179 research outputs found

    Memorable Food: Fighting Age-Related Neurodegeneration by Precision Nutrition

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    Healthcare systems worldwide are seriously challenged by a rising prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), which mostly, but not exclusively, affect the ever-growing population of the elderly. The most known neurodegenerative diseases are Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but some viral infections of the brain and traumatic brain injury may also cause NDD. Typical for NDD are the malfunctioning of neurons and their irreversible loss, which often progress irreversibly to dementia and ultimately to death. Numerous factors are involved in the pathogenesis of NDD: genetic variability, epigenetic changes, extent of oxidative/nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and DNA damage. The complex interplay of all the above-mentioned factors may be a fingerprint of neurodegeneration, with different diseases being affected to different extents by particular factors. There is a voluminous body of evidence showing the benefits of regular exercise to brain health and cognitive functions. Moreover, the importance of a healthy diet, balanced in macro- and micro-nutrients, in preventing neurodegeneration and slowing down a progression to full-blown disease is evident. Individuals affected by NDD almost inevitably have low-grade inflammation and anomalies in lipid metabolism. Metabolic and lipid profiles in NDD can be improved by the Mediterranean diet. Many studies have associated the Mediterranean diet with a decreased risk of dementia and AD, but a cause-and-effect relationship has not been deduced. Studies with caloric restriction showed neuroprotective effects in animal models, but the results in humans are inconsistent. The pathologies of NDD are complex and there is a great inter-individual (epi)genetic variance within any population. Furthermore, the gut microbiome, being deeply involved in nutrient uptake and lipid metabolism, also represents a pillar of the gut microbiomeā€“brain axis and is linked with the pathogenesis of NDD. Numerous studies on the role of different micronutrients (omega-3 fatty acids, bioactive polyphenols from fruit and medicinal plants) in the prevention, prediction, and treatment of NDD have been conducted, but we are still far away from a personalized diet plan for individual NDD patients. For this to be realized, large-scale cohorts that would include the precise monitoring of food intake, mapping of genetic variants, epigenetic data, microbiome studies, and metabolome, lipidome, and transcriptome data are needed

    Zymogenic Bacillus sp. revealed in Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale

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    The dƩminƩralisation experiments are aimed at preparing native sedimentary organic matter concentrates, consisting mainly of insoluble kerogen. Initial desilicification experiments of three Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale samples were carried out with the help of Bacillus circulons J ordan. The process was followed by pH measurement and determination of the number of microorganisms. DƩminƩralisation efficiency was evaluated based on the ratio of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 contents in the substrates before and after the experiments. Surprisingly, in all experiments much better desilicification was observed in control tests compared to inoculated substrates. Discovery of a zymogenic culture in all three oil shale samples explained the apparent anomaly. Based on physiological, biochemical and taxonomic characteristics, the isolated zymogenic culture was identified as Bacillus sp

    Towards sustainable rare earth elements recovery

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    Our contribution, made in joint research efforts of ICTM Institute, University of Belgrade with IME Institute, Aachen University, to the molten salt electrolysis within the field of recycling rare earth metals from end-of-life NdFeB magnets containing significant amounts of rare earth elements, was focused on the Nd-Pr alloy formation that could be fed directly back to the vacuum alloying step in the production of the new NdFeB magnets. In order to make extracting of individual rare earth metals for reuse in magnets or other materials economically viable, additional knowledge onto the electrodeposition of Nd and Pr from molten fluoride electrolyte had to be acquired. We started the investigation with the reaction mechanism of Nd electrodeposition and continued with simultaneous electrodeposition processes of neodymium and praseodymium.Plenary Lectur

    Aluminium electrodeposition onto glassy carbon from deep eutectic system made of AlCl3+urea

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    Electrochemical deposition of aluminium onto glassy carbon from deep eutectic solvent (DES), made of the AlCl3+urea, at 25-50Ā°C have been investigated. The deposition was performed in potentiostatic mode. The morphology of the obtained deposits were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Critical overpotential of aluminium deposition decreased from around ā€“ 0.150 V at 25Ā°C to around ā€“ 0.100 V at 50Ā°C. All recorded currents were small but would substantially increase with increasing working temperature (from 0.01 mA cm-2 up to 0.25 mA cm-2). The deposits obtained showed variety of morphological shapes depending on the working temperature and potential applied. All the deposits were made of very small crystallites grouped randomly into more or less separate agglomerates. Density of the crystallites distribution over the substrate and complicity of the crystal forms increased with the potential applied. Electrodeposition/dissolution of aluminium in used electrolyte onto used substrate obviously promises positive results if research aiming at reversible systems of such composition working at temperatures very close to room temperature.Ispitivano je elektrohemijsko taloženje aluminijuma na staklastom ugljeniku iz eutektičke smeÅ”e (DES), AlCl3+urea, na temperaturama od 25-50Ā°C. Elektrotaloženje je izvođeno potenciostatski. Morfologija dobijenih taloga je analizirana skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM) i energetsko disperzivnom spektroskopijom (EDS). Kritične prenapetosti elektrotaloženja aluminijuma kretale su se od oko ā€“ 0.150 V pri 25Ā°C do oko ā€“ 0.100 V pri 50Ā°C. Zabeležene gustine struje bile su male, ali su njihove vrednosti značajno rasle sa povećanjem radne temperature (od 0.01 mA cm-2 do 0.25 mA cm-2 uz povećanje temperature od 25Ā°C do 50Ā°C). Dobijeni talozi pokazali su raznovrsne morfoloÅ”ke oblike Å”to je zavisilo od primenjene temperature i potencijala. Svi talozi sastojali su se od veoma malih kristala objedinjenih u aglomerate koji su bili nasumično raspoređeni po povrÅ”ini radne electrode. Gustina rasporeda kristalita po povrÅ”ini elektrode i njihova pojedinačna raznovrsnost po obliku rasle su sa povećanjem primenjenog potencijala. Elektrohemijsko taloženje/rastvaranje aluminijuma u upotrebljenom elektrolitu i na upotrebljenoj podlozi obećava pozitivne rezultate u istraživanjima usmerenim na reverzibilne sisteme istog ili sličnog sastava koji bi trebalo da rade na temperaturama veoma bliskim sobnoj

    Sadržaj teŔkih metala u krupnolisnim duvanima gajenim u glavnim proizvodnim područjima Srbije

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    The aim of this work was to examine the influence of growing conditions on heavy metal content in virginia (flue cured) and burley (air cured) tobacco type. Moreover, some of these metals could appear in the tobacco cigarette smoke. This fact may cause negative consequences for cigarette consumers. Examinations were carried out in five various production areas, for each tobacco type, during two years, 1998 and 1999; those were extreme years for production. Considering the results, it can be concluded: The most important factor for heavy metal content in tobacco leaves are weather conditions especially the amount of rainfall, since there is a direct correlation between the rainfall and size of roots, a dominant vegetation organ. It is inevitable that the metals content in flue cured and air cured tobaccos grown at different experimental lots, is still below the legally prescribed values. Tobacco leaves from Å abac production area have a little higher metal content than tobacco grown in other production areas, because a larger amount of copper was found. The metal content in plants can increase because of its absorption from soil, atmosphere, or mineral fertilizers and pesticides, and, what is very important, the content of metals can be high due to the vicinity of large industrial centers.Poznato je da su metali prisutni u biljkama u količinama koje zavise od vrste biljke, klime i drugih faktora. Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje direktnih uslova gajenja na sadržaj teÅ”kih metala u duvanima tipa virdžinija, sorta HeveÅ”i-9 i tipa berlej, sorta B-92. Neki od ovih metala mogu da pređu u duvanski dim cigarete, Å”to može imati neželjene posledice za puÅ”ača. Ispitivanja su vrÅ”ena u po 5 različitih proizvodnih područja Srbije, za svaki tip duvana, tokom dve godine, 1998. i 1999., koje su bile ekstremne za proizvodnju duvana. Sumirajući rezultate dvogodiÅ”njih istraživanja možemo zaključiti sledeće: Upotreba NPK đubriva nije imala uticaja na sadržaj teÅ”kih metala u duvanima. Od klimatskih faktora, na sadržaj teÅ”kih metala u duvanu najveći značaj imaju padavine. Usled različite količine padavina dolazi do razlike u ekspanziji korena biljaka, pa su posledica toga različite količine mikroelemenata, koje se preko korena asimiluju. Duvani iz proizvodnog područja Å apca, sadrže bakar u koncentracijama neÅ”to većim od dozvoljenih za duvan, kao i neÅ”to viÅ”e vrednosti sadržaja ostalih teÅ”kih metala u odnosu na duvan gajen na drugim lokalitetima. Na ovu pojavu bi mogla da utiče blizina industrijske zone, kao i sastav zemljiÅ”ta i primena zaÅ”titnih sredstava

    Aluminum/zirconium alloys obtained by Al underpotential deposition onto Zr from low temperature AlCl3+NaCl molten salts

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    Contrary to the widely accepted hypothesis that it is not possible, aluminum underpotential deposition (UPD) onto zirconium from a low temperature (200, 250 and 300 Ā°C) equimolar chloroaluminate melt was recorded. Furthermore, it was shown that aluminum UPD facilitates alloy formation between the deposited aluminum monolayer and the zirconium substrate by interdiffusion. The aluminum/zirconium alloys formed at temperatures substantially lower than those needed for thermal preparation of the same alloys were Al3Zr2 and Al3Zr. The experimental techniques linear sweep voltammetry, potential step, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction were used for the characterization of the obtained electrode surfaces

    Soot participation in total air pollution in the municipality of Bor with statistical data processing

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    For effective air quality management, one of the main conditions is the identification of pollution sources, determining their share in the overall pollution as well as implementation the measures for control and reducing the pollution. The aim of this paper is that, based on collected data, to make a conclusion on how soot affects the level of pollution in the municipality of Bor. The results presented in this paper were obtained on the basis of processed daily and average annual values of soot concentrations for these years. Analysis of samples was carried our on refractometer at 24 hour continuously, seven days a month at a particular measurement point. For statistical data processing, the statistical software SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 17.0 was used. Based on the results obtained using the software, there is the conclusion that there is little correlation between the metrological parameters and soot concentration in the municipality of Bor, and that there is no increased concentration at the measuring points despite pyrometallurgical treatment of copper concentrate in RTB Bor. The great importance to the increased soot concentration has the use of fossil fuels for heating households, as it is not the case in Bor, because more than 90% of households are heated by district heating system

    Alloy formation by mg under-potential deposition on al from nitrate melts

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    Magnesium was underpotentially deposited on aluminium electrodes from magnesium nitrate-ammonium nitrate melts at temperatures ranging from 390 to 500 K. The electrochemical techniques used were linear sweep voltammetry and potential step. Electrodes were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was found that reduction processes of nitrate, nitrite and water (when present), in the underpotential range studied, took part simultaneously with magnesium underpotential deposition. Consequently, magnesium UPD reduction and stripping voltammetry peaks were not pronounced and well defined. Nevertheless, EDS, EDX and XRD measurements showed evidence of Mg2Al3, MgAl2 and Al12Mg17 alloys formed by underpotential deposition of magnesium onto aluminium substrate

    Zymogenic Bacillus sp. revealed in Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale

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    The dƩminƩralisation experiments are aimed at preparing native sedimentary organic matter concentrates, consisting mainly of insoluble kerogen. Initial desilicification experiments of three Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale samples were carried out with the help of Bacillus circulons J ordan. The process was followed by pH measurement and determination of the number of microorganisms. DƩminƩralisation efficiency was evaluated based on the ratio of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 contents in the substrates before and after the experiments. Surprisingly, in all experiments much better desilicification was observed in control tests compared to inoculated substrates. Discovery of a zymogenic culture in all three oil shale samples explained the apparent anomaly. Based on physiological, biochemical and taxonomic characteristics, the isolated zymogenic culture was identified as Bacillus sp
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