59 research outputs found

    Learning, governance and livelihoods : toward adaptive co-management under resource poor conditions in South Africa

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    Through collaborative monitoring and case study comparison, this thesis explores conceptual and methodological approaches to monitoring transitions toward adaptive co-management. In so doing, a number of knowledge gaps are addressed. Firstly, conceptual and methodological frameworks are developed for monitoring transitions toward adaptive co-management. Secondly, a conceptual and practical approach to monitoring the processes of collaboration and learning is developed and tested. Thirdly, a conceptual and practical approach to monitoring the governance outcomes of adaptive co-management is developed and tested. Fourthly, a conceptual and practical approach to monitoring the livelihood outcomes of adaptive co-management is developed and tested. Based on the outcomes from these four components of the study, this thesis explores the ways in which transitions toward adaptive co-management might be initiated under the resource poor conditions that characterise South Africa's communal areas. The four case studies explored in the study are described as 'resource poor' in terms of institutional capacity, ecosystem productivity and social vulnerability. From a resilience perspective these case studies can be described as being in the re-organisation phase of the adaptive cycle following multiple disturbances over time, largely due to South Africa's historical 'separate development' policies. Scholars have suggested that it is in this re-organisation phase that innovation and novelty might occur. The lens of social learning is applied to analyse collaborative processes within these contexts. Results indicate that the institutional innovation necessary for transitions toward adaptive co-management relies on careful facilitation by an 'honest broker'. Equally important is finding a balance between maintaining key individuals and knowledge holders within decision making networks, and preventing rigidity and vulnerability within communities of practice. The results point to an over simplification in the rhetoric that currently surrounds the learning outcomes of multi level networks. The governance outcomes of the initiatives are explored through the lenses of adaptive governance, social capital, adaptive capacity and self-organisation. Results indicate that under resource poor conditions creating the conditions that facilitate self-organisation is the major challenge facing transformations toward adaptive governance. Long term access to reliable information and capacity and financial support for adaptive management are key constraining variables. The livelihood outcomes of the initiatives are analysed through the lens of resilience and diversification. Results suggest that flexibility, rather than livelihood diversity, is the key livelihood strategy employed by households in situations were options are limited. Interventions that enhance opportunities for households to specialise in situ by actively dealing with structural constraints, such as access to markets and credit, is vital to encouraging innovation during transitions toward adaptive co-management. Based on the results from monitoring, this study identifies key focus areas that require a great deal more attention if transitions toward adaptive co-management are to be initiated under resource poor conditions

    Institutional change and ecosystem dynamics in the communal areas around Mt Coke State Forest, Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    Through a combination of theoretical discussion and case study analysis from two villages in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, this thesis explores the relationship between institutional change and ecosystem dynamics through a multi-scale approach that combines local and scientific knowledge. Several conceptual approaches were combined in this study. These included; the Resilience perspective, the Sustainable Rural Livelihoods approach, the Millennium Assessment framework and principles, and the Environmental Entitlements approach. Various participatory research techniques were employed which combined with GIS technologies, existing data sets, and historical records. Common pool resource areas are social spaces, where local values attached to resources are institutionally mediated, politically nuanced, economically interpreted and historically situated. Political driving forces at various scales have played a disproportionate role in local level institutional functioning in the case study area. In particular, inappropriate state-lead interventions into land use planning have weakened local level institutions, and have reduced the ability of the linked social-ecological system to cope with change and uncertainty. People and ecosystems become more vulnerable when driving forces such as political upheaval, economic depression and drought over-lap. However, rural people are not mere spectators in the face of these driving forces; they respond both reactively and proactively to ensure resilience to change and uncertainty. Ecosystems at Mt Coke play a key role during times of crisis in rural livelihoods. These ecosystems have undergone various short-term cyclical changes largely in response to rainfall fluctuations, and some longer-term changes linked to political events and trends that have affected management practices and local institutions over time. Orthodox ecological interpretations of ecosystem change appear to ignore four key factors identified in this study: 1) the role of institutions in shaping access to resources, 2) the demand for resources in rural livelihoods, 3) the dynamic interaction between social and natural systems, and 4) the interaction between social and natural systems across scales of analysis. The future of common pool resource management lies in the combination of local and scientific knowledge through an adaptive management approach that encourages learning and adaptation in local level institutional structures

    CARIAA Working Paper #25

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    This paper assesses the evolution of adaptation research in the global South over the last decade (2010-2020) using a scoping review approach. Research has covered both policy and practice at different scales, from regional, to national, to individual/household, with a particular focus on agricultural and rural settings. The review shows there is significant and growing interest in the determinants of adaptation and adaptive capacity, including the role of barriers and enablers, as well as in the role of gender. Large swathes of sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East/North Africa remain severely under-researched. The majority of papers focus on rural and agricultural issues rather than cities.UK’s Department for International Development (DFID

    The meaning and practice of stewardship in South Africa

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    Stewardship offers a means of addressing social-ecological sustainability challenges, from the local to the global level. The concept of stewardship has had various meanings attached to it over time, and the links between the theory and practice of stewardship are not well understood. We sought to characterise the practice of stewardship in South Africa, to better understand the relationship between theory and practice. We found that practitioners' understandings of stewardship coalesce around two core notions: the idea of stewardship as 'responsible use and care' of nature, and stewardship as a 'balancing act' between stewards' use of natural resources for agricultural production and their responsibility to protect and manage the wider ecosystem. Stewardship practice in South Africa is strongly influenced by the biodiversity stewardship tool; however, many practitioners are integrating biodiversity stewardship with other approaches. These emerging social-ecological stewardship initiatives operate at landscape-level and work towards integrated social and ecological stewardship outcomes, by facilitating collaboration among diverse stakeholders. Further research is needed to better understand what is required to support these integrated, collaborative and cross-sectoral initiatives. Policy mechanisms that facilitate integrated place-based stewardship practice can contribute to expanding the practice of biodiversity stewardship in South Africa

    Are large-scale collaborations worth it? : a longitudinal study of researchers’ perceptions over a 5 year program CARIAA-ASSAR

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    The paper looks at experiences of participants in the large-scale, five-year collaborative research project, Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR), midway and at the end of the project. It explores the benefits and limitations of transdisciplinary collaborations and the extent to which these can be outweighed through better programme design. The Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) – ASSAR project supported the involvement of more than 250 researchers and practitioners. Figure 7 depicts the top five most cited challenges from each survey. The University of Cape Town was project lead, and housed the project management unit.UK’s Department for International Development (DFID

    Hotspots 2.0 : Toward an integrated understanding of stressors and response options

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    Hotspots 2.0 embodies current thinking about planning. It looks at multiple drivers of change and the interrelation of human and natural systems from an integrated policy approach. This article assesses 114 relevant peer review cases and the usefulness of the “Hotspots 2.0” concept to examine integrative responses to climatic and non-climatic vulnerabilities in various hotspot regions. It underscores how integrated responses to climatic and non-climatic drivers of change can offer complementary policy directives to support National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and attaining sustainable development goals (SDGs). Attention to both the social and natural realms is crucial for building adaptive capacity

    The future is collaborative

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    Researchers from the global South are key to successful climate change research. While self-selecting elite research networks emerge around the world, those with strong South–North and South–South partnerships can be more successful at achieving impact and securing funding going forward. Researchers need support with how to pursue policy impact at multiple scales; dealing with often invisible power asymmetries between partners; and how to lead, manage and participate in diverse and geographically dispersed teams. The article discusses global climate change research, research collectives, and donor funding.Global Adaptation Research Progra

    Collaborative stewardship in multifunctional landscapes: Toward relational, pluralistic approaches

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    Landscape stewardship offers a means to put social-ecological approaches to stewardship into practice. The growing interest in landscape stewardship has led to a focus on multistakeholder collaboration. Although there is a significant body of literature on collaborative management and governance of natural resources, the particular challenges posed by multifunctional landscapes, in which there are often contested interests, require closer attention. We present a case study from South Africa to investigate how collaborative stewardship can be fostered in contested multifunctional landscapes. We conducted this research through an engaged transdisciplinary research partnership in which we integrated social-ecological practitioner and academic knowledge to gain an in-depth understanding of the challenges of fostering collaboration. We identified five overarching factors that influence collaboration: contextual, institutional, social-relational, individual, and political-historical. Collaborative stewardship approaches focused on the development of formal governance institutions appear to be most successful if enabling individual and social-relational conditions are in place. Our case study, characterized by high social diversity, inequity, and contestation, suggests that consensus-driven approaches to collaboration are unlikely to result in equitable and sustainable landscape stewardship in such contexts. We therefore suggest an approach that focuses on enhancing individual and social-relational enablers. Moreover, we propose a bottom-up patchwork approach to collaborative stewardship premised on the notion of pluralism. This would focus on building new interpersonal relationships and collaborative capacity through small collective actions. Taking a relational, pluralistic approach to fostering collaborative stewardship is particularly important in contested, socially heterogeneous landscapes. Drawing on our study and the literature, we propose guiding principles for implementing relational, pluralistic approaches to collaborative stewardship and suggest future research directions for supporting such approaches

    Towards place-based research to support social–ecological stewardship

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    Concerns about ecological degradation and social inequalities have prompted increasing calls for stewardship in the social–ecological systems and sustainability science literature. However, how can the ideals of stewardship be realised in practice? The links between the theory and practice of stewardship are under-developed, and research to support place-based stewardship practice is limited. We therefore bring together complementary perspectives to guide research on place-based stewardship practice in the context of multifunctional landscapes. We unpack and synthesise literature on stewardship, landscapes, and collaboration for natural resource management, and highlight the ways in which the pathways approach can deepen research on collaboration and stewardship practice. We propose landscapes as a suitable level of analysis and action for stewardship. Since all landscapes are multifunctional, we argue that collaboration among multiple stakeholders is a necessary focus of such research. Our analysis reveals that existing theory on collaboration could be deepened by further research into the agency of individual human actors, the complex social–relational dynamics among actors, and the situatedness of actors within the social–ecological context. These factors mediate collaborative processes, and a better understanding of them is needed to support place-based stewardship practice. To this end, the pathways approach offers a waymark to advance research on collaboration, particularly in the complex, contested social–ecological systems that tend to characterize multifunctional landscapes

    Land claims and the pursuit of co-management on four protected areas in South Africa

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    Successful land claims on protected areas by previously disenfranchised communities often result in co-management agreements between claimant communities and state conservation agencies. South Africa, in particular, has pursued co-management as the desired outcome of land claims on its protected areas. We review four cases of co-management on protected areas in South Africa, and reflect on the appropriateness of the pursuit of co-management as the preferred outcome of land claims. Despite promises of pro-poor, democratically informed management, the practical experience of co-management has seen the continuation of the status quo in terms of conservation, with very few material benefits for claimant communities and limited sharing of responsibilities and decision-making functions. The findings underscore two deep challenges facing co-management in cases of land claims worldwide. First, during land claims negotiations in cases involving protected areas, the state cannot be expected to represent the best interests of its citizens (the land claimants), while simultaneously seeking to meet national and international obligations for protected area coverage. Second, the concept of democratic co-management may sit uncomfortably beside the realities of managing loss-making protected areas with ever-shrinking conservation budgets. Where co-management agreements have already been signed, ensuring that new landowners do indeed have a say in management should form the driving focus for co-management practice going forward
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