31,897 research outputs found

    Monetary–fiscal interactions with endogenous liquidity frictions

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    I develop a tractable macro model with endogenous asset liquidity to understand monetary–fiscal interactions with liquidity frictions. Agents face idiosyncratic investment risks and meet financial intermediaries in competitive search markets. Asset liquidity is determined by the search friction and the cost of operating the financial intermediaries, and it drives the financing constraints of entrepreneurs (those who have investment projects) and their ability to invest. In contrast to private assets, government bonds are fully liquid and can be accumulated in anticipation of future opportunities to invest. A higher level of real government debt enhances the liquidity of entrepreneurs׳ portfolios and raises investment. However, the issuance of debt also raises the cost of financing government expenditures: a higher level of distortionary taxation and/or a higher real interest rate. A long-run optimal supply of government debt emerges. I also show that a proper mix of monetary and fiscal policies can avoid a deep financial recession

    Dynamical stability of entanglement between spin ensembles

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    We study the dynamical stability of the entanglement between the two spin ensembles in the presence of an environment. For a comparative study, we consider the two cases: a single spin ensemble, and two ensembles linearly coupled to a bath, respectively. In both circumstances, we assume the validity of the Markovian approximation for the bath. We examine the robustness of the state by means of the growth of the linear entropy which gives a measure of the purity of the system. We find out macroscopic entangled states of two spin ensembles can stably exist in a common bath. This result may be very useful to generate and detect macroscopic entanglement in a common noisy environment and even a stable macroscopic memory.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Macroeconomics of Delayed Capital Liquidation

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    This paper studies the macroeconomic effects of capital reallocation with financial shocks. I develop a model in which firms face borrowing constraints, idiosyncratic productivity shocks, and idiosyncratic liquidation costs. The idiosyncratic risks of productivity and liquidation costs generate an option value of staying in business and a liquidation delay for unproductive firms. A new feature arises from the delay. Unproductive firms that are not liquidated increase their leverage over time, pushing them to hit the borrowing limit. I show that adverse financial shocks that tighten borrowing constraints can raise the option value, and equilibrium effects can further delay capital liquidation and reallocation. Capital is thus persistently misallocated, leading to long-lasting economic contractions

    Opaque Service Virtualisation: A Practical Tool for Emulating Endpoint Systems

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    Large enterprise software systems make many complex interactions with other services in their environment. Developing and testing for production-like conditions is therefore a very challenging task. Current approaches include emulation of dependent services using either explicit modelling or record-and-replay approaches. Models require deep knowledge of the target services while record-and-replay is limited in accuracy. Both face developmental and scaling issues. We present a new technique that improves the accuracy of record-and-replay approaches, without requiring prior knowledge of the service protocols. The approach uses Multiple Sequence Alignment to derive message prototypes from recorded system interactions and a scheme to match incoming request messages against prototypes to generate response messages. We use a modified Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for distance calculation during message matching. Our approach has shown greater than 99% accuracy for four evaluated enterprise system messaging protocols. The approach has been successfully integrated into the CA Service Virtualization commercial product to complement its existing techniques.Comment: In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (pp. 202-211). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1510.0142

    Study on YBJ-ARGO Sensitivity to Crab Source

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    Possible discovery of the r-process characteristics in the abundances of metal-rich barium stars

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    We study the abundance distributions of a sample of metal-rich barium stars provided by Pereira et al. (2011) to investigate the s- and r-process nucleosynthesis in the metal-rich environment. We compared the theoretical results predicted by a parametric model with the observed abundances of the metal-rich barium stars. We found that six barium stars have a significant r-process characteristic, and we divided the barium stars into two groups: the r-rich barium stars (Cr>5.0C_r>5.0, [La/Nd]\,<0<0) and normal barium stars. The behavior of the r-rich barium stars seems more like that of the metal-poor r-rich and CEMP-r/s stars. We suggest that the most possible formation mechanism for these stars is the s-process pollution, although their abundance patterns can be fitted very well when the pre-enrichment hypothesis is included. The fact that we can not explain them well using the s-process nucleosynthesis alone may be due to our incomplete knowledge on the production of Nd, Eu, and other relevant elements by the s-process in metal-rich and super metal-rich environments (see details in Pereira et al. 2011).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Determination of the Sign of g factors for Conduction Electrons Using Time-resolved Kerr Rotation

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    The knowledge of electron g factor is essential for spin manipulation in the field of spintronics and quantum computing. While there exist technical difficulties in determining the sign of g factor in semiconductors by the established magneto-optical spectroscopic methods. We develop a time resolved Kerr rotation technique to precisely measure the sign and the amplitude of electron g factor in semiconductors
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