7 research outputs found

    Utjecaj prvog spolnog odnosa i rizičnog zdravstvenog ponašanja na uspjeh rumunjskih adolescenata na maturi

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    Relationship between sexual and health risk behaviours and school success is rarely investigated in Central-East European countries. The present project studies their impact on the results of the compulsory graduation examination, called Baccalaureate, in Romania. In this follow-up analysis 401 graduate high school students were surveyed. We measured scholastic achievement by means of the indicators of promotion and performance in standardized testing. The self-administered School Success Profile questionnaire included items on health-related (smoking, binge drinking, and illicit drug use) and sexual debut behaviours. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were conducted. Results show that students from rural and deprived communities, those obtaining failing grades in the last semester and involved in an unstable relationship at the sexual debut had significantly increased odds of failure and lower average grades in the final examination, when adjusted for age, sex, religious practice and health status. Within the framework of health education, school educators should not neglect the education for the reproductive health, and health education should accompany the adolescent throughout his/her life.Međuodnos spolnog i rizičnog zdravstvenog ponašanja i školskog uspjeha rijetko se istražuje u zemljama središnje i istočne Europe. Ovim se projektom istražuje njihov učinak na rezultate obveznog maturalnog ispita (engl. Baccalaureate) u Rumunjskoj. U ovoj popratnoj analizi obrađeni su odgovori 401 maturanta. Izmjerili smo školski uspjeh s pomoću indikatora napretka i uspjeha u standardiziranim testovima. Upitnikom za samostalno popunjavanje o profilu školskoga uspjeha obuhvaćena su pitanja o rizičnom zdravstvenom ponašanju dolescenata (pušenje, neumjereno opijanje i ilegalna zloupotreba droga) i njihovim prvim spolnim odnosima. U analizi su upotrijebljene metode eskriptivne statistike i logističke regresije. Rezultati su pokazali da su učenici iz ruralnih krajeva, zahvaćenih oskudicom, koji su u posljednjem semestru ocijenjeni negativnim ocjenama i koji su bili u nestabilnim vezama u trenutku prvog spolnog odnosa imali velike predispozicije da padnu razred i dobiju niže prosječne ocjene na završnom ispitu, s korekcijom za dob, spol, vjeru i zdravstveno stanje. U okviru zdravstvenog odgoja nastavnici ne bi trebali zanemarivati edukaciju o reproduktivnom zdravlju, a znanje stečeno tijekom obrazovanja trebalo bi adolescente služiti tijekom cijelog njihova života

    Nursing and Allied Health Research Priorities in the Care of Patients With Thoracic Malignancies: An International Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Background: There is currently no evidence of research priorities from nurses and allied health professionals working in the field of thoracic malignancies, which could provide strategic directions for funders, policy makers, and researchers. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the priorities for lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies research and practice in nurses and allied health professionals. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional web-based international survey conducted through international societies’ membership lists. Results: Participants included 152 nurses and allied health professionals. Key priority categories were related to developing and evaluation interventions; symptom management interventions; health care system issues; treatment-related research (immunotherapy; targeted therapies); persistent/late effects management (fatigue; pulmonary toxicity); risk reduction, and screening research. The specific topic with the highest endorsement (80.9%) was the development of interventions to improve quality of life. Symptom management interventions, particularly for pain, dyspnea, and fatigue, were also highly endorsed. Health care system topics were related to delivery of care and included nurse-/allied health-led care (67.5%), working with the multidisciplinary team (67.5%), continuity of care (69.2%), and access to care (67.5%). Topics around screening/early detection research were highly endorsed too. Conclusion: A clear focus (and need) for research in interventions to improve quality of life and symptom management, particularly for pain, dyspnea, and fatigue was also established, alongside healthcare system issues and screening research. Implications for practice: International societies and funding bodies could consider these topics in their funding decisions and in shaping their strategic directions in the care of patients with thoracic malignancies

    An inter-specialty cancer training programme curriculum for Europe

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    Introduction Multidisciplinary and multi-professional collaboration is vital in providing better outcomes for patients The aim of the INTERACT-EUROPE Project (Wide Ranging Cooperation and Cutting Edge Innovation As A Response To Cancer Training Needs). The aim was to develop an inter-specialty curriculum. A pilot project will enable a pioneer cohort to acquire a sample of the competencies needed. Methods A scoping review, qualitative and quantitative surveys were undertaken. The quantitative survey results are reported here. Respondents, including members of education boards, curriculum committees, trainee committees of European specialist societies and the ECO Patient Advisory Committee, were asked to score 127 proposed competencies on a 7-point Likert scale as to their value in achieving the aims of the curriculum. Results were discussed and competencies developed at two stakeholder meetings. A consultative document, shared with stakeholders and available online, requested views regarding the other components of the curriculum. Results and Discussion: Eleven competencies were revised, three omitted and three added. The competencies were organised according to the CanMEDS framework with 13 Entrustable Professional Activities, 23 competencies and 127 enabling competencies covering all roles in the framework. Recommendations regarding the infrastructure, organisational aspects, eligibility of trainees and training centres, programme contents, assessment and evaluation were developed using the replies to the consultative document. Conclusions An Inter-specialty Cancer Training Programme Curriculum and a pilot programme with virtual and face-to-face components have been developed with the aim of improving the care of people affected by cancer