10 research outputs found

    Incidência do bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro em lavoura irrigada sob pivô central

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    The leaf-miner (LM) [Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Menéville & Perrottet, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae)] is one of the most powerful parasites for the coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.), being responsible for high economic losses to coffee farmers. In the last years, the adoption of irrigation systems has been becoming a common practice in Brazilian coffee farms, mainly center pivot irrigation. The principal factors that contribute to the increase of irrigated fields are the negative effects of bad rain distribution and hydric scarceness. However, there is data describing the behavior of this parasite in irrigated crops. The aim of this work was to verify the incidence of LM in a coffee fields submitted to a center pivot irrigation system with different water depths applied. The research was carried out in a experimental field with total area of 1,6 ha located in the Engineering Department of the Federal University of Lavras. The coffee trees susceptible to LM were planted in 1999, each plot with 3,5m x 0,8m of space between plants. The work was designed in randomized block model and treatments analyzed were 6 water depths applied (0, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140% of evaporation of the class A tank - ECA) in different periods of evaluation, in a factorial scheme (6 x 12) with 3 repetitions. The LM infection in the plants was verified by visual evaluation of leaf damages caused by the parasite. The analyses were proceeded in intervals of 23 days, from April of 2004 to March of 2006. Each experimental group was composed of eight plants. Ten plagiotropics branchs were sampled in the medium part of tree, being five of the south and five of the north side of the plant. Two leaves located in the thrith or fourth pair of each branch was collected, in total of 160 leaves per experimental group. The mean dates of percentage of mined leaves were transformed using the formula (X + 0,5)1/2 and an analysis of variance was made. The results showed a significant interaction between water depths and LM incidence. The higher incidence of LM infection was observed in no irrigated plants. The experimental group submitted 140% ECA showed lower LM parasitism. The higher amount of the insects was observed in the north side of plants. Two peaks of LM incidence occurred, in January and July, with high number in the first. Entre as pragas que ocasionam perdas na cafeicultura (Coffea arabica L.), o bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro (BMC) [Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Menéville & Perrottet, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae)] é responsável por decréscimos indiretos significativos na produção. Com os efeitos negativos da escassez hídrica e má distribuição de chuvas nos últimos anos, tem crescido, por parte dos produtores em Minas Gerais, a cafeicultura irrigada, destacando-se o cultivo sob pivô central. Entretanto, ainda pouco se conhece no sul de Minas sobre o comportamento desse inseto-praga com o uso dessa tecnologia. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, verificar a incidência do BMC, em lavoura irrigada por aspersão tipo pivô central, submetida a diferentes lâminas de água. O estudo foi realizado na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia da Universidade Federal de Lavras, em cafeeiro adulto com 1,6 ha da cultivar Rubi (MG 1192), suscetível ao BMC, implantado em março de 1999, com espaçamento de 3,5 x 0,8 m. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com três repetições e seis tipos de lâminas de água nas parcelas, que corresponderam aos tratamentos (60%, 80%, 100%, 120% e 140% da evaporação do tanque Classe "A" - ECA), além do tratamento não irrigado (testemunha) e épocas de avaliação nos 12 meses do ano, em esquema fatorial (6 x 12) e três repetições. Fez-se a avaliação do bicho-mineiro em folhas do cafeeiro, observando-se as injúrias pertinentes ao ataque do inseto-praga, em intervalos médios de 23 dias, no período de abril de 2004 a junho de 2006. A parcela foi composta por 8 plantas úteis, amostrando-se ao acaso 10 ramos plagiotrópicos do terço médio superior da planta, sendo 5 ramos da face norte e 5 ramos da face sul. Foram coletadas duas folhas localizadas no terceiro e/ou quarto par de folhas por ramo, o que totalizou 160 folhas amostradas por parcela. Os dados médios de folhas minadas coletados em cada avaliação foram transformados em (X + 0,5)1/2, submetidos à análise de variância. Houve interação significativa de lâminas de irrigação e face da planta para incidência do BMC. Houve maior incidência do BMC no tratamento não irrigado e menor incidência na maior lâmina de irrigação (140% ECA), sendo também observada maior ocorrência do inseto-praga na face norte da planta. Houve dois ligeiros picos de incidência do BMC: um no mês de janeiro e outro no mês de julho, com maior índice do inseto-praga no mês de janeiro.

    Intensidade da ferrugem e da cercosporiose em cafeeiro quanto à face de exposição das plantas

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    Knowledge of coffee leaf diseases related to sun exposition can contribute to better sampling techniques to evaluate diseases and reduce agricultural losses. This work evaluated the coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Broome) and cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora coffeicola Berk. & Cooke (= Mycosphaerella coffeicola (Cooke) Stev. & Wellman)) intensity on coffee leaves (Coffea arabica L.) exposed to North or South.  The disease intensity was evaluated at coffee leaves of cultivar Rubi, at average interval of 23 days, from April 2004 to June 2006.  The experimental design was randomized blocks at the factorial scheme of 6 water depths x 2 plant sides and 3 replicates, being the plant sides related to North or South direction exposition.  The area below the disease progress curve (AACPD) was evaluated and compared through analysis of variance.  It was found that the exposition side presented significant differences related to rust occurrence and intensity on both agricultural years 2004/2005 and 2005/2006.  Larger increase on rust occurrence was observed on leaves exposed to South compared to North direction.  Larger occurrence of shading on plant side turned to South direction and longer leaf wetting periods on this side may have caused the rust progression.  For cercospora leaf spot occurrence, significant influence was observed according to plant side only at agricultural year 2004/2005, with larger incidence on those leaves turned to North direction. Larger solar radiation incidence on this side may have been the cause for cercospora leaf spot progress on these leaves. Thus, in order to get more representative leaf samples for rust and cercospora investigation, this study suggests considering plant orientation in relation to sun´s trajectory.O conhecimento da ocorrência de doenças foliares do cafeeiro, quanto à face de exposição das plantas, poderá auxiliar na melhor representatividade adotada na amostragem quanto aos índices das doenças, reduzindo perdas no campo. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho avaliar a incidência e a severidade da ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Broome) e a incidência da cercosporiose (Cercospora coffeicola Berk. & Cooke (= Mycosphaerella coffeicola (Cooke) Stev. & Wellman)), em folhas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.), quanto às faces norte e sul de exposição das plantas. Realizou-se a avaliação da intensidade das doenças, em folhas de cafeeiro cultivar Rubi, em intervalos médios de 23 dias, no período de abril de 2004 a junho de 2006. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial (6 lâminas de água x 2 faces da planta) e 3 repetições, cujos tratamentos corresponderam à face de exposição norte e sul das plantas. Calculou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD) que foi submetida à análise de variância, para a variável qualitativa. Verificou-se influência significativa da face de exposição das plantas quanto à incidência e severidade da ferrugem, nos anos agrícolas 2004/2005 e 2005/2006. Houve maior progresso da ferrugem na face sul quando comparada à face norte das plantas. O sombreamento com menor exposição à radiação solar e maior período de molhamento foliar podem ter favorecido o progresso da ferrugem. Para a incidência da cercosporiose houve influência significativa da face apenas para o ano agrícola 2004/2005, com maior progresso na doença na face norte das plantas. A maior exposição à radiação solar direta pode ter favorecido o progresso da cercosporiose em folhas do cafeeiro. Assim, sugere-se para se obter melhor representatividade na amostragem da intensidade da ferrugem e da cercosporiose em folhas de cafeeiro considerar, sempre que possível, a face de exposição das plantas mais favorável ao progresso das doenças

    Incidência da cercosporiose em frutos de cafeeiro: diferentes densidades de plantio e manejos de irrigação

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence of cercospora leaf spot, on coffee plant fruits, under different irrigation management and planting densities. The trial was carried out at the Federal University of Lavras in the agricultural year 2008/2009 and 2009/2010, and collected 320 fruits per plot. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replicates. The treatments correspond to the densities of 2,500, 3,333, 5,000 and 10,000 plants ha-1 and six subplots: control (T0), irrigation throughout the year when the soil water tension reached values of 20 and 60 kPa (T1 and T2), irrigation when water tension reached values of 20 kPa and 60 kPa and suspended during the months of July and August or when the water deficit was more than 100 mm (T3 and T4) and saw irrigation using software Irriplus (T5). The highest incidence of gray leaf spot, in Lavras/MG depends on the rainfall and rainfall distribution of the agricultural year. There was a significant interaction between  irrigation management and planting density, only in the 2010 harvest. In the 2009 harvest, the interaction between irrigation and plant density was not significant due to good rainfall during this period. There was a higher incidence of the disease,  on the densities of 3,333 (19.58%) and 5,000 (18.06%) plants ha-1. In the 2010, higher incidence (35.50%) of the disease in control (T0), and the lower incidence in treatments T4 (8.31%) and T5  (12.80%), on the density of 2.500  plants.ha -1.Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a incidência da cercosporiose, em frutos de cafeeiro, sob diferentes manejos de irrigação e densidades de plantio. O estudo foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Lavras, no ano agrícola 2008/2009 e 2009/2010, sendo coletados 320 frutos por parcela. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos corresponderam pelas densidades de plantio de 2.500, 3.333, 5.000 e 10.000 plantas ha-1 e seis subparcelas: testemunha (T0), irrigações durante todo o ano, quando a tensão da água no solo atingiu valores de 20 e 60 kPa (T1 e T2), irrigações quando a tensão da água atingiu valores de 20 kPa e 60 kPa e suspensas durante os meses de julho e agosto ou quando o déficit hídrico foi superior a 100 mm (T3 e T4) e irrigações utilizando o software Irriplus (T5). A maior incidência da cercosporiose, na região de Lavras/MG, depende da pluviosidade e da distribuição de chuvas do ano agrícola. Na safra de 2009, a interação da irrigação com a densidade de plantio não foi significativa devido à boa pluviosidade nesse período. Houve maior incidência da doença nas densidades de plantio de 3.333 (19,58%) e 5.000 (18,06%) plantas ha-1. Na safra 2010, ocorreu maior incidência da doença (35,50%) na testemunha, e a menor incidência nos tratamentos T4 (8,31%) e T5 (12,80%), na densidade de 2.500 plantas ha-1

    Incidência da mancha de Phoma em cafeeiro irrigado por gotejamento, sob diferentes manejos de água

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    The knowledge that the disposition of the crop and the irrigation management affect the microclimatic conditions is of importance for the sampling and quantification of diseases, assisting in the achievement of a better management of the crop. This work aimed at evaluating the influence of drip irrigation management in the incidence of phoma leaf blight (Phoma tarda (R.W. Stewart) H. Verm.) on coffee trees, regarding the northern and southern exposed sides of the plants. The disease was evaluated between the years 2009 and 2011, on Acaiá coffee tree, planted in lesser distance between plants. A completely randomized block design was used, in a factorial scheme (5 irrigation managements x 2 exposure sides x 12 evaluation months) and 4 replicates, matching the treatment to the irrigation of the coffee trees in different conditions of water availability in the soil. The treatments non irrigated and irrigated throughout the whole year every time the availability factor of water was at most 0,75. The area under the disease progress curve, submitted to variance analysis for the qualitative analysis. In 2010/2011 the incidence of the disease was larger than in the first year. Larger incidences of the disease occurred in managements A and B. Plants that undergo a larger water stress become susceptible to infection by the pathogen. Interactions occurred between the time of the year with the exposure sides in the intensity of the disease, in which the disease occurred more intensely in the southern side in the first year and more intensely in the northern side in the second year. The largest progress of the disease occurs from April to August, during drier times.O conhecimento que o sentido da lavoura em relação ao sol e a irrigação afetam as condições microclimáticas é de importância para a amostragem e a quantificação das doenças, auxiliando no melhor manejo da lavoura. Sendo assim, objetivou-se, nesse trabalho, avaliar a influência do manejo de irrigação por gotejamento na intensidade da mancha de Phoma do cafeeiro [(Phoma tarda (R.W. Stewart) H. Verm.)], quanto às faces norte e sul de exposição das plantas. Avaliou-se a doença, entre os anos 2009 a 2011, em cafeeiro ‘Acaiá’, semiadensado. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial (5 manejos de irrigação x 2 faces de exposição x 12 meses de avaliação) e 4 repetições, correspondendo o tratamento à irrigação do cafeeiro, em diferentes condições de disponibilidade de água no solo. Calculou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD), submetida à análise de variância para a análise qualitativa. Verificou-se que, em 2010/2011, a intensidade da doença foi maior que no 1º ano. Os manejos sem irrigação e irrigação o ano todo, sempre que o fator de disponibilidade de água no solo (f) atinge 0,75 na camada de 0-40 cm, ocorrem maiores incidências da doença. Plantas que sofrem maior estresse hídrico ficam suscetíveis à infecção do patógeno. Ocorreram interações entre a época do ano com as faces de exposição na intensidade da doença. Na face sul, ocorreu maior intensidade da doença no 1º ano e na face norte maiores intensidade no 2º ano. O maior progresso da doença ocorreu de abril a agosto, em épocas de baixa pluviosidade

    Variabilidade espacial dos atributos da planta de uma lavoura cafeeira

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    RESUMO Objetivou-se com esse trabalho caracterizar a estrutura e a magnitude da distribuição espacial de atributos da planta em lavoura cafeeira e realizar o mapeamento desses atributos de forma a visualizar a distribuição espacial, considerando a dependência espacial destes atributos, demostrando a importância deste mapeamento. Este trabalho foi conduzido na fazenda Brejão no município de Três Pontas, Minas Gerais, utilizando-se os seguintes atributos da planta: Produtividade, Índice de Maturação, Enfolhamento, Força de Desprendimento de Frutos Verde, Força de Desprendimento de Frutos Maduros, Diferença entre a Força de Desprendimento de Frutos Verde e Maduros, Altura de Planta e Diâmetro de Copa amostrados em uma malha amostral de 100 pontos georreferenciados (64 pontos da malha base e 36 pontos de zoom). A análise destes dados por meio das técnicas estatísticas e da geoestatística possibilitaram caracterizar a variabilidade espacial dos atributos da planta em estudo, permitindo o mapeamento destas variáveis. Foi possível observar a importância da cafeicultura de precisão no manejo de uma lavoura cafeeira tanto no gerenciamento da colheita quanto no acompanhamento do desenvolvimento da planta

    Efflux Pumps and Multidrug-Resistance in Pyricularia oryzae Triticum Lineage

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    Widespread resistance to QoIs, DMI and SDHIs fungicides has been reported for Brazilian populations of the wheat blast pathogen Pyricularia oryzae Triticum lineage (PoTl). A pre-existing resistance mechanism not associated with target site mutations has been indicated for resistance to DMIs and SDHIs, with strong indication that PoTl has multidrugresistance (MDR). Therefore, the main objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that resistance to DMI and SDHI fungicides detected in PoTl was due to efflux pump mediated MDR mechanism(s) by characterizing the sensitivity to antifungal efflux pump substrates. Four antifungal substrates were tested: tolnaftate (TOL), cycloheximide (CHX), rhodamine 6G (RH6G) and triphenyltin chloride (TPCL). TPCL and RH6G were considered the most relevant indicators for enhanced MDR activity. Among the 16 PoTl isolates tested, 9 were insensitive to TPCL, 1 to TOL, 16 to RH6G and 1 to CHX. The PoTl isolates were grouped into four distinct multidrug resistance phenotypes (MDRPs) based on resistance to combinations of fungicides and antifungal efflux pump substrates. Insensitivity to TPCL, RH6G and or TOL correlated well with DMI insensitivity, but MDR was not associated with SDHI resistance. The identification of multiple MDRP phenotypes associated with DMI resistance in our study warrants further research aimed at revealing the exact mechanisms of multidrug resistance in the wheat blast pathogen, including efflux pumps overexpression via transcriptomic analyses of differentially expressed genes; identification and discovery of mutations associated with changes in promoter regions or transcription factors of efflux transporters associated with multidrug resistance

    Efflux Pumps and Multidrug-Resistance in Pyricularia oryzae Triticum Lineage

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    Widespread resistance to QoIs, DMI and SDHIs fungicides has been reported for Brazilian populations of the wheat blast pathogen Pyricularia oryzae Triticum lineage (PoTl). A pre-existing resistance mechanism not associated with target site mutations has been indicated for resistance to DMIs and SDHIs, with strong indication that PoTl has multidrugresistance (MDR). Therefore, the main objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that resistance to DMI and SDHI fungicides detected in PoTl was due to efflux pump mediated MDR mechanism(s) by characterizing the sensitivity to antifungal efflux pump substrates. Four antifungal substrates were tested: tolnaftate (TOL), cycloheximide (CHX), rhodamine 6G (RH6G) and triphenyltin chloride (TPCL). TPCL and RH6G were considered the most relevant indicators for enhanced MDR activity. Among the 16 PoTl isolates tested, 9 were insensitive to TPCL, 1 to TOL, 16 to RH6G and 1 to CHX. The PoTl isolates were grouped into four distinct multidrug resistance phenotypes (MDRPs) based on resistance to combinations of fungicides and antifungal efflux pump substrates. Insensitivity to TPCL, RH6G and or TOL correlated well with DMI insensitivity, but MDR was not associated with SDHI resistance. The identification of multiple MDRP phenotypes associated with DMI resistance in our study warrants further research aimed at revealing the exact mechanisms of multidrug resistance in the wheat blast pathogen, including efflux pumps overexpression via transcriptomic analyses of differentially expressed genes; identification and discovery of mutations associated with changes in promoter regions or transcription factors of efflux transporters associated with multidrug resistance

    An Accurate, Affordable, and Precise Resazurin-Based Digital Imaging Colorimetric Assay for the Assessment of Fungicide Sensitivity Status of Fungal Populations

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    This study aimed at the development and validation of an accurate, more affordable, and precise digital imaging resazurin-based fungicide sensitivity colorimetric assay (COL-assay) for fungal plant pathogens from the genera Mycosphaerella and Pyricularia. This proposed digital imaging assay was based on colorimetric estimates of resazurin reduction, which was used as a metabolic indicator of fungal respiration activity on microplate cultures. As fungal model systems, we used the yellow and black Sigatoka pathogens [Mycosphaerella musicola (Mm) and M. fijiensis (Mf), respectively] and the wheat blast pathogen, Pyricularia oryzae Triticum lineage (PoTl), which were previously characterized for QoI, DMI, and SDHI fungicide sensitivity. We then compared the classical spectrophotometry detection assay (SPEC-assay) with the proposed COL-assay based on the analyses of digital images of the microplates’ cultures captured with mobile phone cameras on a handmade trans-illuminator built for poorly equipped labs. Qualitatively, in terms of accuracy, there was full correspondence between the SPEC-assay and the COL-assay according to the fungal EC50 or the relative growth classes on QoI, SDHI, and DMI fungicides for both Mycosphaerella and Pyricularia pathogens. We also observed a strong to very strong correlation coefficient between the COL-assay and the SPEC-assay fungicide sensitivity values for the QoI azoxystrobin, the SDHI fluxapyroxad, and the DMI tebuconazole. Our conclusion was that the COL-assay had a similar accuracy as the SPEC-assay (i.e., resulted in similar fungicide-sensitivity categories for both resistant or sensitive fungal isolates) and high precision. By openly sharing here the COL-assay’s full methodology, and the blueprints of the handmade trans-illuminator, we foresee its adoption by poorly equipped labs throughout the country as an affordable venue for monitoring the fungicide resistance status of populations of important fungal plant pathogens such as M. fijiensis, M. musicola, and P. oryzae Triticum and Oryza lineages

    Efeito de épocas de irrigação e de parcelamento de adubação sobre a produtividade do cafeeiro 'Catuaí' Effect of times of irrigation and splitting of fertilizer on the productivity of 'Catuaí' coffee plant

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    Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar o efeito de épocas de irrigação e de parcelamentos de adubação sobre a produtividade do cafeeiro. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdividas em faixas. O experimento foi composto por 4 blocos (repetições), cada bloco foi dividido em 4 parcelas, que receberam o efeito de diferentes parcelamentos de adubação (4, 12, 24 e 36 aplicações de fertilizantes), as parcelas foram subdivididas em 5 subparcelas, correspondentes às diferentes épocas de irrigação: "A" entre 01/06 e 30/09, "B" entre 15/07 e 30/09, "C" de 01 a 30/09, "D" entre 01/06 e 30/09 com adubação manual e "E" não irrigada. Promoveu-se análise de variância sobre os dados de produtividade, identificando-se que houve efeito apenas do fator épocas de irrigação sobre a mesma. O teste de comparação de médias possibilitou concluir que a irrigação entre 01/06 e 30/09, seja com o uso de fertirrigação ou com aplicação manual de fertilizantes, proporcionou as melhores médias de produtividade.<br>This work aimed to evaluate the irrigation time and fertilizer splitting effects on coffee crop productivity. Random blocks with parcels subdivided into strips were the experimental design applied. The blocks had four replications and were divided into four plots. These plots (4, 12, 24 and 36 fertilizer applications) were subdivided into five subplots associated to different irrigation times: "A" between 06/01 and 09/30, "B" between 07/15 and 09/30, "C" between 09/01 and 09/30, "D" between 06/01 and 09/30 with manual application of fertilizer and "E" without irrigation. Analysis of variance was applied to evaluate the coffee crop productivity, which showed that only the irrigation time factor was effective. The mean comparison test allowed concluding that irrigation between 06/01 and 09/30, with fertigation or with manual application of fertilizer, produced the best productivity means