298 research outputs found

    Beyond the Standard Model

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    We introduce aspects of physics beyond the Standard Model focusing on supersymmetry, extra dimensions, and a composite Higgs as solutions to the Hierarchy problem. Lectures at the European School of High Energy Physics, Par\'adf\"urd\H{o}, Hungary, 5-18 June 2013.Comment: 119 pages, 16 figures, minor revisions and corrections from published version. Proceedings of the 2013 European School of High-Energy Physics, Paradfurdo, Hungary, 5-18 June 2013, edited by M. Mulders and G. Perez, CERN-2015-004 (CERN, Geneva, 2015), ISBN: 9789290834205. v2: typos corrected, references update

    Composite Higgses

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    We present an overview of composite Higgs models in light of the discovery of the Higgs boson. The small value of the physical Higgs mass suggests that the Higgs quartic is likely loop generated, thus models with tree-level quartics will generically be more tuned. We classify the various models (including bona fide composite Higgs, little Higgs, holographic composite Higgs, twin Higgs and dilatonic Higgs) based on their predictions for the Higgs potential, review the basic ingredients of each of them, and quantify the amount of tuning needed, which is not negligible in any model. We explain the main ideas for generating flavor structure and the main mechanisms for protecting against large flavor violating effects, and present a summary of the various coset models that can result in realistic pseudo-Goldstone Higgses. We review the current experimental status of such models by discussing the electroweak precision, flavor and direct search bounds, and comment on UV completions and on ways to incorporate dark matter.Comment: 58 Pages, 5 Figures, 5 Tables. Invited review article accepted for publication in The European Physical Journal

    Tree-level Quartic for a Holographic Composite Higgs

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    We present a new class of composite Higgs models where an adjustable tree-level Higgs quartic coupling allows for a significant reduction in the tuning of the Higgs potential. Our 5D warped space implementation is the first example of a holographic composite Higgs model with a tree-level quartic. It is inspired by a 6D model where the quartic originates from the Tr [A_5,A_6]^2 term of the gauge field strength, the same model that led to the original little Higgs construction of Arkani-Hamed, Cohen, and Georgi. Beyond the reduction of the tuning and the standard composite Higgs signatures, the model predicts a doubling of the KK states with relatively small splittings as well as a Higgs sector with two doublets in the decoupling limit.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Agricultural economics and transition: What was expected, what we observed, the lessons learned. Proceedings (Volume I)

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    Over fifteen years have elapsed since the process of transition from the socialist system started in the early 1990s. During this time, Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia have undergone profound structural change with wide variation in the amount of transformation in rural areas. In retrospect, it can be seen that the countries that chose to transform their socialized agriculture into a private-ownership and market-based system experienced the most positive economic performance. These countries in 2004 became members of the European Union, and left the classical stages of transition behind. Looking at the developments of the past one and a half decade, it is clear, however, that the initial expectations for the transformation in the bulk of the region were overly optimistic and the transition process in agriculture is far more complex than originally envisaged. It is widely recognized, for instance, that the importance of functioning institutions was underestimated at the outset of the transition. Increased social problems and alarming signs of increasing poverty and inequality have also added a new, unexpected, dimension to the transition process. This Seminar provided an excellent opportunity to discuss the process and the status of transition in agriculture as well as to review of the status of agricultural economics profession in the region. CONTENTS: Foreword; Csaba Csáki, Csaba Forgács. A Joint IAAE-EAAE Seminar summary comments; Csaba Csáki. The profession of (agricultural) economists and the experience of transition; Ulrich Koester. Measuring the success of agricultural transition: An application to Russia; William M. Liefert. Competitiveness in the food industry: A CGE modeling approach to assess foreign direct investment in transition countries; Martin Banse, S. H. Gay, S. Mcdonald, R. M'barek, Johan F. M. Swinnen. Policy reform and agricultural productivity in transition countries; Hanho Kim, Donghwan An. Changes in the structure of agricultural production, farm structure and income in Hungary in the period of 2004-2006; Gábor Szabó. Shaping agribusiness and its impact on the competitive environment of agricultural enterprises; Vera Becvárová. Transition and foreign trade: The case of the Ukrainian agri-food sector; Inna Levkovych, Heinrich Hockmann. The development of the hungarian agricultural trade after the EU accession; Gábor Konig. Agricultural transition and integration to the world economy: NIS case; Eugenia Serova. Diversification of rural incomes and non-farm rural employment: Evidence from Russia; Dmitry Zvyagintsev, Olga Shick, Eugenia Serova, Zvi Lerman. Accounting for heterogeneity bias in efficiency models: An application to Polish agriculture; Heinrich Hockmann, Agata Pieniadz. Transformational crisis, transformational depression in the agriculture. The Hungarian case; Péter Halmai, Viktória Vásáry. The main bottlenecks of the rural knowledge transfer in Romania; Mária Vincze, Andrea Kölcsey. Studying investment patterns in Russian agriculture; Raushan Bokusheva, Irina Bezlepkina, Alexander Kupavyc. Changes in the Romanian farm structures during transition - Evolution and main determinants; Crina Turtoi, Camelia Toma, Camelia Gavrilescu. A time-series analysis of the beef livestock supply in Russia: Implications for agricultural sector development policies; Maria Antonova, Manfred Zeller. Agricultural recovery in CIS: Lessons of 15 years of land reform and farm restructurin; Zvi Lerman. Land market development and agricultural production efficiency in Albania; Klaus Deininger, Sara Savastano, Gero Carletto, The persistence of the corporate farms: They survived the transition but do they have future under the CAP; Laure Latruffe, Sophia Davidova, Gejza Blaas. Land use and land reform in some former Central and East European countries; Katalin Takács-György, Anna Bandlerova, Adam Sadowski. Romania: Semi-subsistence farm sector, result of wrong strategic approach? Lucian Luca. Farm-level determinants of conversion to sustainable farming practices in the New Members States; Adriana Cristoiu, Francisco Cáceres-Clavero, Blanca Lucena-Cobos. The economics of farm organization in CEEC and FSU; Pavel Ciaian, Jan Pokrivcak, Dusan Drabik. The structure of individual (family) farms in Hungary; Anna Burger, Katalin Szép. Facing the future: Strategies and investment behaviour of Polish farmers; S. Gomez y Paloma, E. Majewski, M. Raggi, D. Viaggi --

    Agricultural economics and transition: What was expected, what we observed, the lessons learned. Proceedings (Volume II)

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    Over fifteen years have elapsed since the transition from the centrally planned economic system started in the early 1990's. During this time agricultural and rural areas of Central and Eastern Europe have undergone profound structural changes with wide variations in the degree of transformation and in the rate of success in creating a competitive market and private ownership based food and agricultural system. By becoming member of the European Union the 'transition' in its traditional interpretation has been concluded in ten of the Central East European countries. The transition to market based agriculture, however, is far from completion in Southern and Eastern Europe and especially in the CIS countries. CONTENTS: From public to private governance of agri-food supply chains in transition countries: Some theoretical and empirical lesson; Johan F. M. Swinnen, Anneleen Vandeplas. Assessing market functioning: The case of the Hungarian milk chain; Heinrich Hockmann, Éva Voneki. Modelling dairy farm size distribution in Poland using an instrumental variable generalized cross entropy markov approach; Axel Tonini, Roel Jongeneel. Spatial integration on the hungarian milk Market; Lajos Zoltán Bakucs, Imre Ferto. Some approaches to the analysis of market structure's impact in milk commodity chain; Petr Novák. A comparative analysis of the meat sector in Hungary and Emilia-Romagna: Performance and efficiency; Cristina Brasili, Roberto Fanfani, Elisa Ricci Maccarini, Irene Monasterolo. Bottlenecks and success factors for the introduction of quality assurance schemes in the agri-food secto; Xavier Gellynck, Bianka Kühne, Adrienn Molnár. The impact of trust on co-operative membership performance and satisfaction in the hungarian horticulture; Lajos Zoltán Bakucs, Imre Ferto, Gábor G. Szabó. Integration of small and medium size farmers by co-operatives in the Hungarian fruit and vegetable sector - A case study; Gábor G. Szabó. Lessons on vertical collaboration in Ukraine; Taras Gagalyuk, Jon Hanf. Promoting sustainable market institutions in the transition economies: The role of international assistance; Nancy J. Cochrane. Role of research and researchers during transition: Case study of Lithuania; Natalija Kazlauskiene, William H. Meyers. Role of state administration in updating land-estate and farm-size conditions; Maria Fekete-Farkas, József Molnár, István Szucs. The role of professional agricultural economics associations in shaping national agricultural policy: The case of SERiA; Wojciech J. Florkowski. Some conceptional thoughts on the impact of social networks on non-farm rural employment; Diana Traikova, Judith Möllers, Jana Fritzsch, Gertrud Buchenrieder. Repayment performance under joint liability borrowing. Does social capital matter? - Evidence from Armenia; Milada Kasarjyan, Jana Fritzsch, Gertrud Buchenrieder, Rüdiger Korff. Agriculture in New Member States - Expectations and lessons learned; Jerzy Wilkin. Hungarian agriculture and EU Accession; Jozsef Popp, Gábor Udovecz. Implications of EU enlargement for agricultural markets in the New Member States; Myrna van Leeuven, Lubica Bartova, Robert M'barek, Emil Erjavec. Structural change and distribution of support in Hungarian agriculture following EU Accession: A preliminary FADN analysis; Carmen Hubbard, Szilárd Podruzsik, Lionel Hubbard. Consequences of the two record years of cereal intervention in Hungary; László Rieger, Gyula Szoke. Sustainability dimensions and income prospects for farming systems in the New Member States; Adriana Cristoiu, Francisco Caceres-Clavero, Blanca Lucena-Cobos. Assessing the implications of EU enlargement for CEEC agri-food trade specialization; Dusan Drabik, Lubica Bartova. The agricultural export-growth Nexus in the EU-27 an the country risk; Maria Sassi. The effect of CAP payments on territorial cohesion; Judit Katona-Kovács. Factors of efficiency change of assets on the EU-15 and Hungarian farms from 1990s; István Takács, Zsolt Baranyai, Emese Takács. The European regional policy in Hungary. An evaluation of the objectives and instruments for the cohesion; Irene Monasterolo. POSTERS: Land policy and farm efficiency: The lessons of Moldova; Dragos Cimpoies, Zvi Lerman. Transformation and its impact on structural changes in Polish agriculture; Renata Przygodzka, Ryta Iwona Dziemianowicz. Change in agricultural holdings structure during the transition period in Slovenia; Andrej Udovc. Large farms in Poland founded on the basis of the prooerty of former state-owned farms (PRGs); Adam Kagan. Changes in land utilisation in Hungary since the transition; Robert Magda. Transformation of agricultural sector of Ukrainian economy: Some social and economic results; Elena Borodina, Alexandra Borodina. Survival analysis of culling reasons and economic examination of production period in sow cullin; Péter Balogh, Imre Ertsey, Sándor Kovács. The effect of funding the investments in the Romanian agricultural holdings through the pre-accession programs; Camelia Toma, Camelia Gavrilescu, Lucian Luca. The institutional support of agricultural loans and its role in Czech agriculture; Lukás Cechura. Technological and economic risk analysis of laying hen breeding applying simulation; Sándor Kovács, Imre Ertsey, Péter Balogh. Impact assessment on milk incentive policies in Turkey: Antalya province case; Cengiz Sayin, M. Nisa Mencet, Suleyman Karaman. From subsistence to efficiency in the Romanian agriculture during transition; Dinu Gavrilescu, Camelia Gavrilescu. Longitudinal study of fruit and vegetable consumption in Hungary; Géza Székely, Dénes Pecze. Competitiveness of Polish food sector after the accession to the European Union; Iwona Szczepaniak, Monika Szczególska. Agricultural technology adoption and land productivity: Evidence from the rice-prawn gher farming system in Bangladesh; Basanta Kumar Barmon, Takumi Kondo, Fumio Osanami --

    Radion Phenomenology in Realistic Warped Space Models

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    We investigate the phenomenology of the Randall-Sundrum radion in realistic models of electroweak symmetry breaking with bulk gauge and fermion fields, since the radion may turn out to be the lightest particle in such models. We calculate the coupling of the radion in such scenarios to bulk fermion and gauge modes. Special attention needs to be devoted to the coupling to massless gauge fields (photon, gluon), since it is well known that loop effects may be important for these fields. We also present a detailed explanation of these couplings from the CFT interpretation. We then use these couplings to determine the radion branching fractions and discuss some of the discovery potential of the LHC for the radion. We find that the gamma-gamma signal is enhanced over most of the range of the radion mass over the gamma-gamma signal of a SM Higgs, as long as the RS scale is sufficiently low. However, the signal significance depends strongly on free parameters that characterize the magnitude of bare brane-localized kinetic terms for the massless gauge fields. In the absence of such terms, the signal can be be enhanced over the traditional RS1 models (where all standard model fields are localized on the IR brane), but the signal can also be reduced compared to RS1 if the brane localized terms are sizeable. We also show that for larger radion masses, where the gamma-gamma signal is no longer significant, one can use the usual 4 lepton signal to discover the radion.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Az európai integráció hatása a közép-kelet-európai országok mezőgazdaságára (The effect of European integration on agriculture in Central East European countries)

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    Az Európai Unió számos új lehetőséget kínált és új kihívást jelentett a 2004-ben és 2007-ben belépő 12 új tagország számára. A csatlakozás mezőgazdaságra gyakorolt hatása már a bővítést megelőzően is az egyik legtöbbet vitatott kérdés volt mind a régi tagországok, mind a tagjelöltek körében. A szerzők az új tagországok agrárgazdasági teljesítményei mögött meghúzódó tényezőket igyekeznek azonosítani a legfrissebb adatok és az eddigi tapasztalatok tükrében. Eredményeik szerint a csatlakozás alapvetően pozitív hatást gyakorolt a térség mezőgazdaságára, noha az egyes országok különböző módon éltek a csatlakozás kínálta lehetőségeikkel, ami a kezdeti adottságokkal, valamint a belépés előtti és utáni agrárpolitikájukkal magyarázható. A pozitív hatások mellett számos nehézség is felmerült - ezek közül az erős versenyben való helytállás nehézségei, illetve a kisgazdaságok hátrányos helyzete bizonyultak a leginkább meghatározónak