427 research outputs found

    UV light-blocking contact lenses protect against short-term UVB-induced limbal stem cell niche damage and inflammation

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    UVB irradiation has been linked to pathogenesis of pterygium, a conjunctival tumor growing onto transparent cornea, the windscreen of the eye. Due to corneal anatomy, ambient UVB irradiation is amplified at the stem cell-containing nasal limbus. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of a UV-blocking contact lens (UVBCL, senofilcon A, Class 1 UV blocker) on limbal epithelial cells and fibroblasts under UVB irradiation compared to a non-UVB-blocking contact lens. UVBCL prevented UVB-induced DNA damage (as assessed by cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer immunostaining) as well as a decrease in proliferation and scratch wound closure rate of both limbal epithelial and fibroblast cells. Similarly, UVBCL protected limbal epithelial cells from UVB-induced loss of their phenotype in terms of colony forming efficiency and stem cell marker expression (ABCB5, P63α, integrin β1) compared to controls. Moreover, with UVBCL pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNFα and MCP1 remained unchanged. These data demonstrate the significance of UV-protection in preserving the limbal niche in response to at least short-term UVB. Our data support the use of UVBCL in protecting limbal niche cells, especially after limbal stem cell transplantation and in patients after pterygium surgery, to help prevent recurrences

    UV light-blocking contact lenses protect against short-term UVB-induced limbal stem cell niche damage and inflammation

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    UVB irradiation has been linked to pathogenesis of pterygium, a conjunctival tumor growing onto transparent cornea, the windscreen of the eye. Due to corneal anatomy, ambient UVB irradiation is amplified at the stem cell-containing nasal limbus. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of a UV-blocking contact lens (UVBCL, senofilcon A, Class 1 UV blocker) on limbal epithelial cells and fibroblasts under UVB irradiation compared to a non-UVB-blocking contact lens. UVBCL prevented UVB-induced DNA damage (as assessed by cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer immunostaining) as well as a decrease in proliferation and scratch wound closure rate of both limbal epithelial and fibroblast cells. Similarly, UVBCL protected limbal epithelial cells from UVB-induced loss of their phenotype in terms of colony forming efficiency and stem cell marker expression (ABCB5, P63α, integrin β1) compared to controls. Moreover, with UVBCL pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNFα and MCP1 remained unchanged. These data demonstrate the significance of UV-protection in preserving the limbal niche in response to at least short-term UVB. Our data support the use of UVBCL in protecting limbal niche cells, especially after limbal stem cell transplantation and in patients after pterygium surgery, to help prevent recurrences

    Consecutive dosing of UVB irradiation induces loss of ABCB5 expression and activation of EMT and fibrosis proteins in limbal epithelial cells similar to pterygium epithelium

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    Pterygium pathogenesis is often attributed to a population of altered limbal stem cells, which initiate corneal invasion and drive the hyperproliferation and fibrosis associated with the disease. These cells are thought to undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and to contribute to subepithelial stromal fibrosis. In this study, the presence of the novel limbal stem cell marker ABCB5 in clusters of basal epithelial pterygium cells co-expressing with P63α and P40 is reported. ABCB5-positive pterygium cells also express EMT-associated fibrosis markers including vimentin and α-SMA while their β-catenin expression is reduced. By using a novel in vitro model of two-dose UV-induced EMT activation on limbal epithelial cells, we could observe the dysregulation of EMT-related proteins including an increase of vimentin and α-SMA as well as downregulation of β-catenin in epithelial cells correlating to downregulation of ABCB5. The sequential irradiation of limbal fibroblasts also induced an increase in vimentin and α-SMA. Taken together, these data demonstrate for the first time the expression of ABCB5 in pterygium stem cell activity and EMT-related events while the involvement of limbal stem cells in pterygium pathogenesis is exhibited via sequential irradiation of limbal epithelial cells. The later in vitro approach can be used to further study the involvement of limbal epithelium UV-induced EMT in pterygium pathogenesis and help identify novel treatments against pterygium growth and recurrence

    Augenveränderungen im All: Aktuelles zu Klinik, Pathogenese und Prävention [Eye changes in space : New insights into clinical aspects, pathogenesis and prevention]

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    Hintergrund Mehr denn je rückt die Erforschung der Veränderungen am Auge, die durch den Aufenthalt im All verursacht werden, ins Zentrum des Interesses der internationalen und nationalen Weltraumagenturen NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), ESA (European Space Agency) und DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt). Neben weltraumstrahlungbedingten Katarakten können erhebliche Augenveränderungen, zusammengefasst unter dem „space flight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome“ (SANS) auftreten. Ziele der Arbeit Diese Übersicht soll den aktuellen Forschungsstand und künftige Bestrebungen auf dem Gebiet der Erforschung der Augenveränderungen bei SANS wiedergeben und die Relevanz für die terrestrische ophthalmologische Forschung aufzeigen. Material und Methoden Es erfolgt eine Analyse der bestehenden Publikationen zu dem Thema in PubMed sowie von Berichten bezüglich des Risikos von SANS, veröffentlicht von der NASA der USA. Ergebnisse Die Ursachen für die Entstehung der Augenveränderungen im All sind nicht geklärt. Faktoren wie die Erhöhung des intrakraniellen Drucks, Flüssigkeitsverschiebungen, Hyperkapnie und genetische Einflüsse sind Gegenstand intensiver Forschungsbemühungen. Ein terrestrisches Modell zur Induktion des Papillenödems konnte etabliert werden (Bettruhestudien mit −6° Kopftieflagerung als Weltraumanalogon). Gegenmaßnahmen zur Entwicklung der Augenveränderungen, wie beispielsweise intermittierend künstliche Schwerkraft, sind Gegenstand der aktuellen Studien. Schlussfolgerung Die Erforschung von SANS im Rahmen von Bettruhestudien wird in Zukunft sowohl für die Weltraumforschung als auch für die terrestrische Forschung weitere wichtige Erkenntnisse liefern. Klinische Forschungsprojekte können aus der Weltraumforschung abgeleitet werden

    Intravital Two-Photon Microscopy of Immune Cell Dynamics in Corneal Lymphatic Vessels

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    BACKGROUND: The role of lymphatic vessels in tissue and organ transplantation as well as in tumor growth and metastasis has drawn great attention in recent years. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We now developed a novel method using non-invasive two-photon microscopy to simultaneously visualize and track specifically stained lymphatic vessels and autofluorescent adjacent tissues such as collagen fibrils, blood vessels and immune cells in the mouse model of corneal neovascularization in vivo. The mouse cornea serves as an ideal tissue for this technique due to its easy accessibility and its inducible and modifiable state of pathological hem- and lymphvascularization. Neovascularization was induced by suture placement in corneas of Balb/C mice. Two weeks after treatment, lymphatic vessels were stained intravital by intrastromal injection of a fluorescently labeled LYVE-1 antibody and the corneas were evaluated in vivo by two-photon microscopy (TPM). Intravital TPM was performed at 710 nm and 826 nm excitation wavelengths to detect immunofluorescence and tissue autofluorescence using a custom made animal holder. Corneas were then harvested, fixed and analyzed by histology. Time lapse imaging demonstrated the first in vivo evidence of immune cell migration into lymphatic vessels and luminal transport of individual cells. Cells immigrated within 1-5.5 min into the vessel lumen. Mean velocities of intrastromal corneal immune cells were around 9 µm/min and therefore comparable to those of T-cells and macrophages in other mucosal surfaces. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge we here demonstrate for the first time the intravital real-time transmigration of immune cells into lymphatic vessels. Overall this study demonstrates the valuable use of intravital autofluorescence two-photon microscopy in the model of suture-induced corneal vascularizations to study interactions of immune and subsequently tumor cells with lymphatic vessels under close as possible physiological conditions

    Novel Characterization of Lymphatic Valve Formation during Corneal Inflammation

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    Lymphatic research has progressed rapidly in recent years. Though lymphatic dysfunction has been found in a wide array of disorders from transplant rejection to cancer metastasis, to date, there is still little effective treatment for lymphatic diseases. The cornea offers an optimal site for lymphatic research due to its accessible location, transparent nature, and lymphatic-free but inducible features. However, it still remains unknown whether lymphatic valves exist in newly formed lymphatic vessels in the cornea, and how this relates to an inflammatory response. In this study, we provide the first evidence showing that lymphatic valves were formed in mouse cornea during suture-induced inflammation with the up-regulation of integrin alpha 9. The number of corneal valves increased with the progression of inflammatory lymphangiogenesis. Moreover, we have detected lymphatic valves at various developmental stages, from incomplete to more developed ones. In addition to defining the average diameter of lymphatic vessels equipped with lymphatic valves, we also report that lymphatic valves were more often located near the branching points. Taken together, these novel findings not only provide new insights into corneal lymphatic formation and maturation, but also identify a new model for future investigation on lymphatic valve formation and possibly therapeutic intervention
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