11 research outputs found


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    [[abstract]]第一章 齊白石及其所處的時代 本章詳述齊白石生平事跡,及其所處時代,並附「齊白石年表」和「清末民國篆刻生 卒年表」,由此可知齊白石何以能成為篆刻界一代宗師。 第一節 齊白石一生經歷,由其先祖述起,及其父母親生活態度和他的童年生活,其 後為何當雕花木匠,如何進入藝文界,又如何學習篆刻,並進而成就了藝術上彪炳功 業,都有詳系論述,藉此可知齊白石篆刻成就的背景及基礎。 第二節 齊白石名號 中國人素來最注重名字,尤以騷人墨客為最。齊白石名號頗多,且都有特別的含義, 包括其工作、懷舊之情、心志等,故本節詳析齊白石之明號,由此能更明瞭齊白石其 人其志。 第三節 清末民初印壇概況 本節重點在「清末民初」,故先簡述印章之分期,再敘述印史上承先啟後之元代趙孟 頫、發揚光大的明代諸家,在詳論清代篆刻之發展史,齊白石則是及諸篆刻家之大成 而後出轉精者。附「清末民國篆刻生卒年表」,讀者更能一目瞭然。 第二章 齊白石篆刻藝術的溯源及其風格的演變 齊白石乃民國以來印壇巨擘,故本章先探求其篆刻之起源,在詳論其一生篆刻藝術風 格之演變,筆者將齊白石篆刻藝術之風格分為四期:摩擬期、蛻變期、成熟期及老年 期,並附「齊白石篆刻藝術風格演變簡表」,以便一窺齊白石篆刻藝術之全貌。 第一節 篆刻藝術的溯源 齊白石初學印刻的時間有二說。本節重在討論此二異說,筆者以為齊白石初學刻印當 在三十四歲。 第二節 篆刻藝術風格的演變 甲、摩擬期(三十四歲∼四十二歲) 師事黎鐵庵兄弟之後,又模仿丁敬、黃易兩家刀法,次期以模擬為主,黎松安則為齊 白石治印的真正啟蒙者。本其雖名為模擬,實則到了四十歲已刻的很好了,並開始以 刻印為生活。 乙、蛻變期(四十三歲∼六十歲左右) 齊白石於四十三歲時得到了趙之謙的「二金蝶堂印譜」,於是轉攻趙之刻意,並融合 了漢印格局,同時受了黃牧甫、吳昌碩喊陳師曾的影響;又經歷了五出五歸,眼界亦 開闊了,於是從模擬轉為創造。 丙、成熟期(六十一歲∼七十歲左右) 五獄歸來的齊白石渴求獨創,閉門十載,鑽研秦權及漢魏碑版,並將雕花功力用到篆 刻上,終於在筆法、章法及刀法上形成了獨特風格,使其篆刻藝術臻至成熟。本其筆 者稱為「篆刻的衰年變法」。 丁、老年期(七十一歲∼九十七歲) 此期為齊白石篆刻藝術上的巔峰時期。落刀乾淨利落,已進入天人合一之境,真可謂 「從心所欲不逾矩」。 附「齊白石篆刻藝術風格演變簡表」。 第三章 齊白石篆刻藝術特質 本章以齊白石自藏用印為主,就印文的書寫--筆法、印文的排列--章法、刻時所 用的刻法--刀法三方面研究齊白石篆刻藝術特質。 第一節 筆法 本節論述比法與印章之關係及齊白石之筆法。「工欲善其事,必先利其器」,筆法既 為刻印之基礎,齊白石復將得自秦漢之金石碑版(尤其是「天發神讖碑」、「三公山 碑」)的優良傳統加以融會貫通,師其神而不師其形,並將艱澀之字體通俗化,為篆 科筆法注入新生命,故能於用筆、用墨、布局等方面形成獨特風格。 第二節 章法 本節所論乃主宰一印成敗之關鍵--章法,即佈局,齊白石在精通書畫的基礎上,從 事篆刻,又能巧運慧思,深得佈局之要「巧妙」之機趣,故能別出機杼,意趣橫生。 第三節 刀法 一提起齊白石之篆科,力即令人想到他那蒼勁雄快的刀法。齊白石用的是單刀側入法 ,摒棄「摩、作、削」三害;且只用衝刀,以正刀與側刀混合交錯使用,並注重刀的 向背。雖然齊白石一再強調「決不回刀」,但筆者認為齊白石有時還是惠作必要的補 刀,凡此皆在本節中有詳細論述。 第四章 齊白石篆刻藝術遺跡分析 齊白石篆刻藝術特質及其風格之演變,已詳述於第二、三章中,本章則就其作品及遺 跡加以分析。 第一節 印文分析 由這些作品的分析,更能清楚的看出齊白石篆刻藝術成長的軌跡。 甲、摩擬期的作品 乙、蛻變期的作品 丙、成熟期的作品 丁、老年期的作品 這一單元中兼論齊白石作品中較特殊者,如指紋印、肖形印、四靈印及邊款的分析。 附「齊白石篆刻作品年表」。 甲、有年款之作品 乙、無年款之作品 (一)摩擬期 (二)蛻變期 (三)成熟期 (四)老年期 第二節 齊白石與其他篆刻家印刻的比較 前節中就齊白石印文分析,本節則以齊白石作品與其他諸篆刻家作品比較,以見齊白 石篆刻藝術之特殊處。 第三節 齊白石篆刻疑義試評 齊白石在篆刻藝術上成就雖高,然而其作亦有不完善者,本節即就此提出討論。 第四節 齊白石以印明志 本節敘述齊白石以印記敘他一生的事蹟,及其思想和見解。 第五節 齊白石的鈐印法 本節敘述齊白石的鈐印之法。 第六章 齊白石的印譜 本節探討齊白石各種印譜選輯之緣由。 甲、自己選輯之印譜 乙、他人選輯之印譜 第七節 齊白石談篆刻藝術 本節整理齊白石一生中所提及的篆刻藝術。為使讀者能較有系統地看到齊白石篆刻藝 之觀點,筆者將其分門別類以下幾個單元: 甲、齊白石印譜序及題他人印譜之作 乙、齊白石談自己的印 丙、齊白石談筆法 丁、齊白石談刀法 戊、齊白石談秦漢印及明清印人的作品 己、齊白石談印詩 庚、齊白石談印學主張 第五章 齊白石篆刻藝術的成就及其對後世的影響 關於齊白石其人其事及其篆刻藝術之特質與風格以如前所述,因此本章綜論齊白石篆 刻藝術的成就及其對後世的影響。齊白石篆刻藝術之成就當然不是三言兩語可道完, 在此只能盡量做一全面性的論述。 第一節 齊白石篆刻藝術的成就 本節總論齊白石篆刻藝術上的成就。誠然齊白石篆刻藝術上的成就是巨大且多方面的 ,筆者還是試著作全面性的總合分析,其成就可以分以下幾點: 甲、重視傳統,不為傳統所限。 乙、重刀法。 丙、印文字體的統一。 丁、在篆刻藝術上瞻敢獨造的革新精神。 第二節 齊白石篆刻藝術對國內的影響 齊白石的篆刻藝術乃集前人之大成,且又為近代中國篆刻界大師,其篆刻藝術對後人 的影響是既深且巨,然其影響又可分為正面與副面的影響,因此本節便探討此二方面 之得失。 甲、正面的影響 乙、副面的影響 第三節 齊白石篆刻藝術對國外的影響 齊白石篆刻藝術的成就既如此之高,對近代中國印壇之影響又如此之大,那麼其印風 自然會流傳到國外,因此齊白石的篆刻藝術對國外篆刻業當不無影響。 第六章 結論

    Fully electrified heat pump assisted distillation process by flash vapour circulation

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    In industrial processes there are instances where heat pump assisted distillation falls short of full electrification, necessitating an auxiliary reboiler. To solve this limiting issue, this short communication proposes a new method using flash vapour circulation (FVC) to recuperate the waste heat within the heat pump cycle. This method incorporates a flash drum after the throttling valve to generate flash vapour. Rather than employing an auxiliary cooler for condensing the mixed vapour-liquid in a conventional heat pump system, the produced flash vapour is circulated back to the compressor inlet to enhance the recycled heat in the reboiler. With proper energy match, this approach has the potential to realise full electrification of distillation. The distillation of methanol/water serves as an illustrative case study, showcasing the viability of FVC which allows additional 22% energy savings, as compared to mechanical vapour recompression. Yet, this strategy may not be advantageous if the waste heat is already maximally utilised in preheating both the compressor and column inlet feed. The separation of tetrahydrofuran/water is used as case study to demonstrate the limitations of this approach.ChemE/Product and Process EngineeringChemE/Process Systems Engineerin

    Impact damage of composite laminates with high-speed waterjet

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    Rain erosion may cause substantial damage to aircrafts during supersonic flight. Such event is investigated here via high-speed waterjet impact on composite laminates. An experimental setup is developed to produce waterjets with the speed up to 700m/s and a finite element model of the waterjet-composite impact event is established. The consistency of experiment and simulation results validates the adopted numerical methods. The distribution of the water-hammer pressure is non-uniform and the maximum pressure occurs near the contact periphery when the water is about to eject laterally. After a high-speed (300∼560m/s) waterjet impacts a composite laminate, the impacted surface depression is observed, and the typical surface damage presents a central region with no visible surface damage surrounded by a faded “failure ring” with resin removal, matrix cracking and minor fiber fracture. Delamination occurs at the interfaces of adjacent layers with unequal dimensions and longitudinal matrix cracking appears on the back surface. Both the velocity and the diameter of waterjets are crucial factors on CFRP damage extents. Water-hammer pressure, the stagnation pressure and propagation of stress waves are failure mechanisms for most matrix damage in CFRP impacted by waterjets.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Structural Integrity & Composite

    In-situ damage mechanism investigation and a prediction model for delamination with fibre bridging in composites

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    Carbon-fibre reinforced composites are susceptible to delamination. Fibre bridging is an important shielding mechanism frequently observed in delamination. The presence of these bridging fibres can significantly increase interlaminar resistance, making it critical to represent this phenomenon for delamination characterization in composite laminates. To this end, in-situ SEM examinations were carried out to thoroughly explore damage mechanisms around delamination front as well as in bridging fibres. It was found that micro-cracks initiated at fibre–matrix interface can gradually develop and coalesce into micro-delaminations ahead of the main crack. The accumulation of these micro-delaminations can finally cause macro delamination propagation. The performance of bridging fibres can be summarized as three typical stages, i.e. bending, fibre–matrix peeling and final breakage with crack opening. Subsequently, theoretical discussions on bridging stress distribution were conducted in accordance with these bridging mechanism examinations, contributing to a new traction-separation constitutive to represent fibre bridging performance. A FEA prediction model was finally developed to characterize delamination behavior with fibre bridging. The simulation results can agree well with the experimental data in the entire delamination, demonstrating its effectiveness in fibre-bridged delamination representation. This study also demonstrated the importance of having in-depth understanding on fibre bridging mechanisms to appropriately represent bridging performance during delamination growth in composite laminates.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Structural Integrity & Composite

    Adaptive bidirectional extracellular electron transfer during accelerated microbiologically influenced corrosion of stainless steel

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    Microbiologically influenced corrosion of metals is prevalent in both natural and industrial environments, causing enormous structural damage and economic loss. Exactly how microbes influence corrosion remains controversial. Here, we show that the pitting corrosion of stainless steel is accelerated in the presence of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 biofilm by extracellular electron transfer between the bacterial cells and the steel electrode, mediated by a riboflavin electron shuttle. From pitting measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Mott-Schottky analyses, the addition of an increased amount of riboflavin is found to induce a more defective passive film on the stainless steel. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy reveals that enhanced bioanodic and biocathodic process can both promote the corrosion of the stainless steel. Using in situ scanning electrochemical microscopy, we observe that extracellular electron transfer between the bacterium and the stainless steel is bidirectional in nature and switchable depending on the passive or active state of the steel surface.Team Arjan Mo

    Variability and Changes in Climate, Phenology, and Gross Primary Production of an Alpine Wetland Ecosystem

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    Quantifying the variability and changes in phenology and gross primary production (GPP) of alpine wetlands in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau under climate change is essential for assessing carbon (C) balance dynamics at regional and global scales. In this study, in situ eddy covariance (EC) flux tower observations and remote sensing data were integrated with a modified, satellite-based vegetation photosynthesis model (VPM) to investigate the variability in climate change, phenology, and GPP of an alpine wetland ecosystem, located in Zoige, southwestern China. Two-year EC data and remote sensing vegetation indices showed that warmer temperatures corresponded to an earlier start date of the growing season, increased GPP, and ecosystem respiration, and hence increased the C sink strength of the alpine wetlands. Twelve-year long-term simulations (2000-2011) showed that: (1) there were significantly increasing trends for the mean annual enhanced vegetation index (EVI), land surface water index (LSWI), and growing season GPP (R-2 >= 0.59, p < 0.01) at rates of 0.002, 0.11 year(-1) and 16.32 g.C.m(-2).year(-1), respectively, which was in line with the observed warming trend (R-2 = 0.54, p = 0.006); (2) the start and end of the vegetation growing season (SOS and EOS) experienced a continuous advancing trend at a rate of 1.61 days.year(-1) and a delaying trend at a rate of 1.57 days.year(-1) from 2000 to 2011 (p <= 0.04), respectively; and (3) with increasing temperature, the advanced SOS and delayed EOS prolonged the wetland's phenological and photosynthetically active period and, thereby, increased wetland productivity by about 3.7-4.2 g.C.m(-2).year(-1) per day. Furthermore, our results indicated that warming and the extension of the growing season had positive effects on carbon uptake in this alpine wetland ecosystem

    In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of deformation behavior and load transfer in a Ti2Ni-NiTi composite

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    The deformation behavior and load transfer of a dual-phase composite composed of martensite NiTi embedded in brittle Ti2Ni matrices were investigated by using in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction during compression. The composite exhibits a stage-wise deformation feature and a double-yielding phenomenon, which were caused by the interaction between Ti2Ni and NiTi with alternative microscopic deformation mechanism. No load transfer occurs from the soft NiTi dendrites to the hard Ti2Ni matrices during the pseudoplastic deformation (detwinning) of NiTi, which is significantly different from that previously reported in bulk metallic glasses matrices composites. (c) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    High damping NiTi/Ti3Sn in situ composite with transformation-mediated plasticity

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    The concept of transformation-induced plasticity effect is introduced in this work to improve the plasticity of brittle intermetallic compound Ti3Sn, which is a potent high damping material. This concept is achieved in an in situ NiTi/Ti3Sn composite. The composite is composed of primary Ti3Sn phase and (NiTi + Ti3Sn) eutectic structure formed via hypereutectic solidification. The composite exhibits a high damping capacity of 0.075 (indexed by tan delta), a high ultimate compressive strength of 1350 MPa, and a large plasticity of 27.5%. In situ synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction measurements revealed clear evidence of the stress-induced martensitic transformation (B2 -&gt; B19') of the NiTi component during deformation. The strength of the composite mainly stems from the Ti3Sn, whereas the NiTi component is responsible for the excellent plasticity of the composite. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    In situ synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction study of microscopic deformation behavior of a hard-soft dual phase composite containing phase transforming matrix

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    This study explored a novel intermetallic composite design concept based on the principle of lattice strain matching enabled by the collective atomic load transfer. It investigated the hard-soft microscopic deformation behavior of a Ti3Sn/TiNi eutectic hard-soft dual phase composite by means of in situ synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction (HE-XRD) during compression. The composite provides a unique micromechanical system with distinctive deformation behaviors and mechanisms from the two components with the soft TiNi matrix deforming in full compliance via martensite variant reorientation and the hard Ti3Sn lamellae deforming predominantly by rigid body rotation producing a crystallographic texture for the TiNi matrix and a preferred alignment for the Ti3Sn lamellae. HE-XRD reveals continued martensite variant reorientation during plastic deformation well beyond the stress plateau of TiNi. The hard and brittle Ti3Sn is also found to produce an exceptionally large elastic strain of 1.95% in the composite. This is attributed to the effect of lattice strain matching between the transformation lattice distortion of the TiNi matrix and the elastic strain of Ti3Sn lamellae. With such unique micromechanic characteristics the composite exhibits high strength and large ductility. (C) 2017 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.</p

    A biopolymer-like metal enabled hybrid material with exceptional mechanical prowess

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    The design principles for naturally occurring biological materials have inspired us to develop next-generation engineering materials with remarkable performance. Nacre, commonly referred to as nature&#39;s armor, is renowned for its unusual combination of strength and toughness. Nature&#39;s wisdom in nacre resides in its elaborate structural design and the judicious placement of a unique organic biopolymer with intelligent deformation features. However, up to now, it is still a challenge to transcribe the biopolymer&#39;s deformation attributes into a stronger substitute in the design of new materials. In this study, we propose a new design strategy that employs shape memory alloy to transcribe the &quot;J-curve&#39;&#39; mechanical response and uniform molecular/atomic level deformation of the organic biopolymer in the design of high-performance hybrid materials. This design strategy is verified in a TiNi-Ti3Sn model material system. The model material demonstrates an exceptional combination of mechanical properties that are superior to other high-performance metal-based lamellar composites known to date. Our design strategy creates new opportunities for the development of high-performance bio-inspired materials