16 research outputs found

    Clinical performance of p16<sup>INK4a</sup>, Ki-67 and p53 immunostaining in relationship to FIGO stage III or more severe (FIGO III+) and FIGO II+.

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    <p>Se = sensitivity, Sp = specificity, YI = Youden's Index (Sp+Se−100%).</p>*<p>Highlighted with bold font are the cut point combinations of p16<sup>INK4a</sup> and Ki-67 that are most accurate (highest Youden's Index) for consensus diagnosis of FIGO II+.</p

    Ki-67 expression.

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    <p>A, B and C: control epithelium; D, E and F: invasive cervical cancer epithelium. (A) Negative; (B) Strict positive stain in the basal layer; (C) positive stain in the basal and intermediate layer; (D) less than 25% of positive cells all over the epithelium; (E) 25–50% of positive cells all over the epithelium; (F) more than 50% of positive cells all over the epithelium (DAB, brown stain; Mag. 40×).</p

    P16<sup>ink4a</sup> expression.

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    <p>A: control epithelium; B, C, D, E and F: invasive cervical cancer epithelium. (A) Negative; (B) Focal moderate nuclear and cytoplasmatic expression; (C) Diffuse weak nuclear and cytoplasmatic expression; (D) Diffuse moderate cytoplasmatic expression; (E) Diffuse strong nuclear and cytoplasmatic expression; (F) Negative (DAB, brown stain; Mag. 40×).</p

    P53 expression.

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    <p>A, B, C and D: invasive cervical cancer epithelium. (A) negative; (B) less than 5% nuclear stain positivity; (C) 5% to 25% nuclear stain positivity; (D) higher than 25% (FastRed, red stain; Mag 40×, Fig A Mag.20×).</p

    Crude table showing the % of stained cells in the cervical epithelium.

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    *<p>Dunn's test for multiple comparisons: revealed significant differences among normal controls compared with low CIN, High grade CIN and invasive tumor; and between low CIN compared to invasive tumor.</p><p>Moreover significant differences were found among Invasive tumor and control, High grade CIN and control. Low grade CIN and control, invasive tumor and low grade CIN and between invasive tumor and high grade CIN.</p