80 research outputs found

    Efficacy and safety of transarterial chemoembolization combined to conformal radiotherapy for uninodular hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Purpose: A proportion of patients with uninodular hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cannot benefit from potential curative therapies such as liver transplantation, surgical resection or radiofrequency ablation. Thus, they are prone to receive transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) that is a palliative option with low probability of both complete response and prolonged local control. Herein, we assessed the combination of TACE and 3D-high dose conformal radiotherapy (3D-HDCRT) for efficacy and safety in HCC. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the outcome of 35 consecutive patients with uninodular HCC ≤ 100 mm, treated by one course of TACE combined to 3D-HDCRT. The follow-up consisted on clinics, biology, hepatic CT-scan or MRI at month-1 and -3, and thereafter every 3 months. Results: Complete response was obtained in 80% of patients following mRECIST criteria (95% in HCC ≤ 50 mm, and 60% in HCC &gt; 50 mm) with uncommon local recurrence (11%), overall survival rates of 79%, 59% and 44% at respectively 1, 2 and 3 years (median, 37.3 months), and 11.4% grade-3/4 toxicities. Pre-therapeutic α-fetoprotein level ≥ 200 ng/mL was found as a strong predictor of poorer outcome. Conclusion: We showed that TACE combined to 3D-HDCRT can be highly efficient to reach local control and interesting overall survival rates for uninodular HCC, with limited severe toxicities for Child-Pugh A patients. Subsequent prospective controlled trials are warranted for comparison with therapeutic standards.</p

    Efficacy and safety of transarterial chemoembolization combined to conformal radiotherapy for uninodular hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Purpose: A proportion of patients with uninodular hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cannot benefit from potential curative therapies such as liver transplantation, surgical resection or radiofrequency ablation. Thus, they are prone to receive transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) that is a palliative option with low probability of both complete response and prolonged local control. Herein, we assessed the combination of TACE and 3D-high dose conformal radiotherapy (3D-HDCRT) for efficacy and safety in HCC. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the outcome of 35 consecutive patients with uninodular HCC ≤ 100 mm, treated by one course of TACE combined to 3D-HDCRT. The follow-up consisted on clinics, biology, hepatic CT-scan or MRI at month-1 and -3, and thereafter every 3 months. Results: Complete response was obtained in 80% of patients following mRECIST criteria (95% in HCC ≤ 50 mm, and 60% in HCC &gt; 50 mm) with uncommon local recurrence (11%), overall survival rates of 79%, 59% and 44% at respectively 1, 2 and 3 years (median, 37.3 months), and 11.4% grade-3/4 toxicities. Pre-therapeutic α-fetoprotein level ≥ 200 ng/mL was found as a strong predictor of poorer outcome. Conclusion: We showed that TACE combined to 3D-HDCRT can be highly efficient to reach local control and interesting overall survival rates for uninodular HCC, with limited severe toxicities for Child-Pugh A patients. Subsequent prospective controlled trials are warranted for comparison with therapeutic standards

    ATHLETIQUE: interest of an adapted physical activity program in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a feasibility and preliminary effectiveness study

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    BackgroundJuvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is associated with joint inflammation, pain and limited joint mobility, impacting the practice of physical activities. Adapted Physical Activities (APA) are an increasingly used method of rehabilitation, but additional studies are needed to define the nature of the most appropriate physical activity for patients with JIA. The “ATHLETIQUE” project aims to evaluate the impact of a program integrating APA sessions with use of a pedometer watch, on disease activity in patients with JIA.MethodsThis study will be a randomized, multicenter, open-label, controlled clinical trial with 2 parallel arms. The patients included in this study will be children and adolescents with JIA, aged 6 to 17 years. The experimental group (30 patients) will participate in an APA program for 3 months and will use a pedometer watch for one year. We will evaluate and compare the change in disease activity measurements (primary objective), fatigue, pain, quality of life, level of physical activity, functional capacities, and muscle strength (secondary objectives) after 14, 26 and 50 weeks. The control group (10 patients) will undergo the same evaluations as the experimental group but will not participate in the APA program and will not wear the pedometer watch.Expected resultsThe APA program may help to promote an active lifestyle with regular physical activity, preventing comorbidities and motor disability. Promising results on disease activity, functional capacities and quality of life would enable us to envisage a larger research program with a view to optimizing and assessing APA for children with JIA.DiscussionThis study will be conducted in the short and medium-term, with one-year follow-up, including 3 months of APA sessions for the experimental group. The sessions proposed during the APA program will mainly be aerobic and bodyweight exercises. Furthermore, in contrast to previous studies on this topic, our study will integrate a novel element, namely the use of a pedometer watch. This watch will help to implement strategies to address motivation. This study aims to improve physical and mental well-being, provide a basis for the design of a larger study, and propose recommendations adapted to children with JIA.Trial registrationRegistered with ClinicalTrials.gov under the number NCT0557242

    Vocabulaire de base: exercices pratiques

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    Cardiogenic shock elicits acute inflammation, delayed eosinophilia, and depletion of immune cells in most severe cases.

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    Patients with cardiogenic shock (CS) display systemic inflammation and a high rate of infections, suggesting important immune disturbances. To explore the immune response to CS, we prospectively measured, in 24 consecutive CS patients, differential white blood cell (WBC) counts and the cytokines IL-1β, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, TNFα, IFNγ, MCP-1 and eotaxin (CCL11), at Day 1 (T1), day 3 (T2) and day 6-8 (T3). Secondary infections and their influence on cytokines and WBCs were determined. CS induced early (T1) neutrophilia and elevated levels of IL-6, IL-10 and MCP-1, correlating with shock severity. The eosinophil chemoattractant eotaxin was elevated at T1 and decreased thereafter, and a progressive rise of blood eosinophils was noted over time. Patients with the most severe shock had reduced lymphocytes and monocytes at T2 and T3. Sixty-two percent of patients developed an infection, which did not alter the profile of immune response, except from higher IL-6 levels at T2. Therefore, CS elicits an acute pro-inflammatory response, followed by a delayed increase in blood eosinophils, consistent with the development of a tissue repair response, as well as depletion of immune cells in the most severely affected patients, which might predispose to secondary infections

    May breezes /

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    Episodes de bactériémies dans une unité d oncologie pédiatrique (étude rétrospective sur 8 ans)

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    Les enfants suivis en oncologie ont un risque infectieux augmenté du fait de leur pathologie et des traitements qu ils reçoivent; chez ces patients, les bactériémies et fongémies constituent une cause majeure de morbidité qui peut aussi mettre en jeu le pronostic vital. Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective dans le département de pédiatrie de l Institut Gustave Roussy de toutes les hémocultures positives entre le 1er janvier 2000 et le 31 décembre 2007 afin de décrire les caractéristiques épidémiologiques des patients à risque et de déterminer l évolution de ces bactériémies. Pendant ces 8 années, nous avons recensé 1091 hémocultures positives, dont 101 contaminations, soit 345 épisodes bactériémiques chez 290 patients. Parmi ceux-ci, 47% ont eu lieu chez des patients neutropéniques et 13% après une autogreffe. Les germes les plus fréquemment mis en évidence étaient des cocci gram positive dans 42,3% des cas puis des bacilles gram négatifs (BGN) dans 35,7% des cas; néanmoins, au cours des deux dernières années de 2006 et 2007, les BGN ont été les plus fréquents (35,8% et 43,6% respectivement). Les infections étaient polymicrobiennes dans 15,6% des cas et il s agissait de fongémies dans 2,3% des cas. Dans près de 50% des cas, la voie veineuse centrale a été retirée. En outre, l infection a été compliquée d un choc septique dans 9% des cas et d un transfert en réanimation dans 5,2%, surtout en cas de BGN. Au total, seulement deux décès ont été causés par l infection de façon certaine. L amélioration des connaissances sur les bactériémies en oncologie pédiatrique va permettre d optimiser leur prise en charge en terme de gestion des voies d abord et de l antibiothérapie.PARIS6-Bibl.Pitié-Salpêtrie (751132101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les vilayets d'Angora et d'Adana

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    Vital Cuinet , Hoffmann Louis-Frédéric. Les vilayets d'Angora et d'Adana. In: Le Globe. Revue genevoise de géographie, tome 28, 1889. pp. 1-48