26 research outputs found


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    The paper analyzes the influence of different parameters on the effective Coefficient of Performance (COP) of a ground source heat pump. Heat pump located in the Laboratory for Thermal Science Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade is adopted for model. Since the change in soil temperature more or less depends on the change in air temperature, the average monthly air temperatures for the considered heating seasons 2014 Ć· 2018 were used in the calculation. The model enables the analysis of various parameters on performance of heat pump, such as the change of the soil temperature, as well as the change of the return water temperature from the heating system

    Obostrana disekcija vertebralnih arterija ā€“ viÅ”estruko zahvaćanje arterija ili rana rekurencija?

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    In a certain percentage of patients with craniocervical artery dissection, dissections affect multiple arteries. Some investigators consider that the dissections diagnosed as multiple might have occurred sequentially within a short time frame. We describe an oligosymptomatic patient with bilateral progressive vertebral artery dissection. Careful history taking added new data on transient left arm weakens two months earlier, as a possibility of the earlier disease onset.U određenom postotku bolesnika s disekcijom kraniocervikalnih arterija disekcija zahvaća viÅ”e arterija. Neki ispitivači smatraju da su disekcije koje su bile dijagnosticirane kao viÅ”estruke vjerojatno nastale jedna za drugom unutar kratkog razdoblja. Opisuje se oligosimptomatska bolesnica koja je imala obostranu disekciju vertebralnih arterija koja je progredirala. Pozorno uzimanje anamneze dodalo je podatke o prolaznoj slabosti lijeve ruke dva mjeseca prije hospitalizacije kao mogućnost ranijeg početka bolesti

    Characterization and biological activity of exopolysaccharide extracted from novel probiotic strain L. reuteri B2., as novel biomaterial

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    Probiotics as the most promising group of microbes have the possibility to synthesize metabolites, that can be used in different industries over the world. In this study, we investigated the probiotic activity of the Lactobacillus reuteri B2, as well as, the exopolysaccharides (EPS) that this strain produced. L. reuteri B2 was isolated from the feces of C57BL/6 mice and assessed on probiotic activity. L. reuteri B2 was identified by 16S rDNA sequencing, in which the cell viability in acidic conditions at pH 2.0 was 64% after 2 h, and in the presents of 0.30% of the bile salts, after 6 h, was 37%. Antimicrobial assay with L. reuteri B2 showed maximum diameters against K. oxytoca J7 (12.5Ā±0.71mm). We further hypothesized if L. reuteri B2 strain in the free form can survive all conditions in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) then the utilization of the appropriate biomaterials would ameliorate its stability and viability in GIT. L. reuteri B2 was microencapsulated into sodium alginate- (Na-alg) and different content of Na-alg and sodium maleate (SM) beads. Second hypothesis was if a novel EPS, extracted and isolated from L. reuteri B2, that obtain biological activity can be used as biomaterial. Characterization of this EPS enveloped FTIR, NMR, SEM, XRD, TGA/DTG analysis, biological assays, antioxidative activity, cytotoxic assay (MTT), and adhesion assay of L. reuteri B2 to HT29 cells. This EPS obtained a high scavenging effect of 76% at 2mg/mL of EPS in ABTS assay, while in MTT assay showed that did not have a cytotoxic effect

    Weather Conditions Influence on Lavandin Essential Oil and Hydrolate Quality

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    Lavandula sp. essential oil and hydrolate are commercially valuable in various industry branches with the potential for wide-ranging applications. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of these products obtained from L. x intermedia cv. ā€˜Budrovkaā€™ for the first time cultivated on FruÅ”ka Gora Mt. (Serbia) during three successive seasons (2019, 2020, and 2021). Essential oil extraction was obtained by steam distillation, and the composition and influence of weather conditions were also assessed, using flowering tops. The obtained essential oils and hydrolates were analysed by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A linear regression model was developed to predict L. x intermedia cv. ā€˜Budrovkaā€™ essential oil volatile compound content and hydrolate composition during three years, according to temperature and precipitation data, and the appropriate regression coefficients were calculated, while the correlation analysis was employed to analyse the correlations in hydrolate and essential oil compounds. To completely describe the structure of the research data that would present a better insight into the similarities and differences among the diverse L. x intermedia cv. ā€˜Budrovkaā€™ samples, the PCA was used. The most dominant in L. intermedia cv. ā€˜Budrovkaā€™ essential oil and hydrolate were oxygenated monoterpenes: linalool, 1,8-cineole, borneol, linalyl acetate, and terpinene-4-ol. It is established that the temperature was positively correlated with all essential oil and hydrolate compounds. The precipitations were positively correlated with the main compounds (linalool, 1,8-cineole, and borneol), while the other compoundsā€™ content negatively correlated to precipitation. The results indicated that FruÅ”ka Gora Mt. has suitable agro-ecological requirements for cultivating Lavandula sp. and providing satisfactory essential oil and hydrolate. Ā© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland


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    The agricultural sector in Serbia has been institutionally, organizationally and in domain of resources highly neglected, which is the fact making an extensive influence on both weakening and detriment of comparative advantage Serbia used to have as compared to the other countries of the Region. The thorough re-modeling of an agrarian company ownership, institutional, organizational and technical structure is the way of revitalization of the sector. Research for any solutions beyond this scenario, as well as reduction of these to a bare and extemporaneous privatization, would be un-appropriate solution without any prospects for both agrarian companies and their employees. In regard to that, the new European initiatives make a valuable experience

    Bilateral Vertebral Artery Dissection - Multiple Artery Affection or Early Recurrence?

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    In a certain percentage of patients with craniocervical artery dissection, dissections affect multiple arteries. Some investigators consider that the dissections diagnosed as multiple might have occurred sequentially within a short time frame. We describe an oligosymptomatic patient with bilateral progressive vertebral artery dissection. Careful history taking added new data on transient left arm weakens two months earlier, as a possibility of the earlier disease onset

    The Role of the Spleen and the Place of Splenectomy in Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemiaā€”A Review of Current Knowledge

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    Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is a rare, very heterogeneous, and sometimes life-threatening acquired hematologic disease characterized by increased red blood cell (RBC) destruction by autoantibodies (autoAbs), either with or without complement involvement. Recent studies have shown that the involvement of T- and B-cell dysregulation and an imbalance of T-helper 2 (Th2) and Th17 phenotypes play major roles in the pathogenesis of AIHA. AIHA can be primary (idiopathic) but is more often secondary, triggered by infections or drug use or as a part of other diseases. As the location of origin of autoAbs and the location of autoAb-mediated RBC clearance, as well as the location of extramedullary hematopoiesis, the spleen is crucially involved in all the steps of AIHA pathobiology. Splenectomy, which was the established second-line therapeutic option in corticosteroid-resistant AIHA patients for decades, has become less common due to increasing knowledge of immunopathogenesis and the introduction of targeted therapy. This article provides a comprehensive overview of current knowledge regarding the place of the spleen in the immunological background of AIHA and the rapidly growing spectrum of novel therapeutic approaches. Furthermore, this review emphasizes the still-existing expediency of laparoscopic splenectomy with appropriate perioperative thromboprophylaxis and the prevention of infection as a safe and reliable therapeutic option in the context of the limited availability of rituximab and other novel therapies

    Uticaj standarda dobrobiti i biosigurnosne prakse na upotrebu antibiotika kod životinja u zatočeniŔtvu

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    Otpornost na antibiotike u veterinarskoj profesiji, osim Å”to progresivno otežava kontrolu zaraznih bolesti kod životinja, može povećati rizik da se rezistentni mikroorganizmi prenesu sa životinja na ljude bilo direktno ā€“ kontaktom ili hranom životinjskog porekla, ili indirektno ā€“ usled kontaminacije životne sredine (voda, vazduh, zemljiÅ”te ili stajnjak). Pretnja od rezistencije na antimikrobne lekove je globalni zdravstveni problem, a zloupotreba lekova se često smatra glavnim faktorom. Prema tome, razumna upotreba antimikrobnih sredstava kod životinjskih vrsta u zatočeniÅ”tvu (farmske životinje, životinje u zoovrtovima, kućni ljubimci i laboratorijske životinje) je najvažnija i trebala bi da se oslanja na efikasne strategije koje uključuju promovisanje dobrobiti životinja i biosigurnosne prakse. Antimikrobna rezistencija dovodi do neuspeha kliničke antimikrobne terapije i izaziva hitnu globalnu zabrinutost za javno zdravlje. Dok su antimikrobni lekovi bili redovni dodaci stočnoj hrani radi održavanja i poboljÅ”anja zdravlja i produktivnosti životinja, njihova prekomerna upotreba u ishrani dovela je do porasta antimiktrobne rezistencije. Iako su preduzete mere za smanjenje nerazumne upotrebe antimikrobnih sredstava kroz različite politike i smernice, upotreba ovih lekova u neterapeutske svrhe kod životinja kao Å”to su promovisanje rasta, profilaksa i metafilaksa, ostaje rasprostranjena u mnogim regionima sveta. Na primer, preventivne mere kao Å”to su biosigurnost i vakcinacija, su neophodne, ali nisu dovoljne da obezbede visoke standarde u sistemima proizvodnje svinja. Restriktivno, nestimulativno okruženje i mnoge zootehničke prakse koje izazivaju bol i stres predisponiraju svinje na različite bolesti usled imunosupresije izazvane stresom. U tom kontekstu, antibiotici se koriste kao deo koji održava zdravlje i visok nivo proizvodnje na farmama svinja. Smatra se da se unapređenjem dobrobiti životinja u zatočenistvu i obezbeđenjem biosigurnosne prakse smanjuje upotreba antimikrobnih sredstava i promoviÅ”e zdravlje i produktivnost životinja. To uključuje različite mere koje se odnose na pravilne sanitarne uslove (dezinfekcija, dezinsekcija i deratizacija), efikasno čiŔćenje farmi (smeÅ”taj u kojima obitavaju životinje), pozitivan odnos čoveka prema životinjama, obezbeđenje okruženja koje odgovara potrebama životinja u kojima će životinje moći da ispolje svoje prirodne oblike ponaÅ”anja na koje su visoko motivisane, da zadovolje odgajivačke i proizvodne ciljeve svojih vlasnika, a da pri tome ostanu fizički, bihejvioralno i emocionalno intaktne kao i mere radi sprečavanja unoÅ”enja i Å”irenja infektivnih agenasa kao Å”to su ograničeno kretanje, karantin, izolacija životinja, ograđivanje i transport. Veterinari su među malobrojnim zdravstvenim radnicima koji imaju ovlaŔćenje da prepisuju antibiotike u mnogim jurisdikcijama, Å”to predstavlja značajnu odgovornost da se obezbedi razumna upotreba i minimizira rizik po javno zdravlje.Zbornik radov