3 research outputs found

    Etiopathogenesis and contemporary aspects of inflammatory glaucoma

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    Background: Inflammatory (also known as uveitic) glaucoma is a secondary glaucoma and one of the most serious complications of intraocular inflammation. It is expressed by permanent or periodic increase in IOP with anatomical and pathophysiological changes characteristic for openangle glaucoma. It is one of the leading causes of irreversible loss of vision worldwide, although it is a quite rare disease. According to estimates, 2 mln. of people are suffering from uveitis worldwide, about 20% of them develop secondary glaucoma, without any predilection of race, sex or age. Secondary glaucoma is a serious condition in patients with uveitis caused by systemic diseases, the consequences of which lead to a drastic decrease in visual acuity and invalidation of young patients. It constitutes 24-40% in the structure of glaucomatous pathology. In patients with chronic uveitis, the incidence of secondary glaucoma after 5 years of disease is 11%, and in those with recurrent acute uveitis, the incidence of secondary glaucoma after 1 year of disease is 7.6%. According to Merayo-Lloves J. et al., who conducted a study on 1254 patients with uveitis, secondary glaucoma developed in 120 of them (9.6%). It was more common in those with anterior uveitis (67%), but was also associated with posterior uveitis (13%) and pars planita (4%). Among the main causes of uveitis were herpetic keratouveitis (22%), Fuchs iridocyclitis (19%), iridocyclitis associated with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (16%), syphilis (14%) and sarcoidosis (12%). Despite aggressive drug and surgical treatment, secondary glaucoma was associated with progressive loss of visual field and optic nerve damage in 39 patients (33%). Discussions: We are currently studying the action of anti-VEGF drugs in the treatment of inflammatory glaucoma, but more studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness. In addition to this treatment, patients undergo antiglaucoma medication and surgery as needed

    TFOS European Ambassador meeting: Unmet needs and future scientific and clinical solutions for ocular surface diseases

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    The mission of the Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) is to advance the research, literacy, and educational aspects of the scientific field of the tear film and ocular surface. Fundamental to fulfilling this mission is the TFOS Global Ambassador program. TFOS Ambassadors are dynamic and proactive experts, who help promote TFOS initiatives, such as presenting the conclusions and recommendations of the recent TFOS DEWS II™, throughout the world. They also identify unmet needs, and propose future clinical and scientific solutions, for management of ocular surface diseases in their countries. This meeting report addresses such needs and solutions for 25 European countries, as detailed in the TFOS European Ambassador meeting in Rome, Italy, in September 2019

    Primary glaucoma in adults. National clinical protocol

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    Catedra de Oftalmologie și Optometrie, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”Summary. Primary open-angle glaucoma is a subset of the glaucomas defined by an open, normal-appearing anterior chamber angle and raised intraocular pressure, with no other underlying disease. Glaucoma continues to be a major public health problem. It is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide after cataracts. This disease is typically asymptomatic until advanced visual field loss occurs.Glaucomul este o patologie caracterizată prin atrofia progresivă și ireversibilă a nervului optic și afectarea treptată a câmpului vizual, deseori provocând orbire. Presiunea intraoculară mărită reprezintă un factor de risc major care agravează evoluția bolii. Glaucomul este cauza principală de orbire ireversibilă și a doua cauză principală de orbire evitabilă la nivel mondial. Conform estimărilor OMS, la finele anului 2020, numărul persoanelor diagnosticate cu glaucom va crește până la 80 de mln, dintre care vor fi orbi peste 11 mln, iar în 2030 se presupune că numărul lor se va dubla. Prevalența glaucomului la nivel mondial, la persoanele cu vârsta de peste 40 de ani, este de circa 2-3%. Scopurile protocolului clinic național sunt: depistarea precoce a glaucomului primar la adult; stabilirea direcțiilor de reducere a impactului negativ al bolii asupra vederii; inițierea cât mai precoce a tratamentului şi supravegherea pacienților; reducerea numărului de persoane cu dizabilitate cauzată de glaucomul primar; îmbunătățirea calității vieții acestor pacienți. Diagnosticul glaucomului la adult se bazează pe examenul oftalmologic și investigații instrumentale, precum: tomografia în coerență optică a nervului optic și a maculei, perimetria statică și cinetică, pahimetria. Tratamentul medicamentos al glaucomului prevede administrarea colirelor în monoterapie sau preparate combinate cu scopul de a atinge presiunea intraoculară țintă, a ameliora circulația sanguină a globului ocular și a păstra funcțiile vizuale. Tratamentul Laser se indică când tratamentul medicamentos a eșuat sau acesta nu poate fi efectuat. Tratamentul chirurgical este inițiat în caz de efect nesatisfăcător sau absența de efect a tratamentului medicamentos și laser și constă în: trabeculectomie, trabeculotomie, sclerectomie profundă, viscocanalostomie, canaloplastie