175 research outputs found

    Rasprostranjenje alder yellows fitoplazme na crnoj i beloj jovi (Alnus glutinosa i Alnus incana) u Srbiji

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    Alder yellows (AldY) phytoplasma associated with common alder (Alnus glutinosa) and grey alder (A. incana) belongs to the ribosomal RNA group16SrV. This phytoplasma is closely related to the Flavescence dorée (FD) phytoplasma, a quarantine pathogen of economic importance that affects vineyards of southern Europe including Serbia. To date, alder yellows phytoplasma has been reported in many European countries including France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and the Baltic region. Infected alders are exhibiting symptoms such as leaf yellowing, small leaves, reduced foliage, or sometimes they remain symptomless. To investigate occurrence and distribution of this phytoplasma, a survey was conducted on a wide territory of Serbia. Results confirmed wide distribution of alder yellows phytoplasma in Serbia in both symptomatic and asymptomatic trees. From the 72 plants sampled, 54 were positive for the presence of phytoplasmas. RFLP profiles of the 16S rRNA gene indicated presence of 16SrV-C phytoplasma subgroup. Further characterization by PCR-RFLP analysis of the ribosomal protein gene operon of all phytoplasma positive isolates tested confirmed presence of the 16SrV-C phytoplasma subgroup. Implication of the wide distribution of AldY phytoplasma to the epidemiology of FD phytoplasma as well as disease management are discussed.Alder yellows (AldY) fitoplazma koja je u asocijaciji sa crnom jovom (Alnus glutinosa) i belom jovom (A. incana) pripada 16SrV ribozomalnoj grupi fitoplazmi. Ova fitoplazma je srodna fitoplazmi zlatastog žutila vinove loze Flavescence dorée (FD), koja je karantinski patogen od ekonomskog značaja u vinogradima južne Evrope uključujući i Srbiju. Do sada je prisustvo alder yellows fitoplazme utvrđeno u mnogim evropskim zemljama uključujući Francusku, Nemačku, Švajcarsku, Austriju, Italiju i Baltički region. Inficirane jove ispoljavaju simptome žutila listova, malih listova, redukcije lisne mase, ili ponekad ne ispoljavaju simptome inficiranosti. U cilju utvrđivanja prisustva i rasprostranjenja ove fitoplazme na široj teritoriji Srbije, sprovedeno je uzorkovanje simptomatskih i asimptomatskih jova. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili široku distribuciju alder yellows fitoplazme u Srbiji i prisustvo fitoplazme kako u simptomatskim tako i u asimptomatskim stablima. Od ukupno 72 uzorkovane biljke, 54 su bile inficirane fitoplazmom. Analizom RFLP profila 16S rRNK gena utvrđeno je prisustvo 16SrV-C podgrupe fitoplazmi. Dalja karakterizacija PCR-RFLP analizom operona ribozomalnih proteina svih pozitivnih izolata potvrdila je prisustvo 16SrV-C podgrupe fitoplazmi. U diskusiji je istaknut značaj širokog rasprostranjenja AldY fitoplazme i uticaja na epidemiologiju FD fitoplazme kao i na kontrolu bolesti

    The prevalence and characteristics of Helicobacter pylori-associated gastritis in dyspeptic patients in Eastern Croatia, determined by immunohistochemistry

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    Background and purpose: Helicobacter pylori (Hp), which is associated with many upper gastrointestinal diseases, is found in about half of world\u27s population. Aim od this study is to reveal the prevalence and characteristics of Hp-associated gastritis in dyspeptic patients in the population of Croatia. Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis the data and materials of 871 dyspeptic patients undergoing routine endoscopy. The gastric biopsy specimens were stained by Hp-specific immmunohistocemical stain. Endoscopic and pathology findings were recorded for Hp infection and the presence of active gastritis. Nominal variables in the case of a large number of samples was compared using Pearson χ2 test, while in the case of a small number of samples was used Fisher\u27s Exact test. Results: In the present study determined prevalence of Hp-associated gastritis in the population of Croatia is 41%. Chronic active gastritis was found in 94% of patients with Hp infection and 5% of patients with gastritis of some other etiology. Gastric mucosal atrophy was observed in 5% of patients older than 40 years. Intestinal metaplasia was detected in 26% of patients. Severe intestinal metaplasia occurs in the age group older than 60 years. Conclusion: This study is the first large study of Hp prevalence by histological and immunohistochemical method  in Croatia, so the results of this study contribute to the understanding of how big a public health problem is Hp infection in a population of Croatia.</p

    Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) - nova štetočina paradajza u Srbiji

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    Tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), a devastating pest of tomato originating from South America has been recorded in Serbia on three localities: in tomato main greenhouse and open field production area located in the vicinity of town Leskovac (South Serbia), in surroundings of the village Donji Vrtogoš (near town Vranje, South Serbia) and in a greenhouses complex in Kraljevci (60 km west of Belgrade). The presence of T. absoluta was confirmed by morphological and molecular study of the collected specimens.Prisustvo lisnog minera paradajza Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), opasne štetočine poreklom iz Južne Amerike, utvrđeno je na tri lokaliteta u Srbiji: u plastenicima i poljima u okolini Leskovca (južna Srbija), u okolini sela Donji Vrtogoš (u blizini Vranja) i u kompleksu plastenika u selu Kraljevci (60 km zapadno od Beograda). Identifikacija T. absoluta je izvršena morfološkim i molekularnim analizama sakupljenih uzoraka

    Phylogenetic relationships of Aceria spp. (Acari, Eriophyoidea) from different Cirsium spp. in Serbia, based on mitochondrial COI sequences

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    Plants of the genus Cirsium are invasive weeds that cause major ecological and economic damage in North America, Australia and New Zealand. The eriophyid mite Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.) has been investigated so far as a potential candidate for biological control of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Detailed investigations have primarily focused on researching specificity to the host plant, and the effect on the plant vigour. It has so far been recorded on Cirsium arvense, C. heterophyllum (L.) Hill. and C. lanceolatum (L.) Scop. Here we present mitochondrial COI gene sequence data from Aceria spp collected on different host plants of the genus Cirsium: C. arvense, C. eriophorum, C. heterophyllum, C. creticum and C. rivulare. Sequence divergence (uncorrected p-distance) among Aceria spp. populations from different Cirsium spp. ranged from 11.3 to 23.7%, while for the outgroup it was 68.7%.The highest sequence divergence of more than 20% was recorded for A. cirsii from C. rivulare compared to the other four Aceria spp. populations. Sequence divergence of Aceria anthocoptes from C. arvense compared with Aceria sp. from C. heterophyllum was 17.5%, compared with Aceria sp. from C. creticum was 18.1% and compared with Aceria sp. from C. eriophorum was 11.3%. Sequence divergence of Aceria sp. from C. heterophyllum in regards to Aceria spp. from C. eriophorum and C. creticum was more than 15%, while between Aceria spp. from C. eriophorum and C. creticum it was 17.3%. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences (COI) confirmed the monophyly of the Aceria spp. from Cirsium spp. Considering the previous research of phenotypic differences, and these results of genetic distances, we suggest that Aceria anthocoptes represents a complex of four cryptic species inhabiting different host plants: Aceria anrhocoptes s.s. ex Cirsium arvense, Aceria cf. anthocoptes ex Cirsium heterophyllum, Aceria cf. anthocoptes ex Cirsium eriophorum and Aceria cf. anthocoptes ex Cirsium creticum

    A new genus and new species of eriophyid mites from Papua New Guinea: a potential biological control agent of Falcataria moluccana (Fabaceae)

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    A new genus and species of the subfamily Nothopodinae, Colopodacini from Papua New Guinea are described and illustrated. Solenidiversum falcatariae gen. nov. sp. nov. infests Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby & Grimes (Fabaceae) and causes erineum on both the leaf surfaces. Solenodiversum gen. nov. has the solenidion on the inner side of tarsus I, tibiae of both legs completely fused with tarsus, all leg and ventral opisthosomal setae present, empodium entire and scapular tubercles on rear shield margin. With this new genus and species, the current number of Colopodacini is 16 genera and 41 species. A key to the genera of the Colopodacini tribe is given

    A New Metaculus Species (Acari: Eriophyoidea) on Diplotaxis tenuifolia (Brassicaceae) From Serbia: A Combined Description Using Morphology and DNA Barcode Data

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    A new species of eriophyoid mite, Metaculus diplotaxi n. sp. inhabiting Diplotaxis tenuifolia ( L.) DC., is described from Serbia. To investigate interspecific variability between Metaculus spp. on three different Brassicaceae host plants ( viz. D. tenuifolia, Lepidium latifolium ( L.), Isatis tinctoria ( L.)), we analyzed phenotypic variability of morphological traits and molecular sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I ( MT- CO1). Discriminant analysis identified seven traits that significantly differentiate three Metaculus spp: M. lepidifolii, M. rapistri, and M. diplotaxi n. sp. Analysis of MT- CO1 sequences supported the results obtained from the analysis of morphometric features

    Population genetics of the global grapevine pest Colomerus vitis (Pagenstecher) (Acari: Cecidophyinae: Colomerini)

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    Colomerus vitis (Pagenstecher) is the economically most important pest within the genus Colomerus. In addition to direct damage feeding, it also transmits virus diseases in grapevine. Depending on the type of injury, three morphologically identical strains can be distinguished: erineum, bud, and leaf curl strain. Over the last two decades, the use of molecular genetic tools, has contributed significantly to our understanding of natural genetic variation and speciation within different strain of C. vitis. Several studies suggest that erineum and bud strain are distinct, closely related species, and indicate that C. vitis is a complex of cryptic species. The main objective of our research was to estimate the genetic divergence among the specimens of the erineum strain of C. vitis collected in the Balkans (Serbia, Greece, and Croatia) based on the COI gene and to combine it with all available data. The analysis of COI sequences in the 12 eriophyid populations obtained in this study showed high genetic variability. The presence of two groups corresponding to G1 and G5 was identified by the ML topologies of the phylogenetic tree

    Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) (Siptera: Srosophilidae) - nova invazivna vrsta u Srbiji

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    During October and November 2014, a survey was conducted in order to establish the presence of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) on the territory of Serbia. Survey revealed the presence of this fly in four districts (Rasinski, Mačvanski, Raški and Pčinjski), in sampled raspberry and blackberry ripe fruits, as well as in common fig and grape. Collected fruits were used for the rearing of Drosophilid larvae to adults, which were subsequently subjected to morphological and molecular characterization. The presence of D. suzukii was confirmed in all surveyed districts, as well as in Zemun (City of Belgrade). This is the first report of the highly invasive fruit pest D. suzukii on the territory of Serbia.Tokom oktobra i novembra 2014. godine, sprovedena su istraživanja u cilju utvrđivanja prisustva i rasprostranjenja invazivne štetočine Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) na teritoriji Srbije. Prisustvo ove mušice je utvrđeno u okviru četiri okruga (Rasinski, Mačvanski, Raški, Pčinjski), u uzorkovanim plodovima maline, kupine, smokve i grožđa. Iz plodova su odgajene Drozofilidne larve do adulta koji su zatim analizirani morfološki i molekularno. Prisustvo D. suzukii je utvrđeno na svim lokalitetima u okviru četiri okruga, kao i na teritoriji grada Beograda (Zemun). Ovo je prvi nalaz invazivne štetočine voća D. suzukii na teritoriji Srbije

    Nove vrste eriofida (Acari: Eriophyoidea) za faunu Srbije zabeležene u poslednjoj deceniji

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    U okviru potklase Acari, natfamilija Eriophyoidea predstavlja najraznovrsniju grupu fitofagnih grinja. Prema dostupnim literaturnim podacima (Amrine et al., 2003; de Lillo, 2004) u svetu je opisano više od 4000 vrsta eriofida, ali se procenjuje da je nominalni broj danas opisanih vrsta oko 5000. Kao obligatni fitofagi, predstavnici ove natfamilije se izučavaju jer su ekonomski značajne štetočine koje prouzrokuju direktne štete ishranom ili indirektne štete kao vektori biljnih virusa. Pored toga poseduju mnoge atribute koji ih kvalifikuju kao potencijalne agense za biološku kontrolu korova. Predmet ovog rada je aktuelna proučenost faune eriofida Srbije sa posebnim osvrtom na vrste koje su zabeležene u poslednjih deset godina. Pre nešto više od jedne decenije, odnosno 2012. godine, urađena je analiza faune eriofida Srbije kada je evidentirano 48 rodova i 342 vrste (Petanović, 2014). Od tadašnjih evidentiranih rodova i vrsta, dva roda i 41 vrsta su, kao novi za nauku, opisani sa teritorije Srbije. Analizom novijih istraživanja došlo se do saznanja da je u poslednjoj deceniji, odnosno od 2012. do 2022. godine, u fauni Srbije registrovno još pet rodova i 78 vrsta. Tako da je sada aktuelan broj rodova eriofidnih grinja u fauni Srbije 53, dok je ukupno evidentirano 420 vrsta. Potrebno je istaći da je od novo zabeleženih rodova i vrsta, opisan jedan rod (Eriocaenus) i 10 vrsta novih za nauku čiji su tipski lokaliteti u Srbiji (Aculops orlovacae Rector and Petanović, 2012; Metaculus diplotaxi Petanović & Vidović, 2015; Eriocaenus ramosissimi Petanović & Amrine, 2015; Aceria artemisiifoliae Vidović & Petanović, 2016; Novophytoptus longissimus Chetverikov & Petanović, 2016; Aculodes altamurgiensis de Lillo & Vidović, 2018; Phytoptus argenteus Chetverikov, Petanović, Cvrković, 2018; Phytoptus serbicus Chetverikov, Petanović, Cvrković, 2018; Achaetocoptes dragicae Marinković & Petanović, 2019; Aculodes marcelli Vidović, 2022). Od ukupno zabeleženih 420 vrsta, više od 20 njih se smatra štetnim vrstama u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, dok više od 40 vrsta predstavljaju potencijane štetočine u šumskim rasadnicima i na šumskim i ukrasnim biljkama