20 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Metallurgical Quality of Master Heat IN-713C Nickel Alloy Ingots

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    The paper presents the results of evaluation of the metallurgical quality of master heat ingots and of the identification of non-metallic inclusions (oxides of Al., Zr, Hf, Cr, etc.), which have been found in the shrinkage cavities formed in these ingots. The inclusions penetrate into the liquid alloy, and on pouring of mould are transferred to the casting, especially when the filtering system is not sufficiently effective. The specific nature of the melting process of nickel and cobalt alloys, carried out in vacuum induction furnaces,excludes the possibility of alloy refining and slag removal from the melt surface. Therefore, to improve the quality of castings (parts of aircraft engines), it is so important to evaluate the quality of ingots before charging them into the crucible of an induction furnace. It has been proved that one of the methods for rapid quality evaluation is an ATD analysis of the sample solidification process, where samples are taken from different areas of the master heat ingot. The evaluation is based on a set of parameters plotted on the graph of the dT/dt derivative curve during the last stage of the solidification process in a range from TEut to Tsol

    ATD and DSC analyses of nickel superalloys

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    Abstract The study presents the results of investigations of phase transformations that take place during melting and solidification of nickel superalloys, like RENE 77, IN7 13C, MAR 247 and IN 100. Examinations were carried out by the ATD method of thermal analysis and DSC scanning calorimetry. It has been concluded that ATD offers wider possibilities for interpretation of the solidification process at its first stage, when from the liquid state the primary phases of a low heat of solidification are precipitating. The calorimetric method is more useful in the investigation of solid state phase transformations. The obtained values of the solidification parameters (T lik and T sol ) are comparable for both methods, especially as regards alloys solidification. An undeniable advantage of the DSC method is the possibility to measure the value of the heat (enthalpy) of phase transformations, especially during melting of alloys

    Effect of hot isostatic pressing on the microstructure of turbine blade airfoil made of nickel-base superalloy

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    Turbine blades are flight safety parts in the jet engine. Therefore they should be characterized by very good mechanical properties, especially high creep resistance and fatigue strength at high temperature. The mechanical properties of blades made of nickel-based superalloys depend on the microstructure of the casting and its porosity [1,2]. The aim of this paper is evaluation of effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) on microstructure of blade airfoil made of IN713C superalloy in four important zones: (i) leading edge, (ii) trailing edge, (iii) suction side and (iv) pressure side. HIP treatment was carried out proving some significant microstructural changes. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis reveals some structural changes what may facilitate diffusion processes leading to simplify of a heat treatment (solution treatment and aging)

    Evaluation of Carbides in Turbine Blade Made of IN713C Superalloy After Hot Isostatic Pressing

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    The IN713C is nickel-based superalloy, used to produce low pressure turbine blades in a process of investment casting. However, porosity which is formed during the casting, decreases mechanical properties of IN713C. Therefore, to eliminate porosity, a process of hot isostatic pressing was applied. Nonetheless, HIP also least to some changes in the microstructure of tested material. The main aim of this paper is to characterize the morphology of carbides before and after hot isostatic pressing. Microstructural characterization was carried out with the use of a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer and an electron backscatter diffraction detector. The size and shape of carbides were evaluated by quantitative metallography methods methods. The results show that the amount, size and heterogeneity of arrangement of the carbides increased after application of HIP treatment

    Evaluation of Carbides in Turbine Blade Made of IN713C Superalloy After Hot Isostatic Pressing

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    The IN713C is nickel-based superalloy, used to produce low pressure turbine blades in a process of investment casting. However, porosity which is formed during the casting, decreases mechanical properties of IN713C. Therefore, to eliminate porosity, a process of hot isostatic pressing was applied. Nonetheless, HIP also least to some changes in the microstructure of tested material. The main aim of this paper is to characterize the morphology of carbides before and after hot isostatic pressing. Microstructural characterization was carried out with the use of a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer and an electron backscatter diffraction detector. The size and shape of carbides were evaluated by quantitative metallography methods methods. The results show that the amount, size and heterogeneity of arrangement of the carbides increased after application of HIP treatment

    ATD and DSC Analysis of IN-713C and ZhS6U-VI Superalloys

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    Paper presents the results of ATD and DSC analysis of two superalloys used in casting of aircraft engine parts. The main aim of the research was to obtain the solidification parameters, especially Tsol and Tliq, knowledge of which is important for proper selection of casting and heat treatment parameters. Assessment of the metallurgical quality (presence of impurities) of the feed ingots is also a very important step in production of castings. It was found that some of the feed ingots delivered by the superalloy producers are contaminated by oxides located in shrinkage defects. The ATD analysis allows for quite precise interpretation of first stages of solidification at which solid phases with low values of latent heat of solidification are formed from the liquid. Using DSC analysis it is possible to measure precisely the heat values accompanying the phase changes during cooling and heating which, with knowledge of phase composition, permits to calculate the enthalpy of formation of specific phases like γ or γ′

    Application of Modified Cores for Grain Refinement in Castings of Aircraft Turbine Blades

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    Paper presents the results of research on modified surface grain refinement method used in investment casting of hollow, thin-walled parts made of nickel based superalloys. In the current technology, the refining inoculant is applied to the surface of the wax pattern and then, it is transferred to the ceramic mould surface during dewaxing. Because of its chemical activity the inoculant may react with the liquid metal which can cause defects on the external surface of the cast part. The method proposed in the paper aims to reduce the risk of external surface defects by applying the grain refiner only to the ceramic core which shapes the internal surface of the hollow casting. In case of thin-walled parts the grain refinement effect is visible throughout the thickness of the walls. The method is meant to be used when internal surface finish is less important, like for example, aircraft engine turbine blades, where the hollowing of the cast is mainly used to lower the weight and aid in cooling during operation