6 research outputs found

    The Type II-P Supernova 2017eaw: From Explosion to the Nebular Phase

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    The nearby SN 2017eaw is a Type II-P ("plateau") supernova (SN) showing early-time, moderate CSM interaction. We present a comprehensive study of this SN, including the analysis of high-quality optical photometry and spectroscopy covering the very early epochs up to the nebular phase, as well as near-ultraviolet and near-infrared spectra and early-time X-ray and radio data. The combined data of SNe 2017eaw and 2004et allow us to get an improved distance to the host galaxy, NGC. 6946, of D similar to 6.85 +/- 0.63 Mpc; this fits into recent independent results on the distance of the host and disfavors the previously derived (30% shorter) distances based on SN 2004et. From modeling the nebular spectra and the quasi-bolometric light curve, we estimate the progenitor mass and some basic physical parameters for the explosion and ejecta. Our results agree well with previous reports on a red supergiant progenitor star with a mass of similar to 15-16 M-circle dot. Our estimation of the pre-explosion mass-loss rate ((M)over dot similar to 3 x 10(-7)-1 x 10(-6)M(circle dot) yr(-1)) agrees well with previous results based on the opacity of the dust shell enshrouding the progenitor, but it is orders of magnitude lower than previous estimates based on general light-curve modeling of Type II-P SNe. Combining late-time optical and mid-infrared data, a clear excess at 4.5 mu m can be seen, supporting the previous statements on the (moderate) dust formation in the vicinity of SN 2017eaw

    K2 Observations of SN 2018oh Reveal a Two-Component Rising Light Curve for a Type Ia Supernova

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    We present an exquisite, 30-min cadence Kepler (K2) light curve of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2018oh (ASASSN-18bt), starting weeks before explosion, covering the moment of explosion and the subsequent rise, and continuing past peak brightness. These data are supplemented by multi-color Pan-STARRS1 and CTIO 4-m DECam observations obtained within hours of explosion. The K2 light curve has an unusual two-component shape, where the flux rises with a steep linear gradient for the first few days, followed by a quadratic rise as seen for typical SNe Ia. This "flux excess" relative to canonical SN Ia behavior is confirmed in our ii-band light curve, and furthermore, SN 2018oh is especially blue during the early epochs. The flux excess peaks 2.14±0.04\pm0.04 days after explosion, has a FWHM of 3.12±0.04\pm0.04 days, a blackbody temperature of T=17,500−9,000+11,500T=17,500^{+11,500}_{-9,000} K, a peak luminosity of 4.3±0.2×1037 erg s−14.3\pm0.2\times10^{37}\,{\rm erg\,s^{-1}}, and a total integrated energy of 1.27±0.01×1043 erg1.27\pm0.01\times10^{43}\,{\rm erg}. We compare SN 2018oh to several models that may provide additional heating at early times, including collision with a companion and a shallow concentration of radioactive nickel. While all of these models generally reproduce the early K2 light curve shape, we slightly favor a companion interaction, at a distance of ∼\sim2×1012 cm2\times10^{12}\,{\rm cm} based on our early color measurements, although the exact distance depends on the uncertain viewing angle. Additional confirmation of a companion interaction in future modeling and observations of SN 2018oh would provide strong support for a single-degenerate progenitor system

    SOAs in subcarrier multiplexed optical networks

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    This paper reviews the characteristics and applications of semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) in subcarrier multiplexed optical systems with theoretical and experimental approach. The main characteristics, application possibilities, optimal operation point from the bit error rate point of view were studied and a interesting alternative concept with semiconductor optical amplifier branching stages was suggested