39 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Two-Dimensional Materials

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    Nonlinear optical properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), graphene, black phosphorus, and so on, play a key role of understanding nanoscale light-matter interactions, as well as developing nanophotonics applications from solar cells to quantum computation. With ultrafast lasers, we experimentally study nonlinear optical properties of 2D materials. Employing transient absorption microscopy, we study several members of 2D materials, such as WSe2, TiS3 and ReS2. The dynamical saturable absorption process of 2D excitons is spatiotemporally resolved. Intrinsic parameters of these 2D materials, such as exciton lifetime, exciton diffusion coefficient, and exciton mobility, are effectively measured. Especially, in-plane anisotropy of transient absorption and diffusive transport is observed for 2D excitons in monolayer ReS2, demonstrating the in-plane degree of freedom. Furthermore, with quantum interference and control nanoscopy, we all-optically inject, detect and manipulate nanoscale ballistic charge currents in a ReS2 thin film. By tuning the phase difference between one photon absorption and two photon absorption transition paths, sub-picosecond timescale of ballistic currents is coherently controlled for the first time in TMDs. In addition, the spatial resolution is two-order of magnitude smaller than optical diffraction limit. The second-order optical nonlinearity of 2D monolayers is resolved by second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy. We measure the second-order susceptibility of monolayer MoS2. The angular dependence of SHG in monolayer MoS2 shows strong symmetry dependence on its crystal lattice structure. Hence, second harmonic generation microscopy can serve as a powerful tool to noninvasively determine the crystalline directions of 2D monolayers. The real and imaginary parts of third-order optical nonlinearity of 2D monolayers are resolved by third harmonic generation (THG) microscopy and two-photon transient absorption microscopy, respectively. With third harmonic generation microscopy, we observe strong and anisotropic THG in monolayer and multilayer ReS2. Comparing with 2D materials with hexagonal lattice, such as MoS2, the third-order susceptibility is higher by one order of magnitude in ReS2 with a distorted 1T structure. The in-plane anisotropy of THG is attributed to the lattice distortion in ReS2 after comparing with a symmetry analysis. With two-photon transient absorption microscopy, we observe a giant two-photon absorption coefficient of monolayer WS2

    Exciton-exciton annihilation in MoSe2 monolayers

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    We investigate the excitonic dynamics in MoSe2 monolayer and bulk samples by femtosecond transient absorption microscopy. Excitons are resonantly injected by a 750-nm and 100-fs laser pulse, and are detected by a probe pulse tuned in the range of 790 - 820 nm. We observe a strong density-dependent initial decay of the exciton population in monolayers, which can be well described by the exciton-exciton annihilation. Such a feature is not observed in the bulk under comparable conditions. We also observe the saturated absorption induced by exciton phase-space filling in both monolayers and the bulk, which indicates their potential applications as saturable absorbers.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Exceptional and Anisotropic Transport Properties of Photocarriers in Black Phosphorus

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    We show that black phosphorus has room-temperature charge mobilities on the order of 104^4 cm2^2V−1^{-1}s−1^{-1}, which are about one order of magnitude larger than silicon. We also demonstrate strong anisotropic transport in black phosphorus, where the mobilities along the armchair direction are about one order of magnitude larger than zigzag direction. A photocarrier lifetime as long as 100 ps is also determined. These results illustrate that black phosphorus is a promising candidate for future electronic and optoelectronic applications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Second harmonic microscopy of monolayer MoS2

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    We show that the lack of inversion symmetry in monolayer MoS2 allows strong optical second harmonic generation. Second harmonic of an 810-nm pulse is generated in a mechanically exfoliated monolayer, with a nonlinear susceptibility on the order of 1E-7 m/V. The susceptibility reduces by a factor of seven in trilayers, and by about two orders of magnitude in even layers. A proof-of-principle second harmonic microscopy measurement is performed on samples grown by chemical vapor deposition, which illustrates potential applications of this effect in fast and non-invasive detection of crystalline orientation, thickness uniformity, layer stacking, and single-crystal domain size of atomically thin films of MoS2 and similar materials.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Exciton-exciton annihilation in MoSe2 monolayers

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    This is the published version. Copyright ©2014 American Physical SocietyWe investigate the excitonic dynamics in MoSe2 monolayer and bulk samples by femtosecond transient absorption. Excitons are resonantly injected by a 750-nm and 100-fs laser pulse, and are detected by measuring a differential reflection of a probe pulse tuned in the range 790–820 nm. We observe a strong density-dependent initial decay of the exciton population in monolayers, which can be well described by the exciton-exciton annihilation. Such a feature is not observed in a bulk sample under comparable conditions. We also observe the saturated absorption induced by excitons in both monolayers and the bulk in the differential reflection measurements, which indicates their potential applications as saturable absorbers

    Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Maps Immune Cell Heterogeneity in Mice with Allogeneic Cardiac Transplantation

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    Objective: Immune cells play important roles in mediating allograft rejection and tolerance after cardiac transplantation. However, immune cell heterogeneity at the single-cell level, and how immune cell states shape transplantation immunity, remain incompletely characterized. Methods: We performed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) on immune cells in LNs from a mouse syngeneic and allogeneic cardiac transplantation model. Nine T cell clusters were identified through unsupervised analysis. Pathway enrichment analysis was used to explore the functional differences among cell subpopulations and to characterize the metabolic heterogeneity of T cells. Results: We comprehensively determined the transcriptional landscape of immune cells, particularly T cells, and their metabolic transcriptomes in LNs during mouse cardiac transplantation. On the basis of molecular and functional properties, we also identified T cell types associated with transplantation-associated immune processes, including cytotoxic CD8 + T cells, activated conventional CD4 + T cells, and dysfunctional Tregs. We further elucidated the contribution of JunB to the induction of Th17 cell differentiation and restriction of Treg development, and identified that HIF-1a participates in T cell metabolism and function. Conclusions: We present the first systematic single-cell analysis of transcriptional variation within the T cell population, providing new insights for the development of novel therapeutic targets for allograft rejection

    Automated Long-Term Monitoring of Parallel Microfluidic Operations Applying a Machine Vision-Assisted Positioning Method

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    As microfluidics has been applied extensively in many cell and biochemical applications, monitoring the related processes is an important requirement. In this work, we design and fabricate a high-throughput microfluidic device which contains 32 microchambers to perform automated parallel microfluidic operations and monitoring on an automated stage of a microscope. Images are captured at multiple spots on the device during the operations for monitoring samples in microchambers in parallel; yet the device positions may vary at different time points throughout operations as the device moves back and forth on a motorized microscopic stage. Here, we report an image-based positioning strategy to realign the chamber position before every recording of microscopic image. We fabricate alignment marks at defined locations next to the chambers in the microfluidic device as reference positions. We also develop image processing algorithms to recognize the chamber positions in real-time, followed by realigning the chambers to their preset positions in the captured images. We perform experiments to validate and characterize the device functionality and the automated realignment operation. Together, this microfluidic realignment strategy can be a platform technology to achieve precise positioning of multiple chambers for general microfluidic applications requiring long-term parallel monitoring of cell and biochemical activities

    Use of Graphene Oxide to Improve the Durability and Mechanical Properties of Mortar Immersed in Flowing River for Three Years

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    Nanomaterials have received increased concentration in the field of civil engineering, as their incorporation can effectively modify the mechanical and transport properties of cementitious composites. In this study, to understand the effect of graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles on the durability and mechanical properties of cementitious composites serving underwater, mortars incorporated with GO were taken for study. To match the real circumstance, all specimens were immersed directly in a flowing river for three years, and their transport properties, mechanical properties and microstructure before, and after, river experience were studied separately. The results showed that the incorporation of GO could reduce both early-age permeation coefficient and later-age chloride migration coefficient of mortar specimens. The average porosities of mortars could be reduced by the range of 3.37–11% with GO incorporation. Moreover, through a novel dual-scan method, GO incorporation was confirmed effective in enhancing both the leaching and cracking resistance. Furthermore, the compressive strengths, flexural strengths and splitting tensile strengths could be improved by the range of 4.37–9.82%, 7.78–22.33%, 8.14–28.73%, respectively with GO incorporation, and the tested mechanical strengths for GO-incorporated mortar after three-year river experience could be retained to a higher extent. Finally, based on durability and mechanical properties, the optimum mix proportion of GO was determined to be 0.06 wt.% in this study. The work presented here is of high reference value for the designing of marine infrastructure and can help promote the application of nanomaterials in civil engineering

    Bidirectional Angle-Tolerant Polarization-Tuned Filtering and Wide-Range Refractive Index Sensing Based on Metal Film Coated Nanograting

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    The miniaturization and integration of photonic devices are new requirements in the fast-growing optics field. In this paper, we focus on a feature-rich sub-wavelength nanograting-coated single-layer metal film. The numerical results show that the reflection behaviors of this proposed structure can realize bidirectional dual-channel ultra-narrowband polarized filtering and bidirectional wavelength-modulated sensing in a wide refractive index (RI) range from 1.0 to 1.4 for incident angle of 10° with transverse-magnetic (TM) polarized illumination at wavelengths between 550 nm to 1500 nm. Moreover, the bidirectional properties of filtering and sensing are not obviously decreased when increasing incident angle from 10° to 30°, and decreasing incident angle from 10° to 0°. The calculated RI sensitivity can be up to 592 nm/RIU with a high figure of merit (FOM) of 179.4 RIU−1. More to the point, this nanograting has a simple structure and is less sensitive to the height and shape of grating ridge, which provides great convenience for the fabrication of devices. The other thing that is going on is that this structure can also realize synchronously tunable color filtering, including green to red, with high color purity in the visible band by choosing the period. The underlying physical mechanism is analyzed in detail, and is primarily attributed to surface plasmon polariton (SPP) resonance and dipole resonance at double plasmon resonance wavelengths. This work has tremendous potential in developing multipurpose and high-performance integrated optical devices such as spectral filters, colored displays and plasmon biomedical sensors