1,296 research outputs found

    Flow through Pore-Size Graded Membrane Pore Networks

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    Pore-size gradients are often used in the design of membrane filters to increase filter lifetime and ensure fuller use of the initial membrane pore volume. In this work, we impose pore-size gradients in the setting of a membrane filter with an internal network of interconnected tube-like pores. We model the flow and foulant transport through the filter using the Hagen-Poiseuille framework coupled with advection equations via conservation of fluid and particle flux, with adsorption as the sole fouling mechanism. We study the influence of pore-size gradient on performance measures such as total filtrate throughput and accumulated contaminant concentration at the membrane downstream pore outlets. Within the limitations of our modeling assumptions we find that there is an optimal pore-radius gradient that maximizes filter efficiency independent of maximum pore length (an input parameter that influences the structure of the pore network), and that filters with longer characteristic pore length perform better

    Modeling and design optimization for pleated membrane filters

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    Pleated membrane filters, which offer larger surface area to volume ratios than unpleated membrane filters, are used in a wide variety of applications. However, the performance of the pleated filter, as characterized by a flux-throughput plot, indicates that the equivalent unpleated filter provides better performance under the same pressure drop. Earlier work (Sanaei & Cummings 2016) used a highly-simplified membrane model to investigate how the pleating effect and membrane geometry affect this performance differential. In this work, we extend this line of investigation and use asymptotic methods to couple an outer problem for the flow within the pleated structure to an inner problem that accounts for the pore structure within the membrane. We use our new model to formulate and address questions of optimal membrane design for a given filtration application

    Note on the hydrodynamic description of thin nematic films: strong anchoring model

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    We discuss the long-wave hydrodynamic model for a thin film of nematic liquid crystal in the limit of strong anchoring at the free surface and at the substrate. We rigorously clarify how the elastic energy enters the evolution equation for the film thickness in order to provide a solid basis for further investigation: several conflicting models exist in the literature that predict qualitatively different behaviour. We consolidate the various approaches and show that the long-wave model derived through an asymptotic expansion of the full nemato-hydrodynamic equations with consistent boundary conditions agrees with the model one obtains by employing a thermodynamically motivated gradient dynamics formulation based on an underlying free energy functional. As a result, we find that in the case of strong anchoring the elastic distortion energy is always stabilising. To support the discussion in the main part of the paper, an appendix gives the full derivation of the evolution equation for the film thickness via asymptotic expansion

    Liquid film dynamics in horizontal and tilted tubes: dry spots and sliding drops

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    Using a model derived from lubrication theory, we consider the evolution of a thin viscous film coating the interior or exterior of a cylindrical tube. The flow is driven by surface tension and gravity and the liquid is assumed to wet the cylinder perfectly. When the tube is horizontal, we use large-time simulations to describe the bifurcation structure of the capillary equilibria appearing at low Bond number. We identify a new film configuration in which an isolated dry patch appears at the top of the tube and demonstrate hysteresis in the transition between rivulets and annular collars as the tube length is varied. For a tube tilted to the vertical, we show how a long initially uniform rivulet can break up first into isolated drops and then annular collars, which subsequently merge. We also show that the speed at which a localized drop moves down the base of a tilted tube is non-monotonic in tilt angle
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