90 research outputs found

    Postawy rodzicielskie i komunikacja małżeńska rodziców dzieci chorych na cukrzycę typu 1

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    The study investigated the differences between parental attitudes and marital communication in families of children with type 1 diabetes. Two groups of parents (120 persons) from the Opole and Silesia regions were selected. The first one was the study group: 30 mothers and 30 fathers, staying in marital union, who bring up diabetic child/children with at least 5-year period of the disease. The other one was the control group: 30 mothers and 30 fathers, staying in marital union, who bring up offspring with no chronic disease. The children were from 5 to 18 years old.The results have indicated that diabetics' mothers accept their children less than mothers of healthy children do, but at the same time they are more protective towards their offspring than women from the control group. Their parenting is also more inconsistent than with the fathers of diabetics and parents of healthy children. Fathers of diabetics show a less accepting attitude towards their children than the fathers of healthy children. They also give their children more freedom than the fathers from the control group and than the mothers of diabetics, who are not different in this respect from the mothers of healthy children. The analysis of the marital communication indicates that the fathers of diabetics consider themselves to be less supportive towards their wives than the fathers from the control group. At the same time, they evaluate their wives' supportiveness, involvement and disapproval similarly to the fathers of healthy children, and no significant differences were found between the groups of males in their partners' evaluation. The assessment of marital communication in all three areas is similar for mothers in both study group and control group. However, the former perceive their husbands to be less supportive and less involved in the relationship than the women in the control group

    Hormonal contraception in patients with epilepsy

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    Hormonal contraception in patients with epilepsy

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate hormonal contraception use in women with epilepsy and to assess the risk of potential interactions between contraceptives and antiepileptic drugs (AEDs).  Material and methods: Data on hormonal contraception were obtained prospectively in women of childbearing age treated in the university epilepsy clinic.  Results: We evaluated 334 women with epilepsy (mean age 30.2 years). The majority of patients took one AED (193, 58%); the most commonly prescribed AEDs were: valproate, levetiracetam or lamotrigine. Hormonal contraception was used by 19 (5.7%) of all women of childbearing age. Only 7 patients (37%) of all those using hormonal contraception used prepa- rations that did not interact with AEDs; what is more 145 (46%) patients who did not use hormonal contraception were prescribed AEDs with high teratogenic potential (valproate or/and topiramate).  Conclusions: A very small percentage of women with epilepsy of childbearing potential used hormonal contraception. More than a half of that group simultaneously took AEDs that may interact with oral contraceptives. A large proportion of women taking AEDs with high teratogenic potential were not using hormonal contraception. As interaction between OC and AEDs are common, nonhormonal, highly effective methods, such as IUDs, may be ideal for women with epilepsy. The results of the study indicate the need for closer cooperation between neurologist and gynecologist caring for women with epilepsy

    Psychological aspects of functioning family system of a child with diabetes type 1

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    Przedmiotem artykułu jest oparta na teorii stresu psychologicznego analiza wpływu cukrzycy typu 1 u dziecka na system rodzinny. Autorka uznając specyfikę choroby za stresor niejednorodny oraz chroniczny, przedstawia w oparciu o dostępną literaturę przedmiotu fazy funkcjonowania systemu rodzinnego od momentu diagnozy, poprzez leczenie, aż do uzyskania stanu równowagi. Akcentuje znaczenie pomocy terapeutycznej dla rodziny szczególnie w sytuacji, gdy choroba staje się stresorem tak silnie traumatycznym, że przekracza możliwości adaptacji systemu rodzinnego.The aim of the article is to present, on the basis of the available subject literature, the psychological aspects of a functioning family system of a child with diabetes type 1, on various stages of the development of family life. The analysis of the impact of diabetes on the family system has been based on the theory of stress – child diabetes has been defined as a family system stressor. However, taking into consideration the specific character and complexity of the disease, it cannot be classified to only one category of stressors. The diagnosis of the disease or of its complications, and the threat to life connected with it may be, in some circumstances, a traumatic stressor to the family system. The child’s disease influences all family life events and, on the other hand, it evokes some of them (e. g. periodical hospitalisation). In this way it becomes a life event stressor. Everyday self-control of diabetic and all daily difficulties connected with it, make the disease a chronic stressor that can be defined as daily hassle

    Comparison of depressive, anxiety, and somatic symptoms in patients with essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, and myelofibrosis treated with interferon alpha

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    Introduction: The study aims to analyze the occurrence of depression, anxiety, and somatic symptoms in patients with chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms (essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, and myelofibrosis) and to check whether individual side effects of interferon alpha treatment may contribute to the occurrence of depression, anxiety, and somatic symptoms. In addition, it was decided to check whether there were any relationships between age, gender, duration of treatment, and the intensity of anxiety, divided by the occurrence of individual side effects. Material and methods: The study involved 84 patients and was conducted at the Hematology Clinic of the University Hospital in Krakow and the Clinic of Hematology, Blood Cancer and Bone Marrow Transplantation in Wrocław. The following questionnaires were used: created by the author, David Goldberg General Health Questionnaire 28 (GHQ-28), and the Four-Dimensional Questionnaire (4DSQ). Results: The most frequently reported side effects of treatment were abdominal pain, fatigue, and bone and joint pain. Almost 40% of the respondents obtained a moderately and strongly increased result on the depression scale, less than 50% on the anxiety scale, and over 60% on the somatization scale. Somatic symptoms had the greatest impact on the occurrence of mental disorders, with anxiety symptoms being second in significance. There are differences in the severity of depressive, anxiety, and somatic symptoms depending on the side effects of interferon alpha treatment. Conclusions: The finding of the above study indicates the need for further research into the importance of detecting depressive, anxiety, and somatic disorders, and to addressing concomitant physical symptoms, both in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms receiving interferon alpha and treated with other methods. In patients treated chronically, the occurrence of side effects of high intensity and lasting for a long time should alert medical personnel. The collected data on patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms who have to suffered from mental and physical symptoms of the disease or its treatment justifies the need for caring psychological, psychiatric, and educational care

    Letter to Editor : possession-unraveled

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    Traumatic childhood sexual events and secondary sexual health complaints in neurotic disorders

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    Aim. Assessment of the association between self-reported sexual complaints and recalled childhood sexual adversities in a sample of psychotherapy patients. Material and methods. Coexistence of memories concerning traumatic events and minor sexual adversities and the currently present symptoms were analyzed on the basis of KO”0” Symptom Checklist and Life Inventory completed prior to treatment in the day hospital for neurotic disorders. Questionnaires from 3929 psychotherapy patients were analyzed. Logistic regression analyses were performed on biographical and symptom items. Odds ratios for men and women were determined separately. Results. Associations between sexual adverse events, and current sexual health complaints, as estimated by OR coefficients, showed to be statistically significant. In the subgroups of patients who reported two categories of sexual adversities e.g. were both punished for masturbation and were not educated about sex, the risk of sexual complaints was further increased. Discussion. Both self-reported traumatic sexual events and sexual problems are quite common in the patient population and are strongly associated. Our study has replicated other’s findings in a large sample of outpatients suffering from neurotic disorders. Conclusions. Deficits in sex education, the trauma of incest, punishment for sexual play or masturbation, or too early or unwanted sexual initiation, are important risk factors of sexual symptoms accompanying neurotic syndromes. Results strongly suggest that studies focusing on the effects of sexual traumatic events should take into consideration the co-occurrence of multiple adversities

    Applicability of Polish adaptation of MMPI-2 questionnaire in diagnosis and monitoring of psychotherapy effectiveness of patients with neurotic and personality disorders

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    Artykuł opisuje przeprowadzenie pionierskiego w Polsce badania z zastosowaniem nowej polskiej wersji Minnesockiego Wielowymiarowego Kwestionariusza Osobowości. Okazał się on użytecznym narzędziem w monitorowaniu procesu psychoterapii pacjentów cierpiących z powodu zaburzeń nerwicowych i zaburzeń osobowości, co wydaje się szczególnie istotne z punktu widzenia planowania follow-up i badań międzyośrodkowych.Development by the Psychological Test Laboratory of the Polish Psychological Association the first fully standardized version of the questionnaire MMPI-2 has opened the possibility of conducting with its use pioneering research in the clinical context in Polish population of patients with neurotic and personality disorders. The conducted research has shown that in the majority of patients eligible for treatment for neurotic and personality disorders in measurement obtained at the beginning of therapy the results indicating neurotic symptoms and disturbance of personality functioning are significantly higher than in the healthy population. Polish version of the MMPI-2 proved to be in this respect a useful tool in the diagnosis of neurotic and personality disorders. As a result of group psychotherapy with elements of individual psychotherapy in most patients profound reduction in the level of neurotic symptoms as well as deep positive change in personality functioning have been observed. Application of the new Polish version of MMPI-2 proved to be useful in monitoring the psychotherapy process of patients suffering from neurotic disorders and personality disorders, which seems to be particularly important from the point of view of planning the follow-up and multi-center research

    Symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) in patients treated for depressive disorders

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) and severity of depressive symptoms in patients treated for depression. Method: 102 patients (43 males, 59 females) aged 20–67 (M = 46.1±11,3) treated for depression were included in this cross-sectional analysis. OAB symptoms were examined with the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Overactive Bladder Module (ICIQOAB). OAB-related quality of life was assessed with the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Overactive Bladder Quality of Life Module (ICIQ-OABqol). Depressive symptoms were assessed with the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology - Self Report (QIDS-SR). Results: Symptoms of OAB assessed with IPSS and ICIQ-OAB were more severe in women than in men. In the entire group highest scores in IPSS of assessed OAB symptoms were observed in nocturia (1,53±1,64) followed by urinary frequency (1,19±1,48) and lowest in urgency (0,80±1,28). Symptoms of OAB (based on the ICIQOABqol total score) were more bothersome in women (48,74±29,18), than in men (39,18±17,70). In the whole group and in women the QIDS-SR total score correlated with the ICIQ-OAB score ( p < 0,05). The total QIDS-SR score correlated with the ICIQ-OABqol score in entire group (p < 0,05), in women (p < 0,05) and in men (p < 0,05). Patients suffering from at least moderate depression assessed with QIDS-SR had significantly more pronounced symptoms of urinary frequency (p = 0,005) and urgency (p = 0,039). A number of other significant (p < 0.05) correlations were observed between the total ICIQ-OAB score and certain items’ scores in the GHQ-30 both in women. Conclusions: OAB symptoms are common among patients treated for depressive disorders. There is a correlation between severity of depressive symptoms and OAB. OAB is bothersome and affects the quality of life in patients treated for depression. Comorbidity of OAB and depression has clinical significance and that should enhance interdisciplinary treatment approaches. Due to limitations of this study, further researches are essential to reveal more details of the correlation between OAB and depression