10,611 research outputs found

    Governance networks: Interlocking directorships of corporate and nonprofit boards

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    This study describes the interlocking networks of corporate directors serving on publicly listed corporate boards and those on the boards of nonprofit organizations in Western Australia in 2006. When this study was undertaken, the state was the beneficiary of a booming economy in resource development prior to the global financial crisis, yielding a substantial number of resource companies with their headquarters in Perth, the capital city of Western Australia. Through social network analysis using NetDraw, we trace the extent of interpersonal connections of prominent individuals who serve on these boards in this relatively isolated state in Australia. The network figures demonstrate the inner circle of companies and nonprofits with their interlocking directorships that suggest the growing interpenetration among the state, the market, and civil society. As a result of reduced government funding during the last two decades in Western Australia, nonprofit organizations have had to use market strategies to increase their revenues, which is one factor that has led to this greater interdependence between previously separate groups. Thus, market forces have blurred the boundaries that once separated private companies from nonprofit organizations, increasing the interlocking nature of their board directors

    Finding New Structures: Responsive Governance for a New Age

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    Navigating global-local tensions in accountability/autonomy policies: Comparative case studies in 'Asian' universities

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    The twin policy domains of accountability and autonomy have featured in recent education reforms in many countries, signalling new relationships between governments and educational institutions. Despite different national and localised contexts, a number of common 'global' trends have been identified. However, simultaneously context-specific differences are also evident. For us, the concept of 'globalisation', when it implies policy homogenisation, is too blunt an instrument to critically analyse these major reforms. We would argue that there are still too few studies on globalisation processes grounded in detailed examinations of particular historical times and geographical spaces. Our research is located within the tensions between global commonalities and localised differences. This paper reports research on changing accountability and autonomy in higher education in three 'Asian' countries. Empirical data has been collected in the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong and Singapore in an attempt to begin to redress a 'Western' hegemony in such research. Within each national context two different types of universities became case study sites for the analysis of both commonalities and differences in accountability and autonomy policies and practices. The current paper focuses in particular on the conceptual and methodological framings of the research and presents some preliminary findings

    An archival case study : revisiting the life and political economy of Lauchlin Currie

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    This paper forms part of a wider project to show the significance of archival material on distinguished economists, in this case Lauchlin Currie (1902-93), who studied and taught at Harvard before entering government service at the US Treasury and Federal Reserve Board as the intellectual leader of Roosevelt's New Deal, 1934-39, as FDR's White House economic adviser in peace and war, 1939-45, and as a post-war development economist. It discusses the uses made of the written and oral material available when the author was writing his intellectual biography of Currie (Duke University Press 1990) while Currie was still alive, and the significance of the material that has come to light after Currie's death

    New evidence on Allyn Young's style and influence as a teacher

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    This paper publishes the hitherto unpublished correspondence between Allyn Abbott Young's biographer Charles Blitch and 17 of Young's former students or associates. Together with related biographical and archival material, the paper shows the way in which this adds to our knowledge of Young's considerable influence as a teacher upon some of the twentieth century's greatest economists. The correspondents are as follows: James W Angell, Colin Clark, Arthur H Cole, Lauchlin Currie, Melvin G de Chazeau, Eleanor Lansing Dulles, Howard S Ellis, Frank W Fetter, Earl J Hamilton, Seymour S Harris, Richard S Howey, Nicholas Kaldor, Melvin M Knight, Bertil Ohlin, Geoffrey Shepherd, Overton H Taylor, and Gilbert Walker

    The western end of the Avalon Zone in southern New Brunswick

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    The western end of the Avalon zone of southern New Brunswick displays a history extending from middle Proterozoic to Triassic lime. About 620 Ma magmatism above a Late Precambrian subduction zone emplaced volcanic rocks and plutons into an orthogneiss-platformal sequence basement which had been modified by mafic intrusion and thermal metamorphism about 780 Ma. About 565 Ma a bimodal sheeted dyke complex accompanied by bimodal volcanism and high-level granite was emplaced into a major mylonile zone during minor spreading or transtension. Shallow water clastic marine sediments accumulated during Cambro-Ordovician lime. From Silurian to mid-Devonian, die northwestern part of the zone subsided along steep faults which served as conduits for bimodal igneous activity. Strong Carboniferous deformation along the Bay of Fundy affected the interior of the terrane only slightly, if at all. Acadian and Taconic orogenies had little effect on this region, which acted as a relatively stable crystalline block during the Paleozoic. The exposed rocks may form a "welt" on continuous basement of similar character, which disappears north-westward beneath younger formations by down-stepping on faults, and south-eastward beneath overriding allochihons. RÉSUMÉ La terminaison occidental de la zone d' Avalon au sud du Nouveau-Brunswick montre une histoire s'étalant du Protérozoique moyen au Trias. Vers 620 Male magmalisme au-dessus d'une zone de subduction emplaça des roches volcaniques et des plutons dans un socle à orthognesis et séquence de plate-forme qui avail été modifié vers 780 Ma par une intrusion mafique et un métamorphismc thermal. Vers 565 Ma un complexe bimdal de "sheeted dikes", accompagné d'un volcanisme bimodal et d'un granite de niveau élevé, s'emplaça au sein d'une zone importante de mylonite au cours d'une faible expansion ou transtension. L'Ordovicien vit l’accumulaiion de sédiments clastiques d'eau peu profonde. Du Silurien au Dévonien moyen. la portion nord-ouest de la zone s'abaissa le long de failles à forts pendages qui agirent comme conduits pour une activité ignée bimodale. Une forte déformation carbonifère le long de la Baie de Fundy n'eut guère d'effet sur l’intérieur de la lanière. Les orogénèses acadienne et taconique n'eurent qu'un effel quelconque sur cette région qui forma un bloc crislallin relativement stable au couts du Paléozoique. Les affleuremenls peuvent conslituer un "renflemeni" sur un socle continu de même facture qui disparait vers le nord-ouesl sous les formations plus jeunes par abaissemenl sur des failles et vers le sud-est sous les allochtones chevauchanls. [Traduit par le journal


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    Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of men who seek pre-exposure prophylaxis prevention intervention through their primary care physician, in order to assess access, engagement, effectiveness, and overall satisfaction. Methods: Data was collected through semi-structured, qualitative, electronic, telephone, and face-to-face interviews. Participants were adult males (n =20) (18 years of age or older), currently residing in the continental United States, and who are currently receiving pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) through their primary care physician (PCP). Results: The experiences of the subjects in this study indicated variable confidence in primary care providers in both knowledge of and access to PrEP. About half of participants described their access to PrEP solely based on their initiation, sometimes resulting in a delay in and reduced confidence of the intervention prescriber. Participants also described additional barriers to PrEP, including PCP resistance to prescribing, costly co-pays, and variable insurance coverage. Once consistent access was afforded, participants described mostly overwhelming positive experiences in both care and effectiveness of the intervention. Conclusions: This study of twenty subjects found that while male primary care patients want to have open conversation about their sexual health and access to new and innovative HIV prevention methods, most patients find that they must initiate this conversation with their PCP. Leaving knowledge of and access to prevention interventions up to the patient caused delays or restrictions to PrEP intervention and posed risk to public health HIV elimination efforts

    An investigation of the quantity and type of female veterans\u27 responses to Hepatitis C treatment screening and acceptance

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    Translating Health IT Policy into Practice in the UK National Health Service

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    The challenge to provide a nation-wide integrated health service is central to UK government policy. The National Programme for Information Technology was launched in 2002 to transform healthcare using information and communications technology. As the largest, non-military, non-scientific government funded IT programme worldwide, it was planned over a decade with an estimated total cost expected to exceed ÂŁ20bn. This paper is a longitudinal study of the National Care Record Service, which was the largest part of the programme, aimed to provide 50 million UK (English) citizens with an electronic health record. Using episodic interviewing techniques over ten years and secondary source material, the findings reveal a series of IT policy changes to the original Programme. Delays to roll out electronic health records are linked to issues about procurement strategies with IT suppliers, benefits realisation, risk assessment and clinical engagement. This study extends academic work on the deployment of large scale, long-term publicly funded IT projects, which go beyond the technical imperative to transform healthcare. Findings suggest government agencies need to embed cultural, social and economic criteria into health IT policy-making. Tracking this Programme for a decade, we observe how a centralised, top-down approach was replaced by localised IT procurement and implementation, giving NHS organisations more decision-making powers. However, the Programme was beset by continuous policy changes affecting the structure, organisation and IT of the NHS, where attempts to achieve benefits finally resulted in the break-up of the Programme

    The Stratigraphy And Structure Of The Avalonian Terrane Around Saint John, New Brunswick

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    The Avalonian terrane around Saint John exhibits basement of tonalitic gneiss veneered by a shelf type metasedimentary seOuence. These units are intruded and overlain by volcanic-plutonic complexes of Late Proterozoic age emplaced in three stages. Mafic magmatlsm accompanied by submarine slumping heated and remobilized older rocks about 770-830 Ha. Calc-alkaline magnetism, mainly subaerial with minor submarine sedimentation occurred about 600 Ma, and subseOuently Eocambrlan basaltic volcanlsm and volcanlclastic sedimentation passed into Camhro-Ordovlclan sedimentation. Silurian rocks occur only as a fault-bounded slice and Devonian rocks are absent. Coarse clastic rocks of Carboniferous and Trlasslc age accumulated during deformation. Major deformation and metsmorphlsm occurred In Late Proterozoic time, but most mappable structures appear to be of Carboniferous age. Carboniferous deformation resulted mainly from transcurrent motion on curved or stepped faults which locally produced spectacular thrust allochthons. Comparison of the Saint John terrane with other Avalonian terrenes suggests that some of the Avalon tectonostratigraphic zone Is floored by basement of Grenvillian aspect. The western side of this zone was strongly affected by Late Ordoviclan-Early Silurian magmatism which reflects the amalgamation of this zone with more westerly zones. These observations suggest that Avalon terranes may be of relatively local, rather than exotic, origin, and suggest a history involving repeated breakup and rewelding of a continental edge. RÉSUMÉ Autour de Saint John, la lanière avalonienne englobe un socle de gneiss tonalitique qu'est venu recouvrir un tégument métasédimentaire à cachet neritique. Ces unités sont recoupées et recouvertes par des complexes volcano-plutoniques d'âge tardi-protérozoique emplacés en trois étapes. On magmatisme mafique et des glissements synsédimentaires sous-marins ont réchauffé et rémobilisé les rocbes préexlstantes il y a environ 770-830 Ma. Des venues magmatiques calco-alcalines, en grande partie subaériennes et associées à une faible sédementation sous-marine, ont pris place autour de 600 Ma. Le volcanisme basaltique et la sédimentation volcaniclastique éocambriens ont debouche sur une sédimentation cambro-ordovicienne. Les rochea siluriennes se limitent à une écaille bordée par des failles alors que les roches dévoniennes font défaut. On apport détritique grossler a eu lieu pendant la déformation au Carbonifère et au Triasique. Une déformation et un métamorphisme importants furent présents au tardi-Protérozoique blen que la plupart des structures cartographiques semblent être d'âge carbonifère. La déformation carbonifère est liée surtout faux coulissages affectant des failles courbes ou en gradins ce qui, par chevauchement, à produit localement des allochtones spectaculaires. La comparaison entre la lanière de Saint John et d'autres lanières avaloniennes suggère que la zone tectonostratigraphique d'Avalon répose en partie sur un socle d'aspect grenvillien. L’amalgamation de celle-ci avec d'autres zones plus à l'ouest y a imprimé son cachet sur le flanc ouest comme en fait foi un magmatisme prononce tardi-ordovicien ou éo-silurien. De ces observations, on conclut que les lanières d'Aval on seraient d'une origine relativement locale et non paa exotique et que leur histoire seralt inféodée au jeu répété du morcellement et de la restauration de la marge continentale. [Traduit par le journal
