3 research outputs found

    New and continuing developments at PROSITE.

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    PROSITE (http://prosite.expasy.org/) consists of documentation entries describing protein domains, families and functional sites, as well as associated patterns and profiles to identify them. It is complemented by ProRule a collection of rules, which increases the discriminatory power of these profiles and patterns by providing additional information about functionally and/or structurally critical amino acids. PROSITE signatures, together with ProRule, are used for the annotation of domains and features of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries. Here, we describe recent developments that allow users to perform whole-proteome annotation as well as a number of filtering options that can be combined to perform powerful targeted searches for biological discovery. The latest version of PROSITE (release 20.85, of 30 August 2012) contains 1308 patterns, 1039 profiles and 1041 ProRules

    HAMAP in 2015: updates to the protein family classification and annotation system.

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    HAMAP (High-quality Automated and Manual Annotation of Proteins-available at http://hamap.expasy.org/) is a system for the automatic classification and annotation of protein sequences. HAMAP provides annotation of the same quality and detail as UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, using manually curated profiles for protein sequence family classification and expert curated rules for functional annotation of family members. HAMAP data and tools are made available through our website and as part of the UniRule pipeline of UniProt, providing annotation for millions of unreviewed sequences of UniProtKB/TrEMBL. Here we report on the growth of HAMAP and updates to the HAMAP system since our last report in the NAR Database Issue of 2013. We continue to augment HAMAP with new family profiles and annotation rules as new protein families are characterized and annotated in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot; the latest version of HAMAP (as of 3 September 2014) contains 1983 family classification profiles and 1998 annotation rules (up from 1780 and 1720). We demonstrate how the complex logic of HAMAP rules allows for precise annotation of individual functional variants within large homologous protein families. We also describe improvements to our web-based tool HAMAP-Scan which simplify the classification and annotation of sequences, and the incorporation of an improved sequence-profile search algorithm