15 research outputs found

    A single-cell atlas of Plasmodium falciparum transmission through the mosquito

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    Malaria parasites have a complex life cycle featuring diverse developmental strategies, each uniquely adapted to navigate specific host environments. Here we use single-cell transcriptomics to illuminate gene usage across the transmission cycle of the most virulent agent of human malaria - Plasmodium falciparum. We reveal developmental trajectories associated with the colonization of the mosquito midgut and salivary glands and elucidate the transcriptional signatures of each transmissible stage. Additionally, we identify both conserved and non-conserved gene usage between human and rodent parasites, which point to both essential mechanisms in malaria transmission and species-specific adaptations potentially linked to host tropism. Together, the data presented here, which are made freely available via an interactive website, provide a fine-grained atlas that enables intensive investigation of the P. falciparum transcriptional journey. As well as providing insights into gene function across the transmission cycle, the atlas opens the door for identification of drug and vaccine targets to stop malaria transmission and thereby prevent disease

    Primi risultati di un'indagine su strutture operatorie, livelli psicomotori e capacità di lettura in bambini di 5a elementare e di 1a media del quartiere della Magliana (Roma).

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    L'articolo descrive una ricerca condotta su alunni di un quartiere notoriamente svantaggiato della città di Roma, Magliana, segnalati dai loro insegnanti per particolari difficoltà nella lettura. Si è proceduto ad uno screening su alcune capacità operatorie, valutate con prove piagetiane, ed altre capacità, di tipo psicomotorio, al fine di individuare punti di forza e debolezza in aspetti strutturali del rapporti di queste con il tipo di difficoltà segnalate nella lettura

    L'exercice des droits et l'émancipation sexuelle des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle: Une éthique de la citoyenneté

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    Improving the sexual lives of people with disabilities (PWDs) and people with an intellectual disability (ID) requires not only changes in the service organizations and professional practices, but it is primarily based on an ongoing dialogue between stakeholders, including first and foremost, people with ID. Under the "International Education Program for Democratic Citizenship" by, for and with individuals with a mental, intellectual or physical disability, the issue of sexual rights has emerged as one of the major challenges empowering people with ID. Although several stakeholders have contributed to the emergence of a new emancipatory paradigm, based on the recognition and exercise of rights of people with disabilities, it is essential that PWDs and people with ID be heard and participate in the cultural, ethical, political, organizational or professional ongoing changes because the recognition of sexual rights is part of the political universe of citizenship and civic engagement. From words to political action through social changes, people with intellectual disabilities still have a long way to go and society has to consider major changes, so they can individually and collectively exercise all their rights

    Analysis of a series of Italian APECED patients with autoimmune hepatitis and gastro-enteropathies

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    Introduction: Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) syndrome is a rare monogenic disease determined by biallelic mutations in AIRE gene, which encodes a transcription factor essential for central immune tolerance. Classic diagnosis is determined by the presence of two of the main APECED clinical diseases: chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, chronic hypoparathyroidism, and Addison's disease. Non-endocrine autoimmunity, involving the liver, intestine, eyes, and kidneys, is generally reported in a minority of European patients, while American APECED patients have a higher tendency of developing organ-specific non-endocrine manifestations early in life. This observation led to the revision of the diagnostic criteria to permit earlier diagnosis based on the appearance of one classic triad symptom or one non-classical manifestation at a young age in the presence of IFNωAbs or AIRE mutations (Ferre-Lionakis criteria)