262 research outputs found

    Single fluorescence probes along the reactive center loop reveal site-specific changes during the latency transition of PAI-1

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    © 2015 The Protein Society The serine protease inhibitor (serpin), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), is an important biomarker for cardiovascular disease and many cancers. It is therefore a desirable target for pharmaceutical intervention. However, to date, no PAI-1 inhibitor has successfully reached clinical trial, indicating the necessity to learn more about the mechanics of the serpin. Although its kinetics of inhibition have been extensively studied, less is known about the latency transition of PAI-1, in which the solvent-exposed reactive center loop (RCL) inserts into its central β-sheet, rendering the inhibitor inactive. This spontaneous transition is concomitant with a large translocation of the RCL, but no change in covalent structure. Here, we conjugated the fluorescent probe, NBD, to single positions along the RCL (P13-P5′) to detect changes in solvent exposure that occur during the latency transition. The results support a mousetrap-like RCL-insertion that occurs with a half-life of 1–2 h in accordance with previous reports. Importantly, this study exposes unique transitions during latency that occur with a half-life of ∼5 and 25 min at the P5′ and P8 RCL positions, respectively. We hypothesize that the process detected at P5′ represents s1C detachment, while that at P8 results from a steric barrier to RCL insertion. Together, these findings provide new insights by characterizing multiple steps in the latency transition

    Role of a carboxyl-terminal helix in the assembly, interchain interactions, and stability of aspartate transcarbamoylase

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    The six individual catalytic polypeptide chains within the two catalytic trimers of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase; EC are folded into two discrete structural domains interconnected in part by helix 12, which comprises residues 285-305 and is located near the carboxyl terminus of the chain. The essential role of this helix in folding of the chains and their assembly into ATCase was demonstrated by introducing a stop codon at the position corresponding to amino acid 284, 291, or 299. Cells containing these mutations are pyrimidine auxotrophs lacking ATCase-like protein in cell extracts. In contrast, stable active enzyme is formed from chains truncated at position 306 or 307, showing that all 310 amino acids are not required for assembly. Replacements of Gin-288, Asn-291, Arg-296, and Ala-298 were introduced to assess the effect of alterations within helix 12 on protein stability. Stability of the trimers was measured both by differential scanning microcalorimetry and by the rate of exchange of chains at 4°C when mutant trimers were incubated with suecinylated wild-type trimers. Melting temperatures of the mutant trimers spanned a range of more than 20°C, with a few higher and others lower than that of wild-type trimers. Large changes in interchain interaction energies were observed for the trimers, but there was no direct correlation between the ease of dissociation of the trimers and their thermal stability. Calorimetry on the mutant holoenzymes revealed alterations in the interactions between trimers and regulatory subunits within the intact enzymes. The striking changes in stability of both trimers and holoenzymes demonstrated that effects of relatively localized amino acid replacements in helix 12 are manifested by indirect global alterations propagated throughout the structure

    Native and multimeric vitronectin exhibit similar affinity for heparin: Differences in heparin binding properties induced upon denaturation are due to self-association into a multivalent form

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    For many years, the concept that the heparin-binding sequence is sequestered within vitronectin and exposed upon denaturation of the protein has guided experimental design and interpretation of related structure- function studies on the protein. To evaluate binding of heparin to both native and denatured/renatured vitronectin, methods for monitoring binding in solution have been developed. A fluorescence method based on changes in an extrinsic probe attached to heparin has been used to evaluate heparin binding to native and denatured/renatured vitronectin. This approach indicates that there are not major differences in intrinsic heparin-binding affinities between native and renatured protein and invalidate the currently accepted model for a cryptic heparin-binding sequence in the protein. Denaturation and renaturation of vitronectin under near physiological solution conditions is accompanied invariably by self-association of the protein into a multimeric form (Zhuang, P., Blackburn, M. N., and Peterson, C. B. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 14323-14332), resulting in exposure of multiple heparin-binding sites on the surface of the oligomer. On the basis of the binding data from solution studies and interaction of the native monomer and the denatured multimeric form of vitronectin with a heparin column, along with evaluation of the ionic strength dependence of heparin binding to these vitronectin forms in solution, an alternative model is favored to account for the altered heparin binding properties of vitronectin associated with denaturation of the protein. This model proposes that multivalent interactions between heparin and multimeric vitronectin are responsible for differences in heparin affinity chromatography and ionic strength dependence compared with the native protein

    Characterization of the denaturation and renaturation of human plasma vitronectin I. Biophysical characterization of protein unfolding and multimerization

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    Upon treatment with denaturing agents, vitronectin has been observed to exhibit conformational alterations which are similar to the structural changes detected when vitronectin binds the thrombin-antithrombin complex or associates with the terminal attack complex of complement. Denaturation and renaturation of vitronectin isolated from human plasma were characterized by changes in intrinsic fluorescence. Unfolding by chemical denaturants was irreversible and accompanied by self-association of the protein to form vitronectin multimers. Self-association was evaluated by equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation which demonstrated that multimers form only during the refolding process after removal of denaturant, that multimeric vitronectin dissociates to constituent subunits readily upon treatment with chemical denaturant, and that intermolecular disulfide cross-linking occurs primarily at the dimer level among a subset of constituent vitronectin subunits within the multimer. The monomeric form of vitronectin isolated from human plasma partially unfolds at intermediate concentrations of denaturant to an altered conformation with a high propensity to associate into multimers. Folding of vitronectin in vivo appears to be regulated by partitioning of folding intermediates toward either of two conformations, one that exists as a stable monomer and another that associates into a multimeric form

    The solution structure of the N-terminal domain of human vitronectin: Proximal sites that regulate fibrinolysis and cell migration

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    The three-dimensional structure of an N-terminal fragment comprising the first 51 amino acids from human plasma vitronectin, the somatomedin B (SMB) domain, has been determined by two-dimensional NMR approaches. An average structure was calculated, representing the overall fold from a set of 20 minimized structures. The core residues (18-41) overlay with a root mean square deviation of 2.29 ± 0.62 Å. The N- and C-terminal segments exhibit higher root mean square deviations, reflecting more flexibility in solution and/or fewer long-range NOEs for these regions. Residues 26-30 form a unique single-turn α-helix, the locus where plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) is bound. This structure of this helix is highly homologous with that of a recombinant SMB domain solved in a co-crystal with PAI-1 (Zhou, A., Huntington, J. A., Pannu, N. S., Carrell, R. W., and Read, R. J. (2003) Nat. Struct. Biol. 10, 541-544), although the remainder of the structure differs. Significantly, the pattern of disulfide cross-links observed in this material isolated from human plasma is altogether different from the disulfides proposed for recombinant forms. The NMR structure reveals the relative orientation of binding sites for cell surface receptors, including an integrin-binding site at residues 45-47, which was disordered and did not diffract in the co-crystal, and a site for the urokinase receptor, which overlaps with the PAI-1-binding site

    Distinct encounter complexes of PAI-1 with plasminogen activators and vitronectin revealed by changes in the conformation and dynamics of the reactive center loop

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    © 2015 The Protein Society Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is a biologically important serine protease inhibitor (serpin) that, when overexpressed, is associated with a high risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer metastasis. Several of its ligands, including vitronectin, tissue-type and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (tPA, uPA), affect the fate of PAI-1. Here, we measured changes in the solvent accessibility and dynamics of an important unresolved functional region, the reactive center loop (RCL), upon binding of these ligands. Binding of the catalytically inactive S195A variant of tPA to the RCL causes an increase in fluorescence, indicating greater solvent protection, at its C-terminus, while mobility along the loop remains relatively unchanged. In contrast, a fluorescence increase and large decrease in mobility at the N-terminal RCL is observed upon binding of S195A-uPA to PAI-1. At a site distant from the RCL, binding of vitronectin results in a modest decrease in fluorescence at its proximal end without restricting overall loop dynamics. These results provide the new evidence for ligand effects on RCL conformation and dynamics and differences in the Michaelis complex with plasminogen activators that can be used for the development of more specific inhibitors to PAI-1. This study is also the first to use electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to investigate PAI-1 dynamics. Significance: Balanced blood homeostasis and controlled cell migration requires coordination between serine proteases, serpins, and cofactors. These ligands form noncovalent complexes, which influence the outcome of protease inhibition and associated physiological processes. This study reveals differences in binding via changes in solvent accessibility and dynamics within these complexes that can be exploited to develop more specific drugs in the treatment of diseases associated with unbalanced serpin activity

    Assignment of the four disulfides in the N-terminal somatomedin B domain of native vitronectin isolated from human plasma

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    The primary sequence of the N-terminal somatomedin B (SMB) domain of native vitronectin contains 44 amino acids, including a framework of four disulfide bonds formed by 8 closely spaced cysteines in sequence patterns similar to those found in the cystine knot family of proteins. The SMB domain of vitronectin was isolated by digesting the protein with endoproteinase Glu-C and purifying the N-terminal 1-55 peptide by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Through a combination of techniques, including stepwise reduction and alkylation at acidic pH, peptide mapping with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry and NMR, the disulfide bonds contained in the SMB domain have been determined to be Cys5:Cys9, Cys 19:Cys31, Cys21:Cys32, and Cys 25:Cys39. This pattern of disulfides differs from two other connectivities that have been reported previously for recombinant forms of the SMB domain expressed in Escherichia coli. This arrangement of disulfide bonds in the SMB domain from native vitronectin forms a rigid core around the Cys19: Cys31 and Cys21:Cys32 disulfides. A small positively charged loop is created at the N terminus by the Cys5: Cys9 cystine. The most prominent feature of this disulfide-bonding pattern is a loop between Cys25 and Cys 39 similar to cystine-stabilized α-helical structures commonly observed in cystine knots. This α-helix has been confirmed in the solution structure determined for this domain using NMR (Mayasundari, A., Whittemore, N. A., Serpersu, E. H., and Peterson, C. B. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 29359-29366). It confers function on the SMB domain, comprising the site for binding to plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 and the urokinase receptor

    Characterization of the denaturation and renaturation of human plasma vitronectin II. Investigation into the mechanism of formation of multimers

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    Unfolding and refolding of plasma vitronectin appear irreversible under near physiological conditions, with rearrangements of disulfides and self-association to a multimeric form observed as prominent structural alterations which accompany denaturation. A mechanism for the folding reactions of vitronectin has been proposed (Zhuang, P., Blackburn, M. NPeterson, C. B. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 14323-14332) in which vitronectin acquires a partially folded intermediate structure which is highly prone to oligomerize into a multimeric form. Strongly oxidizing conditions adopted for refolding from urea were effective at preventing disulfide rearrangement which disrupts distal disulfides near the C terminus of the protein. Prohibiting disulfide rearrangement under these conditions, however, was not sufficient to achieve reversibility in folding. In contrast, variations in the ionic strength of the refolding medium affect the partitioning of species so that refolded monomers are obtained at high ionic strength, and self-association is precluded. The effects of ionic strength on the partially folded intermediate in the vitronectin folding pathway appear to favor intramolecular hydrophobic collapse to form a stable hydrophobic core for the monomer versus intermolecular hydrophobic interactions which stabilize multimeric vitronectin. Although both ionic and hydrophobic interactions presumably contribute to subunit interfaces within the multimer, the basic heparin-binding region near the C terminus of the protein does not provide binding interactions which are important for self-association of vitronectin

    The use of fluorescent probes to characterize conformational changes in the interaction between vitronectin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1

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    Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), the primary inhibitor of tissue-type plasminogen activator and urokinase, is known to convert readily to a latent form by insertion of the reactive center loop into a central β- sheet. Interaction with vitronectin stabilizes PAI-1 and decreases the rate of conversion to the latent form, but conformational effects of vitronectin on the reactive center loop of PAI-1 have not been documented. Mutant forms of PAI-1 were designed with a cysteine substitution at either position P1\u27 or P9 of the reactive center loop. Labeling of the unique cysteine with a sulfhydryl-reactive fluorophore provides a probe that is sensitive to vitronectin binding. Results indicate that the scissile P1-P1\u27 bond of PAI-1 is more solvent exposed upon interaction with vitronectin, whereas the N- terminal portion of the reactive loop does not experience a significant change in its environment. These results were complemented by labeling vitronectin with an arginine-specific coumarin probe which compromises heparin binding but does not interfere with PAI-1 binding to the protein. Dissociation constants of approximately 100 nM are calculated for the vitronectin/PAI-1 interaction from titrations using both fluorescent probes. Furthermore, experiments in which PAI-1 failed to compete with heparin for binding to vitronectin argue for separate binding sites for the two ligands on vitronectin
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