101 research outputs found

    The effect of thermal injury on gastric emptying in rats

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    Gastric distension and gastrointestinal discomfort are common complications of burn injuries. This study was designed to examine the effect of thermal injury on the emptying rate of liquids in conscious rats fitted with stainless steel cannulae in the body of the stomach. In rats with partial-thickness burns emptying of the hyperosmolal saline was found to be delayed (P < 0.05) with respect to control only during the chronic phase of injury. However, full-thickness burns delayed hyperosmolal saline emptying in both acute and chronic phases, together with delayed saline emptying in the acute state. Thermal injury did not influence the gastric emptying of peptone and acid solutions, which activate different pathways to delay gastric emptying. Delayed gastric emptying of hyperosmolal solutions may be explained by increased sympathetic and opiatergic nervous activities, resulting in reflex relaxation of gastric smooth muscle. © 1995

    The delays in intestinal motility and neutrophil infiltration following burn injury in rats involve endogenous endothelins

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    This study was carried out to investigate the role of endogenous endothelins in intestinal motility following bum injury by using a nonselective endothelin-1 (ET-1) antagonist and to evaluate the ET-1-mediated reactive oxygen metabolite formation and neutrophil infiltration following burn injury. In 2 h and 3 day postburn groups, transit indices were significantly decreased as compared to corresponding sham groups. Transit index was not significantly changed by PD156252 pretreatment in the 2 h postburn group, whereas the delay in transit was abolished in the ET-antagonist treated 3 day postbum group. In the 2 h postburn group, tissue-associated myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity value was found to be increased compared to corresponding sham group, while PD156252 pretreatment partially reversed this effect. Although MPO activity levels were not significantly different between 3 day postburn and corresponding sham groups, MPO levels showed a significant increase in ET antagonist-treated group as compared to the corresponding burn group. In the early phase of the burn, there was no significant difference in protein oxidation levels among the groups. In the 3 day postburn group, protein oxidation levels in ET-antagonist-treated group showed an increase compared to its corresponding burn group. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that endogenous endothelins have an important role in the systemic response to burn injury, as observed by a delay in intestinal motility and an infiltration of neutrophils. Although the results of the animal studies are not readily applicable to burned patients, the present study may suggest that the burned patient's condition should be carefully evaluated to secure a proper and early enteral feeding

    Intestinal obstruction due to congenital mesenteric band in an adult patient

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    We report the case of a 30-year-old male patient who was admitted to the Emergency Department with symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction. There was no history of abdominal surgery or trauma. Abdomen was distended. Abdominal plain X-ray showed intestinal loops with air-fluid levels in the middle area of the abdomen. Computed tomography showed small bowel dilatation and free fluid in the abdomen. A laparotomy was subsequently performed and the intraoperative findings revealed a band extending from the root of the mesentery to the antimesenteric wall of the jejunum. The band was resected; the postoperative course was uneventful. Congenital bands are extremely rare and usually observed in childhood. This case, therefore, represents an unusual surgical problem in an older individual in whom the diagnosis was clinically unexpected

    Prospective study of sexual dysfunction after proctectomy for rectal cancer

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    Background: Although rectal cancer is a common malignancy and has an improved cure rate in response to oncological treatment, research on rectal-cancer survivors' sexual function remains limited. Objective: The aim of this prospective study is to assess sexual dysfunction after rectal cancer surgery. Patients and methods: Patients undergoing curative rectal cancer surgery were included in the study. Sexual function before and 6 months after the operation was measured using the validated questionnaires. Primary outcome was to determine the rates of Sexual dysfunction after rectal cancer surgery. Furthermore, the factors which can have an impact on sexual function after radical treatment have been assessed. Results: A total of 187 patients [117 (63%) men and 70 (37%) women] with rectal cancer who underwent radical resection were included in the study. Sexual function has significantly decreased after surgery. Among male patients, sexual dysfunction increased from the baseline 4% (n = 5) up to 41% (n = 48) after the operation. Among female patients, sexual dysfunction increased from the baseline 53% (n = 37) up to 77% (n = 54) after the operation. A significant lower rate of laparoscopic surgery has been found in both males and females who reported sexual dysfunction after surgery. The patients who have locally advanced disease and those who received postoperative chemotherapy or radiotherapy have higher rates of sexual dysfunction. Conclusion: This study, showed that sexual dysfunction is common in patients with rectal cancer after radical treatment. However, patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery have lower rates of sexual dysfunction than those who underwent open surgery. (C) 2017 Asian Surgical Association and Taiwan Robotic Surgical Association. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V

    Pseudoaneurysm of the left gluteal artery after a pelvic fracture sustained during the Marmara earthquake: Report of a case

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    Although iliac artery injuries caused by pelvic fractures are uncommon, in special circumstances, such as earthquakes, traumatic arterial injury should be carefully investigated. This reports describes a case of an iliac artery pseudoaneurysm causing compressive symptoms that was successfully treated by radiologic embolization


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    In this study, the effects of iloprost (ZK 36374) and NDGA on warm ischemia and reperfusion injury in rat liver were investigated. Rats were given isotonic saline (control group), iloprost 25 mug/kg i.v. (group II) just before warm ischemia or NDGA 10 mug/kg i.v. (group III) 5 min before reperfusion or the same drug were given together (group IV). Serum SGOT, SGPT, and LDH values and tissue malonedialdehyde (MDA), gluthathione (GSH), prostaglandin (PGE2, and leukotriene (LT)C4 levels were determined after ischemia-reperfusion injury. Histopathologic examination of the liver was carried out under the light microscope. The serum SGOT, SGPT and LDH levels improved significantly in groups II, III, and IV when compared with the control group (p < 0.05). There was a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in tissue MDA levels and significant increase (p < 0.05) in tissue GSH levels in group I, when compared with group IV and the control groups. The values did not differ significantly in group IV when compared to controls. The LTC4/PGE, ratio was low and histologic findings were worse in group III. In conclusion, iloprost was found to,be beneficial in preventing the ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat livers. NDGA, either by direct toxic effector by Shifting the arachidonic acid metabolism to the cyclooxygenase route, was not found to be as effective. Iloprost and NDGA did not exert a synergistic effect


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    Several methods have been described for the prolongation of survival of isolated and transplanted islet cells. To investigate the effect of a stable prostacyclin analogue, ZK 36374 (Iloprost) on isolated and allotransplanted islet cell function, we studied 6 groups of rats: Group 1 (n = 7) animals underwent pancreatectomy and their islets were isolated and cultured by standard techniques. Group 2 (n = 8) animals were treated the same, except for the addition of Iloprost to the culture solutions. Group 3 (n = 7) animals were treated as group 1, but the isolated islets were transplanted to the subcapsular space of the left kidney of group 5 (n = 7) animals. Group 4 (n = 8) animals were treated as group 2, and the isolated islets were transplanted to group 6 (n = 8) animals. The insulin levels in the culture media obtained in group 1 and 2 were measured. In groups 5 and 6 blood glucose levels were measured and intraperitoneal glucose loading tests were performed. Histological examination was performed for both isolated and transplanted islets. The results showed that both insulin levels and histologic evaluation were better for group 2 than group 1. Animals in group 6 reached normoglycemia on the fifth day following transplantation while it was the ninth day for group 5. The intraperitoneal glucose loading test was tolerated better by group 6 animals. We conclude that Iloprost may be responsible for the improved results which seem to be due to its cytoprotective effect

    Left-sided paraduodenal hernia: Report of a case

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    Paraduodenal hernias are rare congenital malformations consisting of incomplete rotation of the midgut, which may lead to intestinal obstruction or simply be detected as an incidental finding at autopsy or laparotomy. We report a case of left paraduodenal hernia diagnosed preoperatively by computed tomography and operated on in an emergency setting for signs of peritoneal irritation. A misdiagnosis had been made when the patient suffered his first attack 6 months earlier and he had been treated for familial Mediterranean fever. We reduced the small bowel loops from the left paraduodenal hernia sac with ligation and transection of the inferior mesenteric vessels. The patient was discharged from hospital on postoperative day 4 after an uneventful recovery


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    A prospective study was performed in 32 patients (24 female, eight male) with 50 abdominal hydatid cysts, to assess whether intracystic pressure (ICP) could predict viability. The median ICP, measured during operation, was 35 cmH2O for 31 viable cysts and zero for nine non-viable cysts located in the liver (P < 0.05). The median ICP was significantly higher in cysts located in the left lobe of the liver than in those in the right (P < 0.05). The ICP was not significantly different in unilocular or multilocular cysts. ICP increased as the diameter of the cysts increased. The sensitivity of the indirect haemagglutination test was 86 per cent and the specificity 75 per cent. It is concluded that measurement of ICP is a simple and reliable method for assessment of the viability of abdominal hydatid cysts

    Coagulation dynamics and platelet functions in obstructive jaundiced patients

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    All of the body systems are affected by increased levels of bilirubin. The aim of this study is to investigate the function of platelets and clotting dynamics in patients with obstructive jaundice. Liver function tests, serum CRP, PT, PTT and hemogram were measured in 23 patients with obstructive jaundice. Thromboelastography (TEG) was done for the evaluation of coagulation dynamics, while platelet function assay (PFA 100) was used to evaluate platelet functions. Blood samples were obtained at two occasions, before the drainage and 3 weeks after the relief of the obstruction. Hypercoagulation was detected in 80% of patients. Maximum strength, elasticity, coagulation indices of the clot were correlated with increased concentrations of direct bilirubin. Although maximum strength of coagulum usually represents increased activity of platelet function, membrane closure times with PFA 100 were found to be prolonged in 30% of patients, reduced values were determined in 17% of patients. No demonstrable effect on coagulation parameters and platelet function were detected after drainage procedures regardless of modality. Even though there is a general assumption about the increased bleeding tendency in obstructive jaundiced patients, we could not demonstrate reduced clotting activity by measuring with either PFA or TEG. On the contrary we observed tendency for hypercoagulation independent of increased prothrombin times. The most probable cause of this effect is the increased activity of fibrin polymers on platelet membrane