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    A closer look at interacting dark energy with statefinder hierarchy and growth rate of structure

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    We investigate the interacting dark energy models by using the diagnostics of statefinder hierarchy and growth rate of structure. We wish to explore the deviations from Λ\LambdaCDM and to differentiate possible degeneracies in the interacting dark energy models with the geometrical and structure growth diagnostics. We consider two interacting forms for the models, i.e., Q1=βHρcQ_1=\beta H\rho_c and Q2=βHρdeQ_2=\beta H\rho_{de}, with β\beta being the dimensionless coupling parameter. Our focus is the IΛ\LambdaCDM model that is a one-parameter extension to Λ\LambdaCDM by considering a direct coupling between the vacuum energy (Λ\Lambda) and cold dark matter (CDM), with the only additional parameter β\beta. But we begin with a more general case by considering the IwwCDM model in which dark energy has a constant ww (equation-of-state parameter). For calculating the growth rate of structure, we employ the "parametrized post-Friedmann" theoretical framework for interacting dark energy to numerically obtain the ϵ(z)\epsilon(z) values for the models. We show that in both geometrical and structural diagnostics the impact of ww is much stronger than that of β\beta in the IwwCDM model. We thus wish to have a closer look at the IΛ\LambdaCDM model by combining the geometrical and structural diagnostics. We find that the evolutionary trajectories in the S3(1)S^{(1)}_3--ϵ\epsilon plane exhibit distinctive features and the departures from Λ\LambdaCDM could be well evaluated, theoretically, indicating that the composite null diagnostic {S3(1),ϵ}\{S^{(1)}_3, \epsilon\} is a promising tool for investigating the interacting dark energy models.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in JCA


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    Along with the reform of medical system, medical education in China is also undergoing great changes. Due to the special characteristics of medical education, it differs from other educational characteristics. It carries with the characteristics of clinical practice on the basis distributed learning, physical and mental development along with ages, enrollment expansion and medical requirement, and standardization training for resident doctors. So, ideological and political education of clinical graduates showed many new characteristics. First, medical ethics education is the basic step, combined with the related disciplines of medical humanity connotation. Second, flexible and diversified form of ideological and political education on the basis of medical work is necessary. Third, establish a system of ideological and political education for clinical graduates, to build up new education concept, and to develop ideological and political education activities for clinical graduates in depth.随着医疗体制改革的推进,医学教育也在不断摸索中前进,因为医学教育的特殊性,使它具备不同于其它学科的教育特点。临床实践为主分散式学习,年龄与身心发展的新特点,扩招和医学实现的发展需要,与住院医师规范化培训统一等等特点,使现代临床医学研究生的思想政治教育呈现许多新的特点。根据临床医学研究生的各种特殊性开展思想政治教育,首先在内容上应以医德医风教育为主,结合医学人文相关学科的思想内涵进行。其次在形式上要结合医疗工作实际开展灵活多样、形式新颖的思想政治教育。最后要建立一个适应临床研究生思想政治教育的体系,形成教育模式,建立全新的教育理念,全面进行临床医学研究生思想政治教育活动