43 research outputs found

    Construction and management of ethnicities in Southeast Asia : cultures, policies and development

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    Regional social sciences Summer university, "Tam Đåo Summer school week", Việt Nam, July 2011 ; [organized by École française d'ExtrĂȘme-Orient ; Agence française de dĂ©veloppement ; Institut de recherche pour le dĂ©veloppement, et al.] ; [scientific editor, StĂ©phane LagrĂ©e]GOODInternational audienceWelcome to the workshop on ethnic groups in Southeast Asia. We will start with introductions from the participants; this workshop is structured so as to promote the methodological and pedagogic dimension, and exchanges and discussions will be a priority all week. Presentation of the trainers and participants (see biographies of trainers and list of participants at the end of the chapter) How will these four and a half days of group work unfold? We will devote this first day to the ways in which ethnic groups are designated and named, and our approach will initially be theoretical and methodological: we will explain the constructivist and naturalist approaches. We will ask what an ethnic group is and how and why we make ethnic classifications. In the afternoon, we will turn towards case studies in Việt Nam and in Laos. Tuesday will be devoted to the relationship between the law and ethnic groups. We will start with the legal situation so as to be able to observe the relationship with what is visible in the field. Sociologists and anthropologists use the law very rarely as an instrument of knowledge; we will try to establish a relationship between law and anthropology. We will conclude this second day with case studies. Questions from applied anthropology and development anthropology will be studied on Wednesday morning, then we will together organize three working groups, one group per trainer with a specific theme. Friday morning will be devoted to presentations from each group; from these we will derive a synthesis for the public reporting session on Saturday

    ExpĂ©rience de dialogue entre l’anthropologie et une situation de dĂ©veloppement au Vietnam

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    Cet article prĂ©sente l’expĂ©rience et les changements de postures de deux anthropologues qui ont explorĂ© l’idĂ©e que, pour ĂȘtre efficaces, les projets de dĂ©veloppement devraient ĂȘtre construits Ă  partir d’enquĂȘtes qualitatives rigoureuses, sans prĂ©juger ni des manques locaux, ni du secteur, ni des modalitĂ©s d’intervention. Afin de vĂ©rifier l’intĂ©rĂȘt et l’efficacitĂ© de cette dĂ©marche, les auteurs l’ont concrĂštement mise en Ɠuvre dans une commune Tay du nord du Vietnam. Pendant trois ans, une Ă©tude anthropologique d’approche classique a ainsi Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans cette localitĂ©. Elle a permis de dresser un diagnostic de la situation locale et d’évaluer les possibilitĂ©s d’initier une action de dĂ©veloppement. Elle a en particulier rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© qu’il n’était pas pertinent de lancer un projet supplĂ©mentaire dans cette commune. La seule action possible Ă©tait celle de mĂ©diateur ou d’intermĂ©diaire entre l’Etat − Ă  l’origine des actions de dĂ©veloppement − et les populations locales, afin de favoriser une meilleure adĂ©quation de l’intervention avec les rĂ©alitĂ©s du terrain. A la demande des autoritĂ©s locales, les auteurs se sont alors engagĂ©s dans le montage d’un projet de dĂ©veloppement touristique en train de voir le jour dans la commune. Ainsi, d’une position d’observateurs des projets ils sont passĂ©s Ă  celle de mĂ©diateurs entre les paysans, les autoritĂ©s locales et les agences de tourisme.This paper describes the experience and change of position of two anthropologists who explored the idea that, in order to be more efficient, development projects should be based on long and rigorous qualitative surveys, without pre-judging either local deficiencies, the sector of activity or the methods of intervention. In order to verify, and possibly demonstrate, the value and effectiveness of this approach, the authors have put it into practice in a Tay ethnic commune in northern Vietnam. For a period of three years a classical anthropological study was carried out in these villages. This survey allowed the authors to establish a diagnosis of the local situation and to evaluate the possibilities for initiating a development action. The study specifically revealed that it wasn’t relevant to start a new project in this commune. The most suitable action was to act as mediator or intermediary between the State – which is responsible for development action – and the local population in order to foster a better match of the intervention with the reality on the ground. At the local authorities’ request, the authors became involved in the setting up of a tourism development project already in its infancy in the commune. Thus, from being observers of development projects, they became the mediator between farmers, local authorities and tourist agencies

    Les Territoires de l’opium. Conflits et trafics du Triangle d’Or et du Croissant d’Or (Birmanie, Laos, Thaïlande et Afghanistan, Iran et Pakistan), Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy

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    Cet ouvrage, tirĂ© d’une thĂšse de doctorat en gĂ©ographie (UniversitĂ© de Paris I-PanthĂ©on-Sorbonne, 2001), est une excellente synthĂšse, Ă  la fois riche et trĂšs complĂšte, sur l’histoire et la gĂ©opolitique de l’opium dans les deux grandes zones de production asiatique : le Triangle d’Or (Birmanie, ThaĂŻlande et Laos) et le Croissant d’Or (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran). Étant donnĂ© la diversitĂ© des thĂšmes traitĂ©s, il est difficile d’en rĂ©sumer en quelques phrases le contenu. On peut cependant, pour ..

    Tapp (Nicholas). Sovereignty and Rebellion: The White Hmong of Northern Thailand

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    Culas Christian. Tapp (Nicholas). Sovereignty and Rebellion: The White Hmong of Northern Thailand. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°92, 1995. L'islam en europe. pp. 142-143

    Jane Hamilton-Merritt, Tragic mountains : The Hmong, the Americans, and the secret wars for Laos, 1942-1992, Bloomington ; Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1993

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    Culas Christian. Jane Hamilton-Merritt, Tragic mountains : The Hmong, the Americans, and the secret wars for Laos, 1942-1992, Bloomington ; Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1993. In: L'Homme et la société, N. 117-118, 1995. Luttes de classes. pp. 171-173

    Jane Hamilton-Merritt, Tragic mountains : The Hmong, the Americans, and the secret wars for Laos, 1942-1992, Bloomington ; Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1993

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    Culas Christian. Jane Hamilton-Merritt, Tragic mountains : The Hmong, the Americans, and the secret wars for Laos, 1942-1992, Bloomington ; Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1993. In: L'Homme et la société, N. 117-118, 1995. Luttes de classes. pp. 171-173

    Tapp (Nicholas). Sovereignty and Rebellion: The White Hmong of Northern Thailand

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    Culas Christian. Tapp (Nicholas). Sovereignty and Rebellion: The White Hmong of Northern Thailand. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°92, 1995. L'islam en europe. pp. 142-143

    Jenks (Robert D.). Insurgency and Social Disorder in Guizhou: The "Miao" RĂ©bellion, 1854-1873

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    Culas Christian. Jenks (Robert D.). Insurgency and Social Disorder in Guizhou: The "Miao" Rébellion, 1854-1873. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°100, 1997. pp. 97-98