2 research outputs found
The socio-economic impact timeline in Serbia for persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Assessing the socio-economic impact of dangerous chemicals, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as a specific segment, includes analysis of their impacts on human health, on the environment and on local economic development. Abundant evidence of these effects of dangerous chemicals throughout the world is provided by published research. According to WHO, these chemicals cause around 4.9 million deaths (8.3%) and 86 million Disability-Adjusted Life Years (5.7%) globally; according to very conservative estimates, 20% of cancer deaths are the consequence of the cancerous effects of chemicals in the work place. Their impact on economic development is manifested primarily through reduced productivity of society due to health impairment of both the population and natural resources. Specific research, the results of which are presented in this article, has been focused on the impact of POPs on human health. This impact is presented in very general terms through estimation of the monetized cost effects for treating those diseases and cancers assumed to be caused by POPs in Serbia. The cost estimation based on available data amounts to approximately (sic) 68 million for a 5-year period
Dose-response modeling of reactivating potency of oximes K027 and K203 against a direct acetylcholinesterase inhibitor in rat erythrocytes
Inhibition of acethylcholinesterase (AChE) as a key molecular event induced by organophosphate (OP) pesticides and nerve agents presents a human health concern. In efficacy testing of experimental oximes, potential antidotes in OP poisoning, reactivation of OP-inhibited AChE is used as specific endpoint. However, according to our best knowledge, so far oximes have not been quantitatively evaluated by comprehensive benchmark dose (BMD) approach, that would improve both identification and quantification of the effect and allow more rigorous comparison of efficacies. Thus, we have examined in vivo dose-response relationship for two promising experimental oximes, K203 and K027, concerning reactivation of erythrocyte AChE inhibited by dichlorvos (DDVP). Groups of Wistar rats were treated with six different doses of oximes (i.m) immediately after DDVP challenge (s.c) and AChE was measured 60 min later. Dose-response modeling was done by PROAST software 65.5 (RIVM, The Nederlands). BMD-covariate method resulted in four-parameter model from both exponential and Hill model families as the best estimate of relationship between AChE activity and oxime dose, with potency parameter being oxime-dependent. Oxime K027 was shown to be 1.929-fold more potent considering that 58% increase in AChE activity was achived with the dose BMD58-K027 = 52 mu mol/kg in contrast to BMD58-K203 = 100 mu mol/kg