25 research outputs found

    Wildlife research and development

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    A research paper on wildlife research and development in Zimbabwe.Wildlife as legitimate, viable and competitive land-use is now well established in several southern African countries. Zimbabwe played a leading and pioneering role in developing wildlife as a land-use in both commercial and communal farming sectors and by 1990 it covered 22 per cent of the country (Cumming, 1991a). By the late 1980s, the wildlife-based tourism industry was the fastest growing sector of the economy and ranked fourth in its contribution to gross domestic product. An important feature of the wildlife sector was that it generated wealth, and particularly foreign exchange earnings, from marginal lands and provided incentives to conserve the country’s wildlife heritage and biodiversity.203 This is possible because, unlike meat, milk and hides, wildlife’s main revenue earning products are service-based and only loosely coupled to rainfall and plant production. Importantly, extensive wildlife production systems maintain ecosystem services and retain options for future development

    Chapitre 4 - One Health : une perspective écologique et de conservation

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    Introduction Alors que notre planète est de plus en plus dominée par les activités humaines et leurs conséquences, nous nous retrouvons à vivre dans un monde où les zones naturelles sont de plus en plus réduites. D’un autre côté, les avancées technologiques nous conduisent vers une connectivité accrue et créent de nouveaux liens entre les personnes, les écosystèmes et les paysages à travers le globe (Helping, 2013). Les conséque..

    Pathogens, disease, and the social-ecological resilience of protected areas

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    It is extremely important for biodiversity conservation that protected areas are resilient to a range of potential future perturbations. One of the least studied influences on protected area resilience is that of disease. We argue that wildlife disease (1) is a social-ecological problem that must be approached from an interdisciplinary perspective; (2) has the potential to lead to changes in the identity of protected areas, possibly transforming them; and (3) interacts with conservation both directly (via impacts on wild animals, livestock, and people) and indirectly (via the public, conservation management, and veterinary responses). We use southern African protected areas as a case study to test a framework for exploring the connections between conservation, endemic disease, and social-ecological resilience. We first define a set of criteria for the social-ecological identity of protected areas. We then use these criteria to explore the potential impacts of selected diseases (foot-and-mouth disease, anthrax, malaria, rabies, rift valley fever, trypanosomiasis, and canine distemper) on protected area resilience. Although endemic diseases may have a number of direct impacts on both wild animals and domestic animals and people, the indirect pathways by which diseases influence social-ecological resilience also emerge as potentially important. The majority of endemic pathogens found in protected areas do not kill large numbers of wild animals or infect many people, and may even play valuable ecological roles; but occasional disease outbreaks and mortalities can have a large impact on public perceptions and disease management, potentially making protected areas unviable in one or more of their stated aims. Neighboring landowners also have a significant impact on park management decisions. The indirect effects triggered by disease in the human social and economic components of protected areas and surrounding landscapes may ultimately have a greater influence on protected area resilience than the direct ecological perturbations caused by disease

    Chapitre 21 - Au-delà des clôtures : faune sauvage, bétail et utilisation des terres en Afrique australe

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    Introduction Les pâturages et savanes du monde, autrefois ouverts, sont de plus en plus enclavés par des limites qui démarquent des parcelles de plus en plus petites. Les changements qui en résultent dans les échelles de gestion de ces paysages ont des répercussions à la fois sur les processus écologiques et sociaux et, en définitive, sur la santé du système ainsi que sur la santé et le bien-être de l’homme. Une approche One Hea..

    One health, une seule santé

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    One Health, « Une seule santé », est une stratégie mondiale visant à développer les collaborations interdisciplinaires pour la santé humaine, animale et environnementale. Elle promeut une approche intégrée, systémique et unifiée de la santé aux échelles locale, nationale et mondiale, afin de mieux affronter les maladies émergentes à risque pandémique, mais aussi s'adapter aux impacts environnementaux présents et futurs. Bien que ce mouvement s’étende, la littérature en français reste rare. Traduit de l’anglais, coordonné par d’éminents épidémiologistes et s'appuyant sur un large panel d' approches scientifiques rarement réunies autour de la santé, cet ouvrage retrace les origines du concept et présente un contenu pratique sur les outils méthodologiques, la collecte de données, les techniques de surveillance et les plans d’étude. Il combine recherche et pratique en un seul volume et constitue un ouvrage de référence unique pour la santé mondiale

    One Health: an ecological and conservation perspective

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    This chapter initially discusses paradigm shifts in epidemiology and ecology, as well as their converging approaches to health and disease, during the 20th century. An examination of the difficulties in defining and measuring ecosystem health, ecosystem integrity and environmental health then follows, using specific examples to illustrate the complexity of these interactions and the important role of conservation in a developing One Health paradigm. Relevant concepts of adaptive capacity, resilience and transformability in social-ecological systems are also discussed

    Living off 'biodiversity': whose land, whose resources and where?

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