42 research outputs found

    The Milky Way Project and ATLASGAL: The Distribution and Physical Properties of Cold Clumps Near Infrared Bubbles

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    We present a statistical study of the distribution and physical properties of cold, dense material in and around the inner Galactic Plane near-infrared bubbles as cataloged by the Milky Way Project citizen scientists. Using data from the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy 870 ÎŒm survey, we show that 48 ± 2% of all cold clumps in the studied survey region (| l| ≀slant 65^\circ , | b| ≀slant 1^\circ ) are found in close proximity to a bubble, and 25 ± 2% appear directly projected toward a bubble rim. A two-point correlation analysis confirms the strong correlation of massive cold clumps with expanding bubbles. It shows an overdensity of clumps along bubble rims that grows with increasing bubble size, which shows how interstellar medium material is reordered on large scales by bubble expansion around regions of massive star formation. The highest column density clumps appear to be resistent to the expansion, remaining overdense toward the bubbles’ interior rather than being swept up by the expanding edge. Spectroscopic observations in ammonia show that cold dust clumps near bubbles appear to be denser, hotter, and more turbulent than those in the field, offering circumstantial evidence that bubble-associated clumps are more likely to be forming stars. These observed differences in physical conditions persist beyond the region of the bubble rims

    ATLASGAL-selected massive clumps in the inner Galaxy. III. Dust continuum characterization of an evolutionary sample

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    The ATLASGAL survey provides an ideal basis for detailed studies of large numbers of massive star forming clumps covering the whole range of evolutionary stages. The ATLASGAL Top100 is a sample of clumps selected from their infrared and radio properties to be representative for the whole range of evolutionary stages. The ATLASGAL Top100 sources are the focus of a number of detailed follow-up studies that will be presented in a series of papers. In the present work we use the dust continuum emission to constrain the physical properties of this sample and identify trends as a function of source evolution. We determine flux densities from mid-infrared to submm wavelength (8-870 micron) images and use these values to fit their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and determine their dust temperature and flux. Combining these with recent distances from the literature including maser parallax measurements we determine clump masses, luminosities and column densities. We find trends for increasing temperature, luminosity and column density with the proposed evolution sequence, confirming that this sample is representative of different evolutionary stages of massive star formation. We show that most of the sample has the ability to form massive stars (including the most massive O-type stars) and that the majority is gravitationally unstable and hence likely to be collapsing. The highest column density ATLASGAL sources presented cover the whole range of evolutionary stages from the youngest to the most evolved high-mass star forming clumps. Their study provides a unique starting point for more in-depth research on massive star formation in four distinct evolutionary stages whose well defined physical parameters afford more detailed studies. As most of the sample is closer than 5 kpc, these sources are also ideal for follow-up observations with high spatial resolution

    The rate and latency of star formation in dense, massive clumps in the Milky Way

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    Context. Newborn stars form within the localized, high density regions of molecular clouds. The sequence and rate at which stars form in dense clumps and the dependence on local and global environments are key factors in developing descriptions of stellar production in galaxies.Aims. We seek to observationally constrain the rate and latency of star formation in dense massive clumps that are distributed through- out the Galaxy and to compare these results to proposed prescriptions for stellar production.Methods. A sample of 24ÎŒm-based Class I protostars are linked to dust clumps that are embedded within molecular clouds selected from the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy. We determine the fraction of star-forming clumps, f∗, that imposes a constraint on the latency of star formation in units of a clump’s lifetime. Protostellar masses are estimated from models of circumstellar environments of young stellar objects from which star formation rates are derived. Physical properties of the clumps are calculated from 870ÎŒm dust continuum emission and NH3 line emission.Results. Linear correlations are identified between the star formation rate surface density, ÎŁS FR, and the quantities ÎŁH2 /τf f and ÎŁH2 /τcross , suggesting that star formation is regulated at the local scales of molecular clouds. The measured fraction of star forming clumps is 23%. Accounting for star formation within clumps that are excluded from our sample due to 24ÎŒm saturation, this fraction can be as high as 31%, which is similar to previous results. Dense, massive clumps form primarily low mass (< 1-2 M⊙) stars with emergent 24ÎŒm fluxes below our sensitivity limit or are incapable of forming any stars for the initial 70% of their lifetimes. The low fraction of star forming clumps in the Galactic center relative to those located in the disk of the Milky Way is verified

    Infall through the evolution of high-mass star-forming clumps

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    With the GREAT receiver at the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), nine massive molecular clumps have been observed in the ammonia 32+ − 22− line at 1.8 THz in a search for signatures of infall. The sources were selected from the ATLASGAL submillimeter dust continuum survey of our Galaxy. Clumps with high masses covering a range of evolutionary stages based on their infrared properties were chosen. The ammonia line was detected in all sources, leading to five new detections and one confirmation of a previous detection of redshifted absorption in front of their strong THz continuum as a probe of infall in the clumps. These detections include two clumps embedded in infrared dark clouds. The measured velocity shifts of the absorptions compared to optically thin C17O (3–2) emission are 0.3–2.8 km/s, corresponding to fractions of 3% to 30% of the free-fall velocities of the clumps. The ammonia infall signature is compared with complementary data of different transitions of HCN, HNC, CS, and HCO+, which are often used to probe infall via their blue-skewed line profiles. The best agreement with the ammonia results is found for the HCO+ (4–3) transitions, but the latter is still strongly blended with emission from associated outflows. This outflow signature is far less prominent in the THz ammonia lines, which confirms it as a powerful probe of infall in molecular clumps. Infall rates in the range from 0.3 to 16 10−3 M⊙/yr were derived with a tentative correlation with the virial parameters of the clumps. The new observations show that infall on clump scales is ubiquitous through a wide range of evolutionary stages, from L/M covering about ten to several hundreds

    The ATLASGAL survey: distribution of cold dust in the Galactic plane. Combination with Planck data

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    Context. Sensitive ground-based submillimeter surveys, such as ATLASGAL, provide a global view on the distribution of cold dense gas in the Galactic plane at up to two-times better angular-resolution compared to recent space-based surveys with Herschel. However, a drawback of ground-based continuum observations is that they intrinsically filter emission, at angular scales larger than a fraction of the field-of-view of the array, when subtracting the sky noise in the data processing. The lost information on the distribution of diffuse emission can be, however, recovered from space-based, all-sky surveys with Planck. Aims. Here we aim to demonstrate how this information can be used to complement ground-based bolometer data and present reprocessed maps of the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL) survey. Methods. We use the maps at 353 GHz from the Planck/HFI instrument, which performed a high sensitivity all-sky survey at a frequency close to that of the APEX/LABOCA array, which is centred on 345 GHz. Complementing the ground-based observations with information on larger angular scales, the resulting maps reveal the distribution of cold dust in the inner Galaxy with a larger spatial dynamic range. We visually describe the observed features and assess the global properties of dust distribution. Results. Adding information from large angular scales helps to better identify the global properties of the cold Galactic interstellar medium. To illustrate this, we provide mass estimates from the dust towards the W43 star-forming region and estimate a column density contrast of at least a factor of five between a low intensity halo and the star-forming ridge. We also show examples of elongated structures extending over angular scales of 0.5◩, which we refer to as thin giant filaments. Corresponding to > 30 pc structures in projection at a distance of 3 kpc, these dust lanes are very extended and show large aspect ratios. We assess the fraction of dense gas by determining the contribution of the APEX/LABOCA maps to the combined maps, and estimate 2 − 5% for the dense gas fraction (corresponding to Av >7 mag) on average in the Galactic plane. We also show probability distribution functions of the column density (N-PDF), which reveal the typically observed log-normal distribution for low column density and exhibit an excess at high column densities. As a reference for extragalactic studies, we show the line-of-sight integrated N-PDF of the inner Galaxy, and derive a contribution of this excess to the total column density of ∌ 2.2%, corresponding to NH2 = 2.92 × 1022 cm−2. Taking the total flux density observed in the maps, we provide an independent estimate of the mass of molecular gas in the inner Galaxy of ∌ 1 × 109 M , which is consistent with previous estimates using CO emission. From the mass and dense gas fraction ( fDG), we estimate a Galactic SFR of ˙M = 1.3 M yr−1. Conclusions. Retrieving the extended emission helps to better identify massive giant filaments which are elongated and confined structures. We show that the log-normal distribution of low column density gas is ubiquitous in the inner Galaxy. While the distribution of diffuse gas is relatively homogenous in the inner Galaxy, the central molecular zone (CMZ) stands out with a higher dense gas fraction despite its low star formation efficiency. Altogether our findings explain well the observed low star formation efficiency of the Milky Way by the low fDG in the Galactic ISM. In contrast, the high fDG observed towards the CMZ, despite its low star formation activity, suggests that, in that particular region of our Galaxy, high density gas is not the bottleneck for star formation

    ATLASGAL: A Galaxy-wide sample of dense filamentary structures

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    Context. Filamentary structures are ubiquitous in the interstellar medium. Investigating their connection to the large-scale structure of the Galaxy and their role in star formation is leading to a paradigm shift in our understanding of star formation. Aims. We study the properties of filamentary structures from the ATLASGAL survey, which is the largest and most sensitive system- atic ground-based survey of the inner Galactic plane at submillimeter wavelengths. Methods. We use the DisPerSE algorithm to identify spatially coherent structures located across the inner-Galaxy (300◩ < ` < 60◩ and |b| < 1.5). As a result we produce a catalogue of ∌1800 structures; these were then independently classified by the five lead authors into one of the following types: marginally resolved, elongated structures, filaments, network of filaments and complexes. This resulted in the identification of 517 filamentary structures. We determine their physical properties and investigate their overall Galactic distribution. Results. We find that almost 70% of the total 870 ÎŒm flux associated with these structures resides in filaments and networks of filaments and we estimate that they are likely to be associated with a similar fraction of the mass. Correlating these structures with tracers of massive star formation we also find that a similar fraction of the massive star forming clumps are associated with filaments and networks of filaments, which highlights the importance of these types of structures to star formation in the Galaxy. We have determined distances, masses and physical sizes for 241 of the filamentary structures. We find a median distance of 3.8 kpc, a mean mass of a few 103 M , a mean length of ∌6 pc and a mass-to-length ratio of (M/L) ∌ 200-2000 M pc−1. We also find that these filamentary structures are tightly correlated with the spiral arms in longitude and velocity, and that their semi-major axis is preferentially aligned parallel to the Galactic mid-plane and therefore with the direction of large-scale Galactic magnetic field. We find many examples where the dense filaments identified in ATLASGAL are associated with larger scale filamentary structures (∌100 pc), and argue that this is likely to be common, and as such these may indicate a connection between large-scale Galactic dynamics and star formation. Conclusions. We have produced a large and Galaxy-wide catalogue of dense filamentary structures that are representative of a particular size and mass range not previously well studied in the literature. Analyses of the properties and distribution of these filaments reveals that they are correlated with the spiral arms and make a significant contribution to star formation in the Galaxy. Massive star formation is ongoing within ∌20% of the filaments and is strongly correlated with the filaments with the largest mass-to- length ratios. The luminosity of the embedded sources has a similar distribution to the Galactic-wide samples of young massive stars and can therefore be considered to be representative

    Cold CO Gas in the Disk of the Young Eruptive Star EX Lup

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    EX Lupi-type objects (EXors) form a sub-class of T Tauri stars, defined by sudden sporadic flare-ups of 1–5 mag at optical wavelengths. These eruptions are attributed to enhanced mass accretion from the circumstellar disk to the star, and may constitute important events in shaping the structure of the inner disk and the forming planetary system. Although disk properties must play a fundamental role in driving the outbursts, they are surprisingly poorly known. In order to characterize the dust and gas components of EXor disks, here we report on observations of the 12CO J = 3‑2 and 4–3 lines, and the 13CO 3–2 line in EX Lup, the prototype of the EXor class. We reproduce the observed line fluxes and profiles with a line radiative transfer model and compare the obtained parameters with corresponding ones of other T Tauri disks

    ATLASGAL-selected massive clumps in the inner Galaxy

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    Context. The processes leading to the birth of high-mass stars are poorly understood. The key first step to reveal their formation processes is characterising the clumps and cores from which they form. Aims. We define a representative sample of massive clumps in different evolutionary stages selected from the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL), from which we aim to establish a census of molecular tracers of their evolution. As a first step, we study the shock tracer, SiO, mainly associated with shocks from jets probing accretion processes. In low-mass young stellar objects (YSOs), outflow and jet activity decreases with time during the star formation processes. Recently, a similar scenario was suggested for massive clumps based on SiO observations. Here we analyse observations of the SiO (2 − 1) and (5 − 4) lines in a statistically significant sample to constrain the change of SiO abundance and the excitation conditions as a function of evolutionary stage of massive star-forming clumps. Methods. We performed an unbiased spectral line survey covering the 3-mm atmospheric window between 84−117 GHz with the IRAM 30m telescope of a sample of 430 sources of the ATLASGAL survey, covering various evolutionary stages of massive clumps. A smaller sample of 128 clumps has been observed in the SiO (5 − 4) transition with the APEX telescope to complement the (2 − 1) line and probe the excitation conditions of the emitting gas. We derived detection rates to assess the star formation activity of the sample, and we estimated the column density and abundance using both an LTE approximation and non-LTE calculations for a smaller subsample, where both transitions have been observed. Results. We characterise the physical properties of the selected sources, which greatly supersedes the largest samples studied so far, and show that they are representative of different evolutionary stages. We report a high detection rate of > 75% of the SiO (2 − 1) line and a > 90% detection rate from the dedicated follow-ups in the (5 − 4) transition. Up to 25% of the infrared-quiet clumps exhibit high-velocity line wings, suggesting that molecular tracers are more efficient tools to determine the level of star formation activity than infrared colour criteria. We also find infrared-quiet clumps that exhibit only a low-velocity component (FWHM ∌ 5 − 6 km s−1) SiO emission in the (2 − 1) line. In the current picture, where this is attributed to low-velocity shocks from cloud-cloud collisions, this can be used to pinpoint the youngest, thus, likely prestellar massive structures. Using the optically thin isotopologue (29SiO), we estimate that the (2 − 1) line is optically thin towards most of the sample. Furthermore, based on the line ratio of the (5 − 4) to the (2 − 1) line, our study reveals a trend of changing excitation conditions that lead to brighter emission in the (5 − 4) line towards more evolved sources. Our models show that a proper treatment of non-LTE effects and beam dilution is necessary to constrain trends in the SiO column density and abundance. Conclusions. We conclude that the SiO (2 − 1) line with broad line profiles and high detection rates is a powerful probe of star for- mation activity in the deeply embedded phase of the evolution of massive clumps. The ubiquitous detection of SiO in all evolutionary stages suggests a continuous star formation process in massive clumps. Our analysis delivers a more robust estimate of SiO column density and abundance than previous studies and questions the decrease of jet activity in massive clumps as a function of age. The observed increase of excitation conditions towards the more evolved clumps suggests a higher pressure in the shocked gas towards more evolved or more massive clumps in our sample