5 research outputs found

    Semantics and Ideology During the Renaissance: Confessional Translations of the Greek Word ἐπίσκοπος

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    During the sixteenth century the disputes between Catholics and Protestants became the battleground to determine and shape authentic Christianity and the Church. Humanism played a key role in this process conditioned by cultural and theological diversity, justifying doctrinal positions and legitimizing the existence of respective institutions with an appeal to history. Translations from church historical sources illustrate how they often derived from theological preconceptions. Starting with the ‘episcopacy issue’ opened initially by Luther and Calvin inter al., this article analyzes the translations of the Greek word episkopos in the Magdeburg Centuries, Cesare Baronio’s Ecclesiastical Annals, in contemporary vernacular versions of Eusebius’s Ecclesiastical History, in J. C. Dietrich’s Lexicon and in some English Bibles. The material gathered and also compared with the position of the Council of Trent shows how these confessionally conditioned translations impacted on the scholarly world, and how they influenced church law with religio-political consequences, thereby having a striking significance

    Qvae Hocce Libro Contenta. Lexicon Graecvm Iam Secvndvm Plvs trium millium dictionum auctario locupletatum : ad hoc multis ante parum latine redditis, elegantius ac magis apposite interpretatis.

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    [Valentinus Curio]Verf. ermittelt. - Gelegentlich wird das Werk auch Johannes Crastonus zugeschriebenErscheinungsmonat und -jahr aus dem Kolophon entnommenText griech. und lat.Enth. außerdem: Vetus instructio militarium praefectorum & eorum denominatione

    Theodori Gazae Introdvctionis grammaticæ libri quatuor, unà cum interpretatione Latina, eorum usui dicati, qui uel citra præceptoris operam Græcari cupiunt. Vbi quid expectes, sequentis paginæ indicat epistoliu[m].

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    Drukker uit colofon: Mense Avgv.Tekst zowel in het Grieks als LatijnHerkomst: Biliothecae Augustiana Gand.Machiels, J. Catalogus van de boeken gedrukt vóór 1600 ; G 109Europeana-GoogleBook