49 research outputs found

    Secure Storage with Replication and Transparent Deduplication

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    We seek to answer the following question: To what extent can we deduplicate replicated storage ? To answer this question, we design ReDup, a secure storage system that provides users with strong integrity, reliability, and transparency guarantees about data that is outsourced at cloud storage providers. Users store multiple replicas of their data at different storage servers, and the data at each storage server is deduplicated across users. Remote data integrity mechanisms are used to check the integrity of replicas. We consider a strong adversarial model, in which collusions are allowed between storage servers and also between storage servers and dishonest users of the system. A cloud storage provider (CSP) could store less replicas than agreed upon by contract, unbeknownst to honest users. ReDup defends against such adversaries by making replica generation to be time consuming so that a dishonest CSP cannot generate replicas on the fly when challenged by the users. In addition, ReDup employs transparent deduplication, which means that users get a proof attesting the deduplication level used for their files at each replica server, and thus are able to benefit from the storage savings provided by deduplication. The proof is obtained by aggregating individual proofs from replica servers, and has a constant size regardless of the number of replica servers. Our solution scales better than state of the art and is provably secure under standard assumptions

    Robust remote data checking

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    Remote data checking protocols, such as provable data possession (PDP) [1], allow clients that outsource data to untrusted servers to verify that the server continues to correctly store the data. Through the careful integration of forward error-correcting codes and remote data checking, a system can prove possession with arbitrarily high probability. We formalize this notion in the robust data possession guarantee. We distill the key performance and security require-ments for integrating forward error-correcting codes into PDP and describe an encoding scheme and file organization for robust data possession that meets these requirements. We give a detailed anal-ysis of this scheme and build a Monte-Carlo simulation to evaluate tradeoffs in reliability, space overhead, and performance. A prac-tical way to evaluate these tradeoffs is an essential input to sys-tem design, allowing the designer to choose the encoding and data checking protocol parameters that realize robust data possession

    Provable Data Possession at Untrusted Stores

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    We introduce a model for {\em provable data possession} (\pdp) that allows a client that has stored data at an untrusted server to verify that the server possesses the original data without retrieving it. The model generates probabilistic proofs of possession by sampling random sets of blocks from the server, which drastically reduces I/O costs. The client maintains a constant amount of metadata to verify the proof. The challenge/response protocol transmits a small, constant amount of data, which minimizes network communication. Thus, the \pdp model for remote data checking supports large data sets in widely-distributed storage systems. Previous work offers guarantees weaker than data possession, or requires prohibitive overhead at the server. We present two provably-secure \pdp schemes that are more efficient than previous solutions, even when compared with schemes that achieve weaker guarantees. In particular, the overhead at the server is low (or even constant), as opposed to linear in the size of the data. Experiments using our implementation verify the practicality of \pdp and reveal that the performance of \pdp is bounded by disk I/O and not by cryptographic computation

    Secure High-Throughput Multicast Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Abstract—Recent work in multicast routing for wireless mesh networks has focused on metrics that estimate link quality to maximize throughput. Nodes must collaborate in order to compute the path metric and forward data. The assumption that all nodes are honest and behave correctly during metric computation, propagation, and aggregation, as well as during data forwarding, leads to unexpected consequences in adversarial networks where compromised nodes act maliciously. In this work we identify novel attacks against high-throughput multicast protocols in wireless mesh networks. The attacks exploit the local estimation and global aggregation of the metric to allow attackers to attract a large amount of traffic. We show that these attacks are very effective against multicast protocols based on high-throughput metrics. We conclude that aggressive path selection is a double-edged sword: While it maximizes throughput, it also increases attack effectiveness in the absence of defense mechanisms. Our approach to defend against the identified attacks combines measurement-based detection and accusation-based reaction techniques. The solution also accommodates transient network variations and is resilient against attempts to exploit the defense mechanism itself. A detailed security analysis of our defense scheme establishes bounds on the impact of attacks. We demonstrate both the attacks and our defense using ODMRP, a representative multicast protocol for wireless mesh networks, and SPP, an adaptation of the wellknown ETX unicast metric to the multicast setting. I

    BSMR: Byzantine-Resilient Secure Multicast Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Networks

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    Multi-hop wireless networks rely on node cooperation to provide multicast services. The multi-hop communication offers increased coverage for such services, but also makes them more vulnerable to insider (or Byzantine) attacks coming from compromised nodes that behave arbitrarily to disrupt the network. In this work we identify vulnerabilities of on-demand multicast routing protocols for multi-hop wireless networks and discuss the challenges encountered in designing mechanisms to defend against them. We propose BSMR, a novel secure multicast routing protocol designed to withstand insider attacks from colluding adversaries. Our protocol is a software-based solution and does not require additional or specialized hardware. We present simulation results which demonstrate that BSMR effectively mitigates the identified attacks. I

    BSMR: Byzantine-Resilient Secure Multicast Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Networks ∗

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    Abstract—In this work we identify vulnerabilities of ondemand multicast routing protocols for multi-hop wireless networks and discuss the challenges encountered in designing mechanisms to defend against them. We propose BSMR, a novel secure multicast routing protocol that withstands insider attacks from colluding adversaries. Our protocol is a software-based solution and does not require additional or specialized hardware. We present simulation results which demonstrate that BSMR effectively mitigates the identified attacks. I

    Remote data integrity checking with server-side repair

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    Distributed storage systems store data redundantly at multiple servers that are geographically spread throughout the world. This basic approach would be sufficient in handling server failure due to natural faults, because when one server fails, data from healthy servers can be used to restore the desired redundancy level. However, in a setting where servers are untrusted and can behave maliciously, data redundancy must be used in tandem with Remote Data Checking (RDC) to ensure that the redundancy level of the storage systems is maintained over time. All previous RDC schemes for distributed systems impose a heavy burden on the data owner (client) during data maintenance: To repair data at a faulty server, the data owner needs to first download a large amount of data, re-generate the data to be stored at a new server, and then upload this data at a new healthy server. We work on a new concept, namely, server-side repair, in which the servers are responsible to repair the corruption, whereas the client acts as a lightweight repair coordinator during repair. We propose two novel RDC schemes for replication-based distributed storage systems, RDC-SR and ERDC-SR, which enable server-side repair (thus taking advantage of the premium connections available between a CSP’s data centers) and minimize the load on the client side. Although both schemes achieve a similar objective, RDC-SR assumes that the computational power of the CSP will not grow over time, whereas ERDC-SR relaxes this assumption and considers a CSP whose computational power can increase over time. Our guidelines on choosing the parameters of these schemes provide insights on their practical usage and also reveal that, whereas ERDC-SR can handle more powerful adversaries, it also imposes a minimal file size. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the two schemes. For the RDC-SR scheme, we build a prototype on the Amazon cloud and provide experimental results to support its effectiveness. Our prototype for RDC-SR built on Amazon AWS validates the practicality of this new approach. For the ERDC-SR scheme, our analytical performance analysis shows that the scheme is an order of magnitude more efficient than a simple extension of RDC-SR to defend against the stronger adversarial model

    Robust Dynamic Provable Data Possession

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    Abstract—Remote Data Checking (RDC) allows clients to efficiently check the integrity of data stored at untrusted servers. This allows data owners to assess the risk of outsourcing data in the cloud, making RDC a valuable tool for data auditing. A robust RDC scheme incorporates mechanisms to mitigate arbitrary amounts of data corruption. In particular, protection against small corruptions (i.e., bytes or even bits) ensures that attacks that modify a few bits do not destroy an encrypted file or invalidate authentication information. Early RDC schemes have focused on static data, whereas later schemes such as DPDP sup-port the full range of dynamic operations on the outsourced data, including insertions, modifications, and deletions. Robustness is required for both static and dynamic RDC schemes that rely on spot checking for efficiency. However, under an adversarial setting there is a fundamental tension between efficient dynamic updates and the encoding required to achieve robustness, because updating even a small portion of the file may require retrieving the entire file. We identify the challenges that need to be overcome when trying to add robustness to a DPDP scheme. We propose the first RDC schemes that provide robustness and, at the same time, support dynamic updates, while requiring small, constant, client storage. Our first construction is efficient in encoding, but has a high communication cost for updates. Our second construction overcomes this drawback through a combination of techniques that includes RS codes based on Cauchy matrices, decoupling the encoding for robustness from the position of symbols in the file, and reducing insert/delete operations to append/modify operations when updating the RS-encoded parity data. I

    A Mechanism for Communication-Efficient Broadcast Encryption over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Abstract

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    Due to its low communication cost, stateful broadcast encryption is an appealing solution for secure content distribution in mobile ad hoc wireless networks (MANETs). Unfortunately, the inherent limitations of MANETs prevent a standard application of such schemes since they require receivers to be online. In this paper, we present a reliable message delivery mechanism for MANETs that is based on erasure codes and that leverages node mobility in order to achieve non-interactive recovery of missed messages. We then show how our mechanism can be used to reliably deliver the key updates of a stateful broadcast encryption scheme. Our solution has several useful properties: it allows trade-offs between the amount of storage required at each node and the speed of message recovery; and it has the ability to leverage the resources of unauthorized nodes. We evaluate the performance of our approach through simulation, and show that it achieves good performance for networks with high node density. Key words: reliable message delivery, broadcast encryption, key updates, storage, mobility, wireless ad hoc wireless networks.