47 research outputs found

    An Exercise in Phonetics and Phonology

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    英語の冠詞システムについての一考察 : 日本人英語学習者の一助として

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    Designing and Implementing a Task-Based Syllabus for a Business EFL Class

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    この論文の目的は、日本におけるEFL用シラバスデザインの実情を述べ、その問題点を論じることである。現在のところ、多くの研究者によりタスクベースドアプローチ (TBA) の有効性が確かめられているが、本論文では、日本人英語学習者を対象としたEFLビジネスクラスで用いられているタスクベースドシラバス (TBS) を概観し、その有効性をさまざまな視点から検証する。その結果、英語教育 (ELT) の分野、とりわけ、目的に特化した英語 (ESP) を学ぶ場合、タスクベースドシラバスは非常に有効であること等が明らかになった

    How Does Short-Term Study Abroad Impact Japanese EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate and Intercultural Communication Competence?

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    The aims of this study are to examine the impact short-term study abroad hashad on a group of Japanese EFL (JEFL) university students’ L2 English pragmaticcompetence and also to determine whether pre-departure instruction is beneficialto students endeavoring to study abroad (SA). In particular, this study focuses ongains in terms of willingness to communicate (WTC) and intercultural communicationcompetence (ICC) in L2 English. The findings of this study point to the benefits of shortterm study abroad (SA), particularly on the learners who received instruction prior to studying abroad

    The Backchannel Norms of Native English Speakers: A Target for Japanese L2 English Learners

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    This article presents a general account of the backchannel tendencies of native English speakers for the purposeof assisting Japanese L2 English learners. The dimensions of backchannel behaviour which are describedinclude the following: frequency, variability, discourse contexts favouring backchannels, and form and function.Some of the potential issues that Japanese L2 English learners may experience in acquiring these skills areexplored. This general description of native English speakers’ backchannel behaviour appears to be only one ofthe pieces in an emerging framework for analysing the efficacy of backchannel behaviour across cultures. It issuggested that future efficacy models should also involve measuring other interrelated aspects of backchannelbehaviour such as learners’ intercultural communicative competence, willingness to communicate, anddevelopment of conversational micro-skills and repair strategies

    A cross-cultural examination of the backchannel behavior of Japanese and Americans: Considerations for Japanese EFL learners

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    Listenership (consisting of backchannel feedback) and its effect on intercultural communication were investigated in 30 dyadic conversations in English between Japanese and American participants. The findings of this study demonstrate several differences in how members of each culture used backchannels in terms of frequency, variability, placement, and function. This study also found evidence supporting the hypothesis that backchannel conventions that are not shared between cultures contribute to negative perceptions across cultures. Thus, the findings of this study support the conclusion that listenership warrants more attention in EFL classes in Japan. Further, toward creating a pedagogical framework, this study also provides EFL professionals with a comprehensive account of the listenership of Japanese EFL speakers. Finally, this study also offers potential insights into the linguistic variation of native English speakers. That is, the negative perceptions that the American native English speakers reported of their Japanese EFL speaking interlocutors\u27 listener responses in this study were not as pronounced as those reported by the British native English speakers in a previous study conducted by the same researcher

    Addressing the Speech Analyst\u27s Dilemma - Towards the identification of clausal boundaries in emerging oral exchanges -

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    This article addresses a current issue in the field of conversation analysis. Presently, there is little consistency among researchers in the types of speech units used to analyze spoken discourse, which hindersthe comparability and replication of findings across studies. This stems from the lack of transparency and authenticity in the literature regarding how speech units are defined and exemplified. Using the specific example of how the primary discourse context attracting backchannels in English, the clausal boundary, is identified in dynamic, emerging and spontaneous oral exchanges, this paper provides a comprehensive and replicable model for future studies to follow. Pedagogical implications are also briefly discussed.この論文は、会話分析の分野において現在抱えている問題の一つを取り上げる。現在、研究者の間では、会話を分析するために使用されるスピーチの(構成)単位となるものに一貫性が見られない。そのために取り扱われる研究論文を比較したり利用したりするときの妨げとなっている。この問題は、取り上げられている文献のスピーチの(構成)単位がどのように定義され、またどのように実例として挙げられているのかという観点から見ると、透明性や真正性に欠けていることから生じていると思われる。人と人との会話は、必然的に次々と絶え間なく変化しながら繰り出される。従って、この論文では、backchannel(あいづち)を引き出そうとしている主たる話し手の具体例を挙げながら、その会話のやり取りの中での語と語、あるいは節と節の境界はどのように提示されているのかを明示する。この研究は、広範囲の明確なモデルを提示することを目指す。また、ここでは教授法に関しても論じる

    Examining Potential Sources of Miscommunication between Japan and the West: Using Grice to Bridge the Sociolinguistic Gap for Japanese EFL Learners

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    The main objective of this paper is to shed light on some issues that Japanese EFL speakers sometimes experience when communicating across cultures. These issues often stem from a lack of sociolinguistic competence in English. Revisiting the long-standing debate regarding the universality of Grice\u27s theory of conversation, this paper argues that Grice\u27s maxims of conversations do not apply universally and independently of culture. With the intention of informing EFL pedagogy in Japan, the writer demonstrates how Grice\u27s theory of conversation can serve as a useful framework for intercultural analyses. In considering the thought processes and ideologies involved in interpreting each of Grice\u27s four maxims across cultures, this paper highlights some of the fundamental issues underpinning crosscultural misunderstandings between Japanese EFL speakers and native speakers of English (NESs). By identifying some of the specific reasons for pragmalinguistic failure, this article helps language educators, as well as cross-cultural communication trainers involved with Japanese people, deal with these issues. To this end, it is suggested that ELT professionals begin by incorporating targeted awarenessraising strategies in their contexts and then follow up by providing students/trainees with opportunities to develop better product-oriented conversational management techniques