19 research outputs found

    Would a complete electrophysiological study allow us to make a correct diagnosis? Case report

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    Abstract Background Oblique course of some left accessory pathways is rare An incomplete electrophysiological study may confuse us between an oblique accessory pathway or the presence of two accessory pathways. The proximity of all atrial and ventricular electrograms, at each pole of the catheter, within the coronary sinus may be a novel finding. Case presentation A 68-year-old woman patient presented arrhythmias with hypotension requiring electrical cardioversion. Her electrocardiogram (ECG) was interpreted as atrial fibrillation by accessory pathway. We performed with the protocol of ablation stablished in our laboratory: two punctures on the right femoral vein with placement of introducers (8F and 7F) by Seldigner technique and one puncture on the left femoral vein (7F). The study was performed with BIOTRONIK technology (Multicath study catheter), a non-deflectable 7F quadripolar catheter with 2 mm tip electrode to record the His electrogram, a non-deflectable decapolar catheter with 5 pairs of coronary sinus (CS) electrodes. Accessory pathway mapping was performed in right and left cavities and within the CS. All electrograms into CS showed short AV from proximal to distal CS. Finally, ablation of two accessory pathway recordings was achieved at two distant epicardial points within the CS. Conclusions Ablation at two distant sites, one on the ventricular side and the other on the mitral annulus, suggests the presence of an oblique accessory pathway and at the same time the differential diagnosis of the presence of two accessory pathways. In our point of view according the above, we consider this is a very rare case of oblique AP with epicardial trajectory. The sequence of electrograms (in this case) along the CS has not been seen before in the literature reviewed. It is important, regardless of the urgency, to follow diagnostic and therapeutic protocols in invasive electrophysiology

    VARIABLES ECOCARDIOGRÁFICAS PARA LA EVALUACIÓN INCRUENTA DE LA HEMODINÁMICA PULMONAR / Echocardiographic variables for noninvasive assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics

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    ResumenLa valoración de la hemodinámica pulmonar depende de muchas situaciones clínicas, debido a que el árbol vascular pulmonar puede verse afectado por diversas circunstancias fisiológicas y patológicas. La prueba de oro para evaluar estos parámetros es el cateterismo derecho, pero su uso no puede justificarse de manera rutinaria. Las técnicas de imágenes, especialmente la ecocardiografía, se han desarrollado vertiginosamente y permiten obtener una descripción completa y aproximada, así como de la magnitud de la repercusión en el corazón, de dichos parámetros. Varios son los índices ecocardiográficos que resultan de un interés particular en la evaluación de la hemodinámica pulmonar, y múltiples son las variables a analizar para garantizar una adecuada interpretación de los resultados y un diagnóstico ecocardiográfico certero. En este artículo se presenta una revisión de las diferentes variables ecocardiográficas involucradas en la evaluación hemodinámica pulmonar, así como la aplicación de éstas en el escenario clínico. / AbstractThe assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics depends on many clinical situations because the pulmonary vascular tree may be affected by various physiological and pathological circumstances. The gold test for assessing these parameters is the right heart catheterization, but its use cannot be routinely justified. Imaging techniques, especially echocardiography, have developed rapidly and allow for a full and approximate description, as well as the magnitude of the impact of these parameters on the heart. There are several echocardiographic indexes that are of particular interest in the assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics, and multiple variables should be analyzed to ensure proper interpretation of results and an accurate echocardiographic diagnosis. This article presents a review of the different echocardiographic variables involved in assessing pulmonary hemodynamics and their application in the clinical setting

    Variables ecocardiográficas para la evaluación incruenta de la hemodinámica pulmonar

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    The assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics depends on many clinical situations because the pulmonary vascular tree may be affected by various physiological and pathological circumstances. The gold test for assessing these parameters is the right heart catheterization, but its use cannot be routinely justified. Imaging techniques, especially echocardiography, have developed rapidly and allow for a full and approximate description, as well as the magnitude of the impact of these parameters on the heart. There are several echocardiographic indexes that are of particular interest in the assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics, and multiple variables should be analyzed to ensure proper interpretation of results and an accurate echocardiographic diagnosis. This article presents a review of the different echocardiographic variables involved in assessing pulmonary hemodynamics and their application in the clinical settingLa valoración de la hemodinámica pulmonar depende de muchas situaciones clínicas, debido a que el árbol vascular pulmonar puede verse afectado por diversas circunstancias fisiológicas y patológicas. La prueba de oro para evaluar estos parámetros es el cateterismo derecho, pero su uso no puede justificarse de manera rutinaria. Las técnicas de imágenes, especialmente la ecocardiografía, se han desarrollado vertiginosamente y permiten obtener una descripción completa y aproximada, así como de la magnitud de la repercusión en el corazón, de dichos parámetros. Varios son los índices ecocardiográficos que resultan de un interés particular en la evaluación de la hemodinámica pulmonar, y múltiples son las variables a analizar para garantizar una adecuada interpretación de los resultados y un diagnóstico ecocardiográfico certero. En este artículo se presenta una revisión de las diferentes variables ecocardiográficas involucradas en la evaluación hemodinámica pulmonar, así como la aplicación de éstas en el escenario clínico

    El fenómeno de la memoria eléctrica cardíaca: un gran simulador. Presentación de dos casos

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    We present two patients in whom negative T waves are developed, and appeared in the electrocar diogram as a result of the electric cardiac memory. Though described many years ago, this phenomenon is the cause for T-wave misinterpretation due to cardiac ischemia. It can be seen in certain clinical situations which lead to suspect its presence.Presentamos dos pacientes en los que se desarro-llaron ondas T negativas que aparecen en el electro-cardiograma por la memoria eléctrica cardíaca. Este fenómeno aunque fue descrito hace muchos años es causa de interpretación errónea de ondas T debido a isquemia cardíaca, y puede ser visto en ciertas situa- ciones clínicas que permiten sospechar su presencia