14 research outputs found

    Emotional Intelligence as a Recipe for Political Leaders? Adaptation of Goleman’s Bussiness Leadership Theory into Politics

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    Przywództwo polityczne uwarunkowane jest tradycją demokratyczną, krzyżu-jącymi się interesami różnych grup społecznych czy wyznaczaniem standardów przez media. W dobie „fabrykowanych wizerunków” coraz większą rolę od-grywa dopasowanie stylu kierowania państwem do potrzeb wyborców. Badania przeprowadzone na grupie liderów biznesu wskazują, że największą sku-teczność odnoszą liderzy o rozbudowanej inteligencji emocjonalnej (IE). Artykuł przedstawia adaptację teorii przywództwa, opracowanej w kontekście biznesu w odniesieniu do polityki. Międzykulturowe badania empiryczne (Polska, Szwajcaria, Gruzja) pokazują, że jakkolwiek mogą istnieć różnice wzorów per-cepcji i preferencji stylów przewodzenia, to w polityce –podobnie jak w bizne-sie – najmniejsze poparcie zyskują liderzy o stylu nakazowym, a największe – liderzy jednoczący, demokratyczni, wychowawczy czy autorytatywni. Rozpo-znanie roli IE i oczekiwań wyborców może m.in. pomóc w rozwoju kompetencji przywódców i ich właściwym pozycjonowaniu w kampaniach.Political leadership depends on democratic tradition, crossed interests of dif-ferent social groups or media influence. In the “age of manufactured images”, response to voters’ needs remains crucial. According to business theories of leadership, the most effective leaders are these who master emotional intelli-gence (EI) abilities. The paper tries to adapt business leadership theory to poli-tics. Cross-cultural studies conducted in Poland, Switzerland and Georgia show that, however profiles of perception and preferences of leadership styles might differ within the level of democracy maturity, in politics -as well as in business- coercive leaders gain the lowest support contrary to strongly sup-ported democratic, affiliative, coaching or authoritative leaders. Understand-ing of EI role and voters’ needs might be helpful in developing leaders’ skills and their proper positioning in political campaigns

    Negatywne polityczne banery internetowe: badania eksperymentalne

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    Modern and technologically advanced political marketing campaigns are making increasing use of the Internet. Although now one can observe a growing interest in particular in Web 2.0 (social networking, YouTube, etc.), it is also the “old” online tools (e.g. banner ads) which play an important role in marketing strategies. The article presents the results of an experiment whose purpose was to evaluate the effect of a negative political banner on the image and support for the attacked party. The results indicate that the negative banners decrease ratings of the attacked party image. However, these changes depend on both the intentionality use of the particular Web page on which a banner was placed, as well as on the level of Internet “experience” of affected individuals.Nowoczesne i technologicznie zaawansowane polityczne kampanie marketingowe w coraz większym stopniu wykorzystują możliwości Internetu. Chociaż obecnie szczególnie wzrasta zainteresowanie Web 2.0 (sieci społecznościowe, YouTube, itp.), to jednak również „stare” online’owe narzędzia Internetowe są istotnym elementem strategii marketingowych. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki eksperymentu testującego skuteczność negatywnego baneru politycznego w zmianie ocen wizerunku i poparcia dla zaatakowanej w nim partii. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że negatywne banery obniżają oceny wizerunku zaatakowanej partii. Przy czym zmiany te zależą zarówno od intencjonalności korzystania ze strony Web, na której umieszczony był baner, jak również od internetowego „doświadczenia” badanych

    The role of conspiracy mentality, reactance, and anxiety in gain- vs. loss-framed promotion of COVID-19 protective measures: Is vaccination different?

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    <p>Data set and materials for <strong>The role of conspiracy mentality, reactance, and anxiety in gain- vs. loss-framed promotion of COVID-19 protective measures: Is vaccination different?</strong></p&gt

    Information Society and Cognitive Constructivism in Forming the Image of Reality and Decision Making

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    Contemporary development of information technology is this stage of civilization called information society in which human learns to transform information into the knowledge. An advantage of this stage is that it allows to effectively adapt to rapidly changing economical and political situations. However, its uncontrolled effect is the phenomena of creating the „virtual reality”. In such reality the information is constructs the illusions and artificial worlds in the human mind. The research on perceptual and memory processes uncovers the mechanisms of such construction which are often used to control the consumer and voter choice in economic and political market. The paper presents some examples of such control in both, the investment behavior on stock market, and the voter behavior under the influence of the negative political campaigns. The analyses of this controlled behavior in the light of cognitive mechanism of information processing allow to look differently on the classic notions of truth and freedom in decision making

    Fear of Coronavirus and Forbid/Allow Asymmetry as Determinants of Acceptance of COVID-19 Pandemic Related Restrictions and Persistence of Attitudes Towards These Regulations

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    In this study (N = 110) factors influencing formation of attitudes toward COVID-19 related restrictions as well as factors influencing stability or change of these attitudes were tested. Specifically, the study concentrated on two possible determinants of formation and changing attitudes toward COVID-19 related restrictions – fear of coronavirus and presenting restriction in forbid vs. allow frames. A restriction presented in the forbid frame was rejected more strongly than a restriction presented in the allow frame. For changing attitudes, a mere thought paradigm was used. This activity was not able to change these negative attitudes toward a forbid framed restriction. A higher level of fear of coronavirus was related to a more positive (or rather – less negative) attitude toward an allow framed restriction and allows this attitude to be changed to be more supportive of restrictions than initially. Moreover, the effect of fear was partially mediated by the changes in the confidence of initial attitude inconsistent thoughts

    Methylene Blue—Current Knowledge, Fluorescent Properties, and Its Future Use

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    Methylene blue is a fluorescent dye discovered in 1876 and has since been used in different scientific fields. Only recently has methylene blue been used for intraoperative fluorescent imaging. Here, the authors review the emerging role of methylene blue, not only as a dye used in clinical practice, but also as a fluorophore in a surgical setting. We discuss the promising potential of methylene blue together with the challenges and limitations among specific surgical techniques. A literature review of PubMed and Medline was conducted based on the historical, current and future usage of methylene blue within the field of medicine. We reviewed not only the current usage of methylene blue, but we also tried to grasp its’ function as a fluorophore in five main domains. These domains include the near-infrared imaging visualization of ureters, parathyroid gland identification, pancreatic tumors imaging, detection of breast cancer tumor margins, as well as breast cancer sentinel node biopsy. Methylene blue is used in countless clinical procedures with a relatively low risk for patients. Usage of its fluorescent properties is still at an early stage and more pre-clinical, as well as clinical research, must be performed to fully understand its potentials and limitations