12 research outputs found

    Alphacoronavirus protein 7 modulates host innate immune response

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    Innate immune response is the first line of antiviral defense resulting, in most cases, in pathogen clearance with minimal clinical consequences. Viruses have developed diverse strategies to subvert host defense mechanisms and increase their survival. In the transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) as a model, we previously reported that accessorygene 7 counteracts the host antiviral response by associating with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1c). In the present work, the effect of the absence of gene 7on the host cell, during infection, was further analyzed by transcriptomic analysis. The pattern of gene expression of cells infected with a recombinant mutant TGEV, lacking gene7 expression (rTGEV-δ7), was compared to that of cells infected with the parental virus (rTGEV-wt). Genes involved in the immune response, the interferon response, and inflammation were upregulated during TGEV infection in the absence of gene 7. An exacerbated innate immune response during infection with rTGEV-δ7 virus was observed both in vitro and invivo. An increase in macrophage recruitment and activation in lung tissues infected with rTGEV-δ7 virus was observed compared to cells infected with the parental virus. In summary, the absence of protein 7 both in vitro and in vivo led to increased proinflammatory responses and acute tissue damage after infection. In a porcine animal model, which is immunologically similar to humans, we present a novel example of how viral proteins counteract host antiviral pathways to determine the infection outcome and pathogenesis

    Coronavirus Gene 7 Counteracts Host Defenses and Modulates Virus Virulence

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    Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) genome contains three accessory genes: 3a, 3b and 7. Gene 7 is only present in members of coronavirus genus a1, and encodes a hydrophobic protein of 78 aa. To study gene 7 function, a recombinant TGEV virus lacking gene 7 was engineered (rTGEV-Δ7). Both the mutant and the parental (rTGEV-wt) viruses showed the same growth and viral RNA accumulation kinetics in tissue cultures. Nevertheless, cells infected with rTGEV-Δ7 virus showed an increased cytopathic effect caused by an enhanced apoptosis mediated by caspase activation. Macromolecular synthesis analysis showed that rTGEV-Δ7 virus infection led to host translational shut-off and increased cellular RNA degradation compared with rTGEV-wt infection. An increase of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α) phosphorylation and an enhanced nuclease, most likely RNase L, activity were observed in rTGEV-Δ7 virus infected cells. These results suggested that the removal of gene 7 promoted an intensified dsRNA-activated host antiviral response. In protein 7 a conserved sequence motif that potentially mediates binding to protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit (PP1c), a key regulator of the cell antiviral defenses, was identified. We postulated that TGEV protein 7 may counteract host antiviral response by its association with PP1c. In fact, pull-down assays demonstrated the interaction between TGEV protein 7, but not a protein 7 mutant lacking PP1c binding motif, with PP1. Moreover, the interaction between protein 7 and PP1 was required, during the infection, for eIF2α dephosphorylation and inhibition of cell RNA degradation. Inoculation of newborn piglets with rTGEV-Δ7 and rTGEV-wt viruses showed that rTGEV-Δ7 virus presented accelerated growth kinetics and pathology compared with the parental virus. Overall, the results indicated that gene 7 counteracted host cell defenses, and modified TGEV persistence increasing TGEV survival. Therefore, the acquisition of gene 7 by the TGEV genome most likely has provided a selective advantage to the virus

    Role of RNA chaperones in virus replication

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    RNA molecules are functionally diverse in part due to their extreme structural flexibility that allows rapid regulation by refolding. RNA folding could be a difficult process as often molecules adopt a spatial conformation that is very stable but not biologically functional, named a kinetic trap. RNA chaperones are non-specific RNA binding proteins that help RNA folding by resolving misfolded structures or preventing their formation. There is a large number of viruses whose genome is RNA that allows some evolutionary advantages, such as rapid genome mutation. On the other hand, regions of the viral RNA genomes can adopt different structural conformations, some of them lacking functional relevance and acting as misfolded intermediates. In fact, for an efficient replication, they often require RNA chaperone activities. There is a growing list of RNA chaperones encoded by viruses involved in different steps of the viral cycle. Also, cellular RNA chaperones have been involved in replication of RNA viruses. This review briefly describes RNA chaperone activities and is focused in the roles that viral or cellular nucleic acid chaperones have in RNA virus replication, particularly in those viruses that require discontinuous RNA synthesis

    Role of RNA chaperones in virus replication

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    RNA molecules are functionally diverse in part due to their extreme structural flexibility that allows rapid regulation by refolding. RNA folding could be a difficult process as often molecules adopt a spatial conformation that is very stable but not biologically functional, named a kinetic trap. RNA chaperones are non-specific RNA binding proteins that help RNA folding by resolving misfolded structures or preventing their formation. There is a large number of viruses whose genome is RNA that allows some evolutionary advantages, such as rapid genome mutation. On the other hand, regions of the viral RNA genomes can adopt different structural conformations, some of them lacking functional relevance and acting as misfolded intermediates. In fact, for an efficient replication, they often require RNA chaperone activities. There is a growing list of RNA chaperones encoded by viruses involved in different steps of the viral cycle. Also, cellular RNA chaperones have been involved in replication of RNA viruses. This review briefly describes RNA chaperone activities and is focused in the roles that viral or cellular nucleic acid chaperones have in RNA virus replication, particularly in those viruses that require discontinuous RNA synthesis.This work was supported by grants from the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT, BIO2007-60978), the Community of Madrid (S-SAL-0185/06), the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN, CIT-010000-2007-8) and the European Union (Frame VI, DISSECT Project, SP22-CT-2004-511060). S.Z. and I.S. received contracts from Highest Council of Scientific Research (CSIC). J.L.G.C. received contract from Community of Madrid

    Repurposing of Commercially Existing Molecular Target Therapies to Boost the Clinical Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Blockade

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    Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) is now standard of care for several metastatic epithelial cancers and prolongs life expectancy for a significant fraction of patients. A hostile tumor microenvironment (TME) induced by intrinsic oncogenic signaling induces an immunosuppressive niche that protects the tumor cells, limiting the durability and efficacy of ICB therapies. Addition of receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (RTKi) as potential modulators of an unfavorable local immune environment has resulted in moderate life expectancy improvement. Though the combination strategy of ICB and RTKi has shown significantly better results compared to individual treatment, the benefits and adverse events are additive whereas synergy of benefit would be preferable. There is therefore a need to investigate the potential of inhibitors other than RTKs to reduce malignant cell survival while enhancing anti-tumor immunity. In the last five years, preclinical studies have focused on using small molecule inhibitors targeting cell cycle and DNA damage regulators such as CDK4/6, CHK1 and poly ADP ribosyl polymerase (PARP) to selectively kill tumor cells and enhance cytotoxic immune responses. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the available drugs that attenuate immunosuppression and overcome hostile TME that could be used to boost FDA-approved ICB efficacy in the near future

    Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Facilitates Template Switching and Is Required for Efficient Transcription▿

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    Purified nucleocapsid protein (N protein) from transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) enhanced hammerhead ribozyme self-cleavage and favored nucleic acid annealing, properties that define RNA chaperones, as previously reported. Several TGEV N-protein deletion mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified, and their RNA binding ability and RNA chaperone activity were evaluated. The smallest N-protein domain analyzed with RNA chaperone activity, facilitating DNA and RNA annealing, contained the central unstructured region (amino acids 117 to 268). Interestingly, N protein and its deletion mutants with RNA chaperone activity enhanced template switching in a retrovirus-derived heterologous system, reinforcing the concept that TGEV N protein is an RNA chaperone that could be involved in template switching. This result is in agreement with the observation that in vivo, N protein is not necessary for TGEV replication, but it is required for efficient transcription

    Peritumoral administration of immunomodulatory antibodies as a triple combination suppresses skin tumor growth without systemic toxicity

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    Background Skin cancers, particularly keratinocyte cancers, are the most commonly diagnosed tumors. Although surgery is often effective in early-stage disease, skin tumors are not always easily accessible, can reoccur and have the ability to metastasize. More recently, immunotherapies, including intravenously administered checkpoint inhibitors, have been shown to control some skin cancers, but with off-target toxicities when used in combination. Our study investigated whether peritumoral administration of an antibody combination targeting PD-1, 4-1BB (CD137) and VISTA might control skin tumors and lead to circulating antitumor immunity without off-target toxicity.Methods The efficacy of combination immunotherapy administered peritumorally or intravenously was tested using transplantable tumor models injected into mouse ears (primary tumors) or subcutaneously in flank skin (secondary tumors). Changes to the tumor microenvironment were tracked using flow cytometry while tumor-specific, CD8 T cells were identified through enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assays. Off-target toxicity of the combination immunotherapy was assessed via serum alanine aminotransferase ELISA and histological analysis of liver sections.Results The data showed that local administration of antibody therapy eliminated syngeneic murine tumors transplanted in the ear skin at a lower dose than required intravenously, and without measured hepatic toxicity. Tumor elimination was dependent on CD8 T cells and was associated with an increased percentage of CD8 T cells expressing granzyme B, KLRG1 and Eomes, and a decreased population of CD4 T cells including CD4+FoxP3+ cells in the treated tumor microenvironment. Importantly, untreated, distal tumors regressed following antibody treatment of a primary tumor, and immune memory prevented growth of subcutaneous flank tumors administered 50 days after regression of a primary tumor.Conclusions Together, these data suggest that peritumoral immunotherapy for skin tumors offers advantages over conventional intravenous delivery, allowing antibody dose sparing, improved safety and inducing long-term systemic memory. Future clinical trials of immunotherapy for primary skin cancer should focus on peritumoral delivery of combinations of immune checkpoint antibodies

    Monocyte-derived dendritic cells enhance protection against secondary influenza challenge by controlling the switch in CD8+ T-cell immunodominance

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    Influenza virus infection triggers an increase in the number of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) in the respiratory tract, but the role of these cells during antiviral immunity is still unclear. Here we show that during influenza infection, moDCs dominate the late activation of CD8 T cells and trigger the switch in immunodominance of the CD8 T-cell response from acidic polymerase specificity to nucleoprotein specificity. Abrogation of monocyte recruitment or depletion of moDCs strongly compromised host resistance to secondary influenza challenge. These findings underscore a novel function of moDCs in the antiviral response to influenza virus, and have important implications for vaccine design

    Skin-Grafting and Dendritic Cell “Boosted” Humanized Mouse Models Allow the Pre-Clinical Evaluation of Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines

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    Vaccines have been hailed as one of the most remarkable medical advancements in human history, and their potential for treating cancer by generating or expanding anti-tumor T cells has garnered significant interest in recent years. However, the limited efficacy of therapeutic cancer vaccines in clinical trials can be partially attributed to the inadequacy of current preclinical mouse models in recapitulating the complexities of the human immune system. In this study, we developed two innovative humanized mouse models to assess the immunogenicity and therapeutic effectiveness of vaccines targeting human papillomavirus (HPV16) antigens and delivering tumor antigens to human CD141+ dendritic cells (DCs). Both models were based on the transference of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) into immunocompromised HLA-A*02-NSG mice (NSG-A2), where the use of fresh PBMCs boosted the engraftment of human cells up to 80%. The dynamics of immune cells in the PBMC-hu-NSG-A2 mice demonstrated that T cells constituted the vast majority of engrafted cells, which progressively expanded over time and retained their responsiveness to ex vivo stimulation. Using the PBMC-hu-NSG-A2 system, we generated a hyperplastic skin graft model expressing the HPV16-E7 oncogene. Remarkably, human cells populated the skin grafts, and upon vaccination with a DNA vaccine encoding an HPV16-E6/E7 protein, rapid rejection targeted to the E7-expressing skin was detected, underscoring the capacity of the model to mount a vaccine-specific response. To overcome the decline in DC numbers observed over time in PBMC-hu-NSG-A2 animals, we augmented the abundance of CD141+ DCs, the specific targets of our tailored nanoemulsions (TNEs), by transferring additional autologous PBMCs pre-treated in vitro with the growth factor Flt3-L. The Flt3-L treatment bolstered CD141+ DC numbers, leading to potent antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses in vivo, which caused the regression of pre-established triple-negative breast cancer and melanoma tumors following CD141+ DC-targeting TNE vaccination. Notably, using HLA-A*02-matching PBMCs for humanizing NSG-A2 mice resulted in a delayed onset of graft-versus-host disease and enhanced the efficacy of the TNE vaccination compared with the parental NSG strain. In conclusion, we successfully established two humanized mouse models that exhibited strong antigen-specific responses and demonstrated tumor regression following vaccination. These models serve as valuable platforms for assessing the efficacy of therapeutic cancer vaccines targeting HPV16-dysplastic skin and diverse tumor antigens specifically delivered to CD141+ DCs