2 research outputs found

    Realistic changes in monounsaturated fatty acids and soluble fibers are able to improve glucose metabolism

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background/objectives\ud Cardioprotective effects of Mediterranean-style diet have been shown. Instead of excluding foods, replacement or addition may facilitate compliance with impact on glucose metabolism of individuals at cardiometabolic risk. This study investigated the effect of changing selected nutrients intake on glucose metabolism during a lifestyle intervention tailored to living conditions of prediabetic Brazilians.\ud \ud \ud Subjects/methods\ud 183 prediabetic adults treated under the Brazilian public health system underwent an 18-month intervention on diet and physical activity. Dietary counseling focused on reducing saturated fat replaced by unsaturated fatty acids. Data were collected at baseline and after follow-up. ANOVA and multiple linear regression were used to test association of changes in nutrients intake with changes in plasma glucose.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Changes in fasting and 2-h plasma glucose but not in weight, HOMA-IR or C-reactive protein decreased after intervention across tertiles of MUFA changes (p-trend 0.017 and 0.024, respectively). Regression models showed that increase in MUFA intake was independently associated with reduction in fasting (β -1.475, p = 0.008) and 2-h plasma glucose (β -3.321, p = 0.007). Moreover, increase in soluble fibers intake was associated with decrease in fasting plasma glucose (β -1.579, p = 0.038). Adjustment for anthropometric measurements did not change the results but did after including change in insulin in the models.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud Increases of MUFA and soluble fibers intakes promote benefits on glucose metabolism, independently of adiposity, during a realistic lifestyle intervention in at-risk individuals. Mechanisms mediating these processes may include mainly insulin sensitivity improvement.Research supported by FAPESP (# 07/55120-0)

    Association of related-obesity diseases genes polymorphisms and response to lifestyle intervention in individuals at cardiometabolic risk

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    Introdução: Fatores genéticos estão entre os determinantes de obesidade, podendo influenciar a resposta a intervenções em estilo de vida. O impacto de polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) na resposta de biomarcadores a intervenções não é claro. Objetivo: Este estudo examinou as associações de seis SNPs FTO T/A, PPAR Pro12Ala, Apo A1 -75G/A, TNF- -308G/A, IL-6 - 174G/C e AdipoQ 45T/G com mudanças induzidas por uma intervenção em amostra de brasileiros de risco cardiometabólico. Métodos: Em um programa de nove meses de orientações em hábitos alimentares e atividade física, 180 indivíduos com prediabetes ou síndrome metabólica foram genotipados e agrupados segundo a presença do alelo variante de cada SNP e comparados quanto a variáveis antropométricas, metabólicas e inflamatórias. Resultados: A intervenção resultou em redução do consumo calórico, aumento da atividade física, melhora na antropometria e outros biomarcadores. Estratificando pelos SNPs, os principais achados estão contidos em dois artigos. Artigo 1: Houve melhor resposta do perfil glicêmico após a intervenção nos portadores do alelo variante do SNP TNF -308 G/A. Observou-se melhora das variáveis lipídicas nos portadores do alelo variante do SNP IL-6 -174 G/C, enquanto que aqueles com o genótipo referência obtiveram melhora no metabolismo da glicose. Carreadores do SNP AdipoQ 45T/G não obtiveram melhora no perfil lipídico nem no glicêmico.Artigo 2: O alelo variante do FTO T/A associou-se a melhores perfis 9 inflamatório e glicêmico em resposta à intervenção. Portadores do alelo variante do SNP PPAR Pro12Ala obtiveram melhora na pressão arterial, enquanto que indivíduos com o genótipo referência melhoraram o metabolismo lipídico. Carreadores do alelo variante do SNP Apo A1 -75G/A apresentaram melhora no perfil lipídico que, após ajuste para medicação, não se manteve significante. Conclusões: SNPs relacionados à obesidade e comorbidades podem influenciar a resposta de marcadores metabólicos e inflamatórios a intervenções em hábitos de vida em brasileiros. O SNP TNF -308G/A parece favorecer um melhor perfil glicêmico. O SNP IL-6 -174G/C pode conferir efeito benéfico no perfil lipídico, mas não na glicemia. O SNP AdipoQ 45T/G compromete a resposta à intervenção em indivíduos de risco cardiometabólico no nosso meio. O SNP FTO T/A pode favorecer a resposta do metabolismo da glicose e a atenuação da inflamação. O SNP PPAR Pro12Ala pode ter impacto benéfico na pressão arterial, mas não no metabolismo lipídico. Em contraste com a literatura, o SNP Apo A1 -75G/A não parece influenciar resposta dos lípides à intervenção. Mais estudos envolvendo estes SNPs são necessários para possível direcionamento de intervenções a subgrupos específicos de indivíduos de risco.Introduction: Genetic factors are one of the determinants of obesity and may influence the response to interventions. The impact of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in weight loss and inflammatory response to interventions is not clear. Objective: This study examined associations of six polymorphisms FTO T/A, PPAR Pro12Ala, Apo A1 -75G/A, TNF- -308G/A, IL-6 -174G/C and AdipoQ 45T/G with changes induced by lifestyle intervention in Brazilians at cardiometabolic risk. Methods: In a 9-month intervention on diet and physical activity, 180 individuals with prediabetes or metabolic syndrome were genotyped and compared according the presence of variant allele of the SNPs and antrophometric, metabolic and inflammatory variables. Results: The intervention resulted in lower energy intake and greater total physical activity as well as improvement in anthropometry and several biomarkers. Stratified by SNPs, the main findings are covered in two articles. Article 1: Variant allele carriers of TNF -308 G/A SNP decreased plasma glucose after intervention. Lipid profile improved after intervention in variant allele carriers of IL-6 -174 G/C, while individuals with reference genotype had better plasma glucose response. Variant allele carriers of AdipoQ 45T/G did not improve lipid and glycemic profile. Article 2: Only variant allele carriers of FTO T/A decreased fasting plasma glucose and C-reactive protein concentration after intervention. Blood pressure reduced after intervention in variant allele carriers of the PPAR Pro12Ala, while the reference genotype increased Apo A1. Apparent favorable response of lipid profile to intervention in variant allele carriers of Apo A1 -75G/A was not maintained after adjustments for lipid-lowering medication. Conclusions: SNPs associated with obesity and comorbidities may influence the response of metabolic and inflammatory markers after lifestyle intervention. The TNF -308G/A may predispose a better response of glucose metabolism. The IL-6 -174 G/C SNP may confer a beneficial effect on lipid profile but not in glucose metabolism. Our findings reinforce unfavorable effects of the AdipoQ 45T/G SNP in lipid and glucose metabolism after lifestyle intervention in Brazilians at cardiometabolic risk. FTO T/A SNP induces a favorable impact on inflammatory status and glucose metabolism. The reference genotype of PPAR Pro12Ala seems to favor a better lipid profile, while the variant allele to decrease blood pressure. In contrast to literature, our data did not support benefits on lipid profile of the variant allele of Apo A1 -75G/A SNP. Further studies of these SNPs are needed to direct interventions to specific subgroups of at-risk individuals