1 research outputs found
Business plan for the creation of a Biomarket called La Mansana
Este proyecto se basa en la creaci贸n de un Biomarket llamado La Mansana, cuyo modelo de negocio se enfocar谩 en la comercializaci贸n de productos 100% org谩nicos y peruanos.
Se han considerado variables que puedan influir ya sea de manera directa o indirecta en el desarrollo de este proyecto. Se tom贸 en consideraci贸n el comportamiento del consumidor, el nivel de consumo y el mercado. Adem谩s, el impacto de la pandemia toma un rol importante en este proyecto ya que cambi贸 por completo los puntos anteriormente mencionados.
Se analiz贸 el micro y macro entorno, obteniendo de esta manera resultados positivos que refuerzan la creaci贸n de este biomarket. Adem谩s, se procedi贸 a realizar una investigaci贸n de mercado para conocer m谩s a detalle las caracter铆sticas de los posibles clientes y la participaci贸n que tienen otros biomarkets nacionales en el mercado actual.
Por otro lado, se pudo identificar y definir la propuesta de valor para este emprendimiento la cual no solo consistir铆a en la venta de productos org谩nicos sino tambi茅n en brindar informaci贸n real y confiable a los comensales acerca de los productos que est谩n adquiriendo. Dicha informaci贸n ser铆a respaldada por un nutricionista.
De acuerdo al an谩lisis financiero realizado, se espera contar con una inversi贸n inicial de 108,691 soles, con aportes del 60% de los socios y 40% otorgado por un inversionista 谩ngel. Se estima un horizonte proyectado para el proyecto de 5 a帽os; adem谩s, se reportar un WACC de 12.81% y un TIR de 73%, datos que respaldar铆an la viabilidad de este proyecto.This project is based on the creation and constitution of a biomarket called La Mansana, whose business model will focus on the commercialization of 100% organic and Peruvian products.
As in all entrepreneurship, variables that can influence either directly or indirectly in the development of this project have been considered. Consumer behaviour, the level of consumption and the market were taken into consideration. In addition, the impact of the pandemic plays an important role in this project since it completely changed the points mentioned above.
The micro and macro environment were analyzed, thus obtaining positive results that reinforce the idea of creating a biomarket in the city of Lima. In addition, a market investigation was carried out to learn more about the characteristics of potential clients and the participation that other national biomarkets have in the current market.
With the data collected, it was possible to identify and define the value proposition for this entrepreneurship, which would not only consist of the sale of organic products but also of providing real and reliable information to clientes about the products they are purchasing. Such information would be supported by a nutritionist.
According to the financial analysis carried out, it is expected to have an initial investment of 108,691 PEN, with contributions from 60% of the partners and 40% granted by an angel investor. A projected horizon for the project of 5 years is estimated; furthermore, a WACC of 12.81% and an IRR of 73% would be reported, data that would support the viability of this project.Trabajo de investigaci贸