first step consists in regionalizing the outputs of the climate model ARPEGE-Climat of the CNRM to locally evaluate the minimal and maximal temperatures trends at the end of the XXIst century. By crossing predictive variables that best describe the physical environment with temperatures from the ARPEGE-Climat model output, several models of multiple regressions are established monthly for the period 1961-1990. The obtained results give acceptable residues considering the scaling operated (from 50 km horizontal resolution to 1 km). Hence, the same method is used to refine the spatial resolution of the climate model simulated Tn and Tx (2071-2100) according to three SRES scenarios A2, A1B and B1

    Atlas climatique CASSANDRE

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    Cet atlas climatique regroupe les cartes élaborées dans le cadre du projet CASSANDRE : « Contribution à l’élaboration d’un système d’aide à la décision pour la gestion des espaces naturels : application à la constitution des trames vertes au regard du changement climatique et de la dynamique urbaine », financé par la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Cet atlas constitue le premier volet du projet et a été réalisé par l’UMR ESPACE du CNRS et de l’Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis. La deuxième phase du projet a été menée par le Centre de recherches sur les Risques et les Crises de l’École des Mines Paristech.Deux échelles spatiales ont été privilégiées pour aboutir à l’élaboration de cartes à 1 km et 90 m de résolution spatiale respectivement sur la France et plus localement centrées sur le département des Alpes-Maritimes. Les résultats exposés dans cet atlas, moyennes mensuelles climatiques des températures minimales et maximales et des précipitations pour les périodes 1961-1990, 2021-2050 et 2071-2100 pour trois scénarios d’évolution socio-économique et démographique (B1, A1B et A2), sont le fruit d’une étape de downscaling statistique élaborée à partir de sorties de modèles climatiques, ARPEGE-Climat et ALADIN-Climat. Les auteurs remercient Michel Déqué du CNRM pour la mise à disposition des modélisations climatiques. L’ensemble des explications sur la démarche suivie pour aboutir à ces cartes est disponible dans les publications suivantes :MARTIN Nicolas, CARREGA Pierre et ADNES Cyriel, 2013, "Downscaling a fine résolution spatiale des températures actuelles et futures par modélisation statistique des sorties ALADIN-Climat sur les Alpes-Maritimes (France)", Climatologie, volume 10 pp 51-72.MARTIN Nicolas, CARREGA Pierre, ADNES Cyriel 2013, "Downscaling statistique des températures et des précipitations 2071-2100 du modèle ALADIN-Climat pour les scénarios A1B, A2 et B1 dans les Alpes-Maritimes", Actes du XXVIème colloque AIC, Cotonou septembre 2013, pp 372-377.MARTIN Nicolas, CARREGA Pierre, ADNES Cyriel 2012, "Régionalisation des modélisations de températures en France pour la période 2071-2100 à partir du modèle ARPEGE-Climat pour les scénarios A1B, A2 et B1", Actes du XXVème colloque AIC, Grenoble septembre 2012, pp 505-510

    Experimental design to model infiltration into a water repellent soil using a crust-type infiltration equation

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    The combustion of vegetation during forest fires can lead to the condensation of hydrophobic compounds on mineral matter near the soil surface. The resulting water repellent layer then inhibits water infiltration by altering soil hydraulic conductivity and the water content–soil matric suction relationship. This situation resembles that of a crust or seal capped soil, where a thin layer of reduced hydraulic conductivity overlays a more permeable soil. Although the physical processes leading to a surface seal or crusted layer are different from those of a water repellent layer, the infiltration modelling approach can theoretically be the same, as would be the case for all layered soils. The objective of this study was to test the use of a crust type infiltration equation (IR=Kwl[(h0-ψ+Zwl)/Zwl]; where IR=Infiltration rate (cm h-1, Kwl=hydraulic conductivity of the water repellent layer (cm h-1), h0=depth of ponded water at surface (cm), ψ=sub-layer matric suction (-cm), Zwl=thickness of the water repellent layer (cm)) for water repellent conditions. The study was carried out by applying simulated rainfall on a column of soil with the following dimensions: column diameter=13 cm, soil depth within the column=10 cm, and an underlying coarse sand layer for drainage=10 cm. Runoff from the surface of the column was collected in a beaker that was weighed continuously at 30 s intervals. Instantaneous infiltration was considered equal to the difference between the applied rainfall (about 40 mm h-1) and runoff rates. The soil column was equipped with a tensiometer located near the centre of the column at a depth of 3 cm below the soil surface, and it measured soil matric suction at 30 s intervals. Before each simulation, a mass of oven dried pine needles was applied to the surface and burned in-situ. Different levels of water repellency were generated by varying the amount of pine needles burnt, and water drop penetration time (WDPT) measurements were carried out on all samples before rainfall application. Hence, a range of water repellent conditions was tested for which instantaneous infiltration and matric suction values were recorded. Water repellent layer depth was estimated using WDPT measurements at different depths on separate samples. These samples also served for aggregate stability samples. The infiltration model was then compared to measured values

    Conception d'une expérience pour modéliser l'infiltration dans un sol hydrophobe en utilisant une équation d'infiltration pour les croûtes

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    International audienceThe combustion of vegetation during forest fires can lead to the condensation of hydrophobic compounds on mineral matter near the soil surface. The resulting water repellent layer then inhibits water infiltration by altering soil hydraulic conductivity and the water content–soil matric suction relationship. This situation resembles that of a crust or seal capped soil, where a thin layer of reduced hydraulic conductivity overlays a more permeable soil. Although the physical processes leading to a surface seal or crusted layer are different from those of a water repellent layer, the infiltration modelling approach can theoretically be the same, as would be the case for all layered soils. The objective of this study was to test the use of a crust type infiltration equation (IR=Kwl[(h0-ψ+Zwl)/Zwl]; where IR=Infiltration rate (cm h-1, Kwl=hydraulic conductivity of the water repellent layer (cm h-1), h0=depth of ponded water at surface (cm), ψ=sub-layer matric suction (-cm), Zwl=thickness of the water repellent layer (cm)) for water repellent conditions. The study was carried out by applying simulated rainfall on a column of soil with the following dimensions: column diameter=13 cm, soil depth within the column=10 cm, and an underlying coarse sand layer for drainage=10 cm. Runoff from the surface of the column was collected in a beaker that was weighed continuously at 30 s intervals. Instantaneous infiltration was considered equal to the difference between the applied rainfall (about 40 mm h-1) and runoff rates. The soil column was equipped with a tensiometer located near the centre of the column at a depth of 3 cm below the soil surface, and it measured soil matric suction at 30 s intervals. Before each simulation, a mass of oven dried pine needles was applied to the surface and burned in-situ. Different levels of water repellency were generated by varying the amount of pine needles burnt, and water drop penetration time (WDPT) measurements were carried out on all samples before rainfall application. Hence, a range of water repellent conditions was tested for which instantaneous infiltration and matric suction values were recorded. Water repellent layer depth was estimated using WDPT measurements at different depths on separate samples. These samples also served for aggregate stability samples. The infiltration model was then compared to measured values