3,295 research outputs found

    O balanced scorecard e a gestão das organizações hospitalares

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    Face às recentes mudanças que têm vindo a acontecer no sector público em Portugal, nomeadamente, na área da saúde, é importante observar e estudar quais as ferramentas que têm vindo a ser estudadas na gestão das organizações hospitalares. Neste contexto, tem sido realçado em diversos trabalhos publicados a importância do Balanced Scorecard não só como uma metodologia adequada para a avaliação integrada do desempenho da organização no seu todo, mas também como um instrumento de apoio de divulgação interna da missão, dos valores, e formas de actuação que permitem optimizar recursos e alcançar objectivos previamente definidos. Se o objectivo do Governo português é proceder a uma transformação do sector da saúde para conseguir uma gestão mais eficaz, porque não verificar em que medida se pode adequar esta metodologia à realidade da organização hospitalar.Facing the recent changes that have been hapenning in portuguese public sector, namely, in the heath care, it is important to see and to study wich tools have been recently studed in health care management. In this context, it has been outline in some papers the grat importance of Balanced Scorecard, not only as a good methodology to assess the organizacional global performance, but also as a suport tool in comunicating mission, values, and ways to optimize ressources and reach settled goals. If the portuguese government goal is to proced a turnover in the health care sector to have a more effective management , why not verify if this methodology can be adequate to hospital organizacion reality

    Correlation between seabirds and fisheries varies by species at fine-scale pattern

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    Understanding how fisheries influence seabird distribution is critical in the development of sustainable fisheries management. Species distribution models were applied to analyse the influence of the fishing footprint, discards, and oceanographic factors on seabird attendance patterns to trawlers in the Gulf of Cadiz. More than 30 species of seabirds were attracted to trawlers, although only seven were registered with relatively high frequency and abundance. For these species, fishery footprint was a good predictor for the distribution of four out of seven (yellow-legged gull, lesser black-backed gull, northern gannet, and Cory's shearwater). Yellow-legged and lesser black-backed gull flocked in large numbers to trawlers, mostly in shallow areas where they were also attracted by purse seines. Northern gannets and Cory's shearwaters appeared with relatively high frequency and their distributions correlated with trawler effort and abundance of potential prey discards. Balearic shearwaters were attracted in low numbers and concentrated in shallow areas, where potential prey discards were also more abundant. For these three species, discards as surrogate of natural prey distribution were good predictors of trawler attendance. Our research revealed that, at a local scale, the degree of interaction of seabirds on fishing discards varies by species. Therefore, fine-scale studies are essential in identifying interactions between seabirds and fisheries, and thus assessing conservation issues such as bycatch or the consequences of discard bans.This research has been carried out within the framework of the ECOFISH project: Eco-innovative strategies for sustainable fishing in the Gulf of Cadiz SPA. This initiative has been supported by the Biodiversity Foundation, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, through the Pleamar Program, co-financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) [grant number: 2019016/PV/PLEAMAR18/PT; 2020-013/PV/PLEAMAR19/PT; 2020-055/PV/PLEAMAR20/PT; 2021/PV/PLEAMAR2021/PT]

    Revisión meta-analítica de la literatura como guía para la investigación

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    Los investigadores tienen acceso cada vez a mayores fuentes bibliográficas. Estas nuevas oportunidades deben ser aprovechadas con una adecuada metodología. Una solución adecuada en el ámbito de la Administración de Empresas y el Marketing es la revisión meta-analítica de la literatura. Esta técnica permite comprobar si un determinado hecho ha sido suficientemente contrastado, al tiempo que sirve como una estupenda guía en el desarrollo de la investigación. A lo largo del presente trabajo se incluye un resumen de una aplicación a modo de ejemplo.Nowadays the researchers have access to bigger bibliographical sources. These new opportunities must be been useful with a suitable methodology. A solution adapted in the areas of the Management and Marketing is the analytical review of the literature. This tool allows verifying if a hypothesis has been sufficiently tested, at the time that it serves as an excellent guide in the development of a research. An example is included in the present paper

    Os fundamentos da política de inovação e o seu impacto na produtividade: uma aplicação empírica a 10 países da Comunidade Europeia

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    This study begins with an analysis of the fundamentals of government intervention in the processes of innovation and of technological change, according to the “market failure” approach. Then we put some emphasis on the weaknesses of the static analysis in explaining the dynamic behaviour of innovation activities and we contrast the analysis with the evolutionist paradigm. According to it, innovations are a result of systemic interactions involving national institutions and governments have an important role on enhancing the performance of institutional interactions. Finally, we empirically investigate the influence of traditional political action and of national systems on multifactor productivity

    Análise da situação actual do marketing nas empresas vitivinícolas da região Alentejo

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    O Sector vitivinícola tem sofrido muitas alterações nos últimos anos em quase todas suas vertentes competitivas. Por outro lado, o consumidor é cada vez mais exigente, e a concorrência mais intensa, devido ao aparecimento dos vinhos do novo mundo. Esta comunicação tem como principal objectivo, a análise da Situação Actual do Marketing nas Empresas Vitivinícolas da Região Alentejo. Numa primeira fase recolheu-se informação através da utilização de fontes de dados primários e secundários de forma a se analisar e caracterizar o sector vitivinícola, através do estudo do meio envolvente contextual e transaccional. Numa segunda fase do estudo, aplicou-se um questionário junto das organizações que actuam no cluster de vinhos da região. Neste estudo concluiu-se que, grande parte das organizações define mal a sua estratégia de marketing, uma vez que se verificou que as variáveis controláveis do marketing não estão a ser utilizadas coerentemente o que prejudica aplicação da estratégia de marketing.The wine sector has suffered many alterations in the last years in almost all its competitive areas, not only in the wine production techniques but also in the means of its distribution. On the other hand, the consumer uses less of it but is more demanding and to make matters worse the competition is intensifying with the appearance of wines from New World producers in our market. This comunication has as its main objective the analysis of the Current Marketing Situation of the Wine Enterprises in the Alentejo Region. On a first phase, to reach the objectives proposed, information was collected through the use of primary and secondary data sources so as to analyse and characterise the wine sector through the study of the contextual and transactional means involved. On the second phase, a questionnaire was applied to the organisations that play a role in the region´s wine cluster. In this study we reached the conclusion that most of the organisations have an ill-defined marketing strategy, because we were able to see that the controlled planning and marketing variables are not being used in a coherent manner, thus damaging the application of the marketing strategy

    La trazabilidad como elemento clave de calidad y control. El caso del sector de la carne de vacuno mediante el análisis de la indicación geográfica protegida Ternera Gallega

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    La trazabilidad es un importante instrumento al servicio de la seguridad alimentaría y se ha convertido en una herramienta decisiva para la seguridad y la protección de los consumidores. La trazabilidad se ha impuesto en la UE tras las crisis alimenticias que han afectado recientemente a los países desarrollados. En el presente trabajo pretendemos ver de que manera se ha desarrollado este proceso en el sector donde primero se ha implantado, es decir, el sector de la carne de vacuno. Para ello vamos a realizar una breve revisión de la IPG Ternera Gallega, la cual fue la primera carne de vacuno con control integral y certificado de garantía.The layout is an important instrument to the feed security service and it has become a decisive tool for the consumers’ security and protection. The layout has prevailed in the UE after the nutritional crises that have recently affected the developed countries. In the present work we try to see that way has been developed this process in the sector where first has been implanted, that is to say, the sector of the meat of bovine. For it we are going to make a brief revision of the IPG Galician Calf, which was the first bovine meat with integral control and certificate of guarantee

    Factores genéricos y específicos de localización industrial en los fenómenos de concentración territorial de los sectores textil y cerámico en España

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    Este trabajo pretende contrastar las teorías y factores de localización con los resultados de una investigación abierta en colaboración con las principales asociaciones sectoriales del textil y la cerámica en España. Así se definen pautas o patrones de comportamiento locacional mediante análisis factorial por componentes principales, pruebas no paramétricas como la de Kruskal-Wallis y modelos factorial y causal de ecuaciones estructurales.This article aspires to contrast location theories and factors with the results of open research in collaboration with mains textile and ceramics associations in Spain. In this way, we explain guide lines or patterns of locational behaviour through factorial analysis by main components, non parametric test as Kruskal-Wallis and factorial and causal models of structural equations

    Los rellenos de pasta blanca en cerámicas campaniformes y su utilización en la definición de límites sociales

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    En este artículo estudiamos la identidad técnica a través de la toma de decisiones técnicas durante el proceso de decoración con rellenos de pasta blanca y su relación con la definición de los límites socialesIn this paper we study the technological choices referred to inlay processes by physico-chemical analysis (XRD, and FTIR) in order to explore collective technical identity patterns alongside the Guadiana River – i.e. raw material selection –, comparing the production technology. As a result of the study of technical identity we can engage the result of these fashioning techniques with social boundarie

    Como controlar o ‘poder de mercado’ dos centros de custos? Um modelo teórico das vantagens da implementação de concorrência dentro das organizações

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    Um dos problemas mais discutidos na “governação” das organizações é como criar incentivos para que os diversos centros de actividades se tornem mais eficientes. Neste trabalho introduzimos, em primeiro lugar, um contrato de agência em que a remuneração do gestor de um centro de actividades que produz um bem intermédio é dependente da sua performance. Acrescentamos, seguidamente, concorrência dentro da organização. Este segundo elemento é novo na literatura. Finalmente, fazemos uma análise de “estática comparada” entre uma empresa que utiliza apenas um centro de actividades, e que aproveita a existência de rendimentos crescentes à escala na produção de um bem intermédio, e uma outra que produz esse bem intermédio através da duplicação dos centros de actividades. Concluímos que a concorrência interna torna a empresa globalmente mais eficiente, apesar de não poder aproveitar, pelo menos na sua totalidade, a existência de rendimentos crescentes à escala.One important issue in firms’ governance is how to create incentives so that activity cost centres can become more efficient. In this paper we first introduce an agency contract where the salary of the manager of an activity cost centre that produces an intermediate good is dependent of its performance. Secondly, we add competition within the organization. This latter point is new in the literature. We then develop a "static analysis" comparing a firm that has only one activity cost centre, which manifests increasing returns to scale in the production of an intermediate good, with another firm that has two activity cost centres producing the same intermediate good. We conclude that the introduction of internal competition makes the firm globally more efficient, even though it cannot fully benefit from the existence of increasing returns to scale