22,094 research outputs found

    Electron Transfer Reaction Through an Adsorbed Layer

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    We consider electron transfer from a redox to an electrode through and adsorbed intermediate. The formalism is developed to cover all regimes of coverage factor, from lone adsorbate to monolayer regime. The randomness in the distribution of adsorbates is handled using coherent potential approximation. We give current-overpotential profile for all coverage regimes. We explictly analyse the low and high coverage regimes by supplementing with DOS profile for adsorbate in both weakly coupled and strongly coupled sector. The prominence of bonding and anti-bonding states in the strongly coupled adsorbates at low coverage gives rise to saddle point behaviour in current-overpotential profile. We were able to recover the marcus inverted region at low coverage and the traditional direct electron transfer behaviour at high coverage

    Structural Anomalies at the Magnetic and Ferroelectric Transitions in RMn2O5RMn_2O_5 (R=Tb, Dy, Ho)

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    Strong anomalies of the thermal expansion coefficients at the magnetic and ferroelectric transitions have been detected in multiferroic RMn2O5RMn_2O_5. Their correlation with anomalies of the specific heat and the dielectric constant is discussed. The results provide evidence for the magnetic origin of the ferroelectricity mediated by strong spin-lattice coupling in the compounds. Neutron scattering data for HoMn2O5HoMn_2O_5 indicate a spin reorientation at the two low-temperature phase transitions

    Symmetries in two-dimensional dilaton gravity with matter

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    The symmetries of generic 2D dilaton models of gravity with (and without) matter are studied in some detail. It is shown that δ2\delta_2, one of the symmetries of the matterless models, can be generalized to the case where matter fields of any kind are present. The general (classical) solution for some of these models, in particular those coupled to chiral matter, which generalizes the Vaidya solution of Einstein Gravity, is also given.Comment: Minor changes have been made; the references have been updated and some added; 11 pages. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram of Multiferroic Ni3V2O8Ni_3V_2O_8

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    The pressure-temperature phase diagram of multiferroic Ni3V2O8Ni_3V_2O_8 is investigated for hydrostatic pressures up to 2 GPa. The stability range of the ferroelectric phase associated with the incommensurate helical spin order is reduced by pressure and ferroelectricity is completely suppressed at the critical pressure of 1.64 GPa at 6.2 K. Thermal expansion measurements at ambient pressure show strong step-like anomalies of the lattice parameters associated with the lock-in transition into the commensurate paraelectric phase. The expansion anomalies are highly anisotropic, the related volume change is consistent with the high-pressure phase diagram

    Symmetry Aspects in Nonrelativistic Multi-Scalar Field Models and Application to a Coupled Two-Species Dilute Bose Gas

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    We discuss unusual aspects of symmetry that can happen due to entropic effects in the context of multi-scalar field theories at finite temperature. We present their consequences, in special, for the case of nonrelativistic models of hard core spheres. We show that for nonrelativistic models phenomena like inverse symmetry breaking and symmetry non-restoration cannot take place, but a reentrant phase at high temperatures is shown to be possible for some region of parameters. We then develop a model of interest in studies of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute atomic gases and discuss about its phase transition patterns. In this application to a Bose-Einstein condensation model, however, no reentrant phases are found.Comment: 8 pages, 1 eps figure, IOP style. Based on a talk given by R. O. Ramos at the QFEXT05 workshop, Barcelona, Spain, September 5-9, 2005. One reference was update

    Efeito da aplicação de tratamentos pós-colheita na conservação de raízes de mandioca.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do revestimento com fécula de mandioca ou parafina na conservação da qualidade pós-colheita de raízes de mandioca armazenadas sob condições ambiente por 9 dias. Após a lavagem e sanitização, as raízes foram revestidas com fécula de mandioca na concentração de 5% ou parafina aquecida a 60 oC e acomodadas em bandejas de poliestireno expandido ? EPS (Isopor®) mantidas sob temperatura ambiente. Como controle foram utilizadas raízes sem recobrimento. As análises foram realizadas diariamente, durante 9 dias de armazenamento, sendo avaliada a perda de massa, tempo de cozimento, aparência visual, umidade, pH e acidez titulável. Por meio de identificação visual, observou-se que o escurecimento vascular foi o principal sintoma de deterioração nas mandiocas. Nas raízes que não sofreram qualquer tratamento e naquelas submetidas ao tratamento com revestimento de fécula, os sintomas de deterioração apareceram no terceiro dia de armazenamento, em cerca de 50% das raízes. Nas mandiocas submetidas ao tratamento com revestimento de parafina, os primeiros sintomas internos foram observados no quarto dia de armazenamento, em 33,3% das raízes analisadas. O revestimento com parafina foi responsável também por menor perda de massa e menor tempo de cozimento das raízes ao longo de todo o período de armazenamento. Para a análise de umidade, observaram-se teores variando de 57,9% a 64,7%. Para as análises de pH e acidez titulável verificou-se oscilação nos resultados ao longo do período de armazenamento para os três tratamentos estudados.bitstream/item/31764/1/BPD74.pdfVersão eletrônica. 1ª impressão: 2010