5,307 research outputs found

    Percolative Effects on Noise in Pentacene Transistors

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    The 1/f noise in pentacene thin film transistors has been measured as a function of device thickness from well above the effective conduction channel thickness to only two conducting layers. Over the entire thickness range, the spectral noise form is 1/f, and the noise parameter varies as (gate voltage)-1, confirming that the noise is due to mobility fluctuations, even in the thinnest films. Hooge's parameter varies as an inverse power-law with conductivity for all film thicknesses. The magnitude and transport characteristics of the spectral noise are well explained in terms of percolative effects arising from the grain boundary structure.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Publishe

    Spiral Evolution in a Confined Geometry

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    Supported nanoscale lead crystallites with a step emerging from a non-centered screw dislocation on the circular top facet were prepared by rapid cooling from just above the melting temperature. STM observations of the top facet show a nonuniform rotation rate and shape of the spiral step as the crystallite relaxes. These features can be accurately modeled using curvature driven dynamics, as in classical models of spiral growth, with boundary conditions fixing the dislocation core and regions of the step lying along the outer facet edge.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physical Review Letter

    The Princeton Variability Survey

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    The Princeton Variability Survey (PVS) is a robotic survey which makes use of readily available, ``off-the-shelf'' type hardware products, in conjunction with a powerful set of commercial software products, in order to monitor and discover variable objects in the night sky. The main goal of the PVS has been to devise an automated telescope and data reduction system, requiring only moderate technical and financial resources to assemble, which may be easily replicated by the dedicated amateur, a student group, or a professional and used to study and discover a variety of variable objects, such as stars. This paper describes the hardware and software components of the PVS device as well as observational results from the initial season of the PVS, including the discovery of a new bright variable star.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. Revised to fix typos and expand discussion. Accepted PAS

    Development and evaluation of die materials for use in the growth of silicon ribbons by the inverted ribbon growth process, task 2, LSSA project

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    Silicon sessile drop experiments were performed on a variety of commercially available refractory carbides, nitrides, oxides, and borides to examine the potential of these materials for applications involving either direct contact with molten silicon or as substrates for CVD coatings in the fabrication of dies and crucibles for containing molten silicon. Simultaneous experiments were also conducted with CVD layers of SiC, Si3N4, and SiOxNy. Silicon nitride layers, deposited with NH3:SiH4 ratios ranging from 100:1 down to 5:1, were examined in sessile drop experiments to determine if the layers are degraded as a result of using lower reagent ratios. Preliminary experiments were undertaken on the stability of CVD Si3N4 near the melting point of silicon. Silicon ribbon segments were grown from vitreous carbon dies which had been coated with CVD Si3N4. Depending upon the purity of the die materials, ribbon resistivity values up to 40 Omega cm were obtained

    Atomic Structure of Graphene on SiO2

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    We employ scanning probe microscopy to reveal atomic structures and nanoscale morphology of graphene-based electronic devices (i.e. a graphene sheet supported by an insulating silicon dioxide substrate) for the first time. Atomic resolution STM images reveal the presence of a strong spatially dependent perturbation, which breaks the hexagonal lattice symmetry of the graphitic lattice. Structural corrugations of the graphene sheet partially conform to the underlying silicon oxide substrate. These effects are obscured or modified on graphene devices processed with normal lithographic methods, as they are covered with a layer of photoresist residue. We enable our experiments by a novel cleaning process to produce atomically-clean graphene sheets.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Sampling Time Effects for Persistence and Survival in Step Structural Fluctuations

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    The effects of sampling rate and total measurement time have been determined for single-point measurements of step fluctuations within the context of first-passage properties. Time dependent STM has been used to evaluate step fluctuations on Ag(111) films grown on mica as a function of temperature (300-410 K), on screw dislocations on the facets of Pb crystallites at 320K, and on Al-terminated Si(111) over the temperature range 770K - 970K. Although the fundamental time constant for step fluctuations on Ag and Al/Si varies by orders of magnitude over the temperature ranges of measurement, no dependence of the persistence amplitude on temperature is observed. Instead, the persistence probability is found to scale directly with t/Dt where Dt is the time interval used for sampling. Survival probabilities show a more complex scaling dependence which includes both the sampling interval and the total measurement time tm. Scaling with t/Dt occurs only when Dt/tm is a constant. We show that this observation is equivalent to theoretical predictions that the survival probability will scale as Dt/L^z, where L is the effective length of a step. This implies that the survival probability for large systems, when measured with fixed values of tm or Dt should also show little or no temperature dependence.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Cosmic Rays and Large Extra Dimensions

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    We have proposed that the cosmic ray spectrum "knee", the steepening of the cosmic ray spectrum at energy E \gsim 10^{15.5} eV, is due to "new physics", namely new interactions at TeV cm energies which produce particles undetected by the experimental apparatus. In this letter we examine specifically the possibility that this interaction is low scale gravity. We consider that the graviton propagates, besides the usual four dimensions, into an additional δ\delta, compactified, large dimensions and we estimate the graviton production in ppp p collisions in the high energy approximation where graviton emission is factorized. We find that the cross section for graviton production rises as fast as (s/Mf)2+δ(\sqrt{s}/M_f)^{2+\delta}, where MfM_f is the fundamental scale of gravity in 4+δ4+\delta dimensions, and that the distribution of radiating a fraction yy of the initial particle's energy into gravitational energy (which goes undetected) behaves as δyδ1\delta y^{\delta -1}. The missing energy leads to an underestimate of the true energy and generates a break in the {\sl inferred} cosmic ray spectrum (the "kne"). By fitting the cosmic ray spectrum data we deduce that the favorite values for the parameters of the theory are Mf8M_f \sim 8 TeV and δ=4\delta =4.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur