2 research outputs found

    Optimizing quantum phase estimation for the simulation of Hamiltonian eigenstates

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    We revisit quantum phase estimation algorithms for the purpose of obtaining the energy levels of many-body Hamiltonians and pay particular attention to the statistical analysis of their outputs. We introduce the mean phase direction of the parent distribution associated with eigenstate inputs as a new post-processing tool. By connecting it with the unknown phase, we find that if used as its direct estimator, it exceeds the accuracy of the standard majority rule using one less bit of resolution, making evident that it can also be inverted to provide unbiased estimation. Moreover, we show how to directly use this quantity to accurately find the energy levels when the initialized state is an eigenstate of the simulated propagator during the whole time evolution, which allows for shallower algorithms. We then use IBM Q hardware to carry out the digital quantum simulation of three toy models: a two-level system, a two-spin Ising model and a two-site Hubbard model at half-filling. Methodologies are provided to implement Trotterization and reduce the variability of results in noisy intermediate scale quantum computers.RG acknowledges the INL summer student program. GC acknowledges Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnología (FCT) for Grant No. SFRH/BD/138806/2018. JFR and GC acknowledge the FCT for Grant PTDC/FIS-NAN/4662/2014 (016656)

    Preparing valence-bond-solid states on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers

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    Quantum state preparation is a key step in all digital quantum simulation algorithms. Here we propose methods to initialize on a gate-based quantum computer a general class of quantum spin wave functions, the so-called valence-bond-solid (VBS) states, that are important for two reasons. First, VBS states are the exact ground states of a class of interacting quantum spin models introduced by Affleck, Kennedy, Lieb, and Tasaki (AKLT). Second, the two-dimensional VBS states are universal resource states for measurement-based quantum computing. We find that schemes to prepare VBS states based on their tensor-network representations yield quantum circuits that are too deep to be within reach of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. We then apply the general nondeterministic method herein proposed to the preparation of the spin-1 and spin-3/2 VBS states, the ground states of the AKLT models defined in one dimension and in the honeycomb lattice, respectively. Shallow quantum circuits of depth independent of the lattice size are explicitly derived for both cases, making use of optimization schemes that outperform standard basis gate decomposition methods. The probabilistic nature of the proposed routine translates into an average number of repetitions to successfully prepare the VBS state that scales exponentially with the number of lattice sites N. However, two strategies to quadratically reduce this repetition overhead for any bipartite lattice are devised. Our approach should permit to use NISQ processors to explore the AKLT model and variants thereof, outperforming conventional numerical methods in the near future.B.M. acknowledges financial support from the FCT PhD scholarship No. SFRH/BD/08444/2020. P.M.Q.C. acknowledges financial support from FCT Grant No. SFRH/BD/150708/2020. J.F.R. acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (grant No. PID2019-109539GB-41), from Generalitat Valenciana (Grants No. Prometeo2021/017 and MFA/2022/045), and from FCT (Grant No. PTDC/FIS-MAC/2045/2021)