126 research outputs found

    Structure and mechanism of acetolactate decarboxylase

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    Acetolactate decarboxylase catalyzes the conversion of both enantiomers of acetolactate to the (R)-enantiomer of acetoin, via a mechanism that has been shown to involve a prior rearrangement of the non-natural (R)-enantiomer substrate to the natural (S)-enantiomer. In this paper, a series of crystal structures of ALDC complex with designed transition state mimics are reported. These structures, coupled with inhibition studies and site-directed mutagenesis provide an improved understanding of the molecular processes involved in the stereoselective decarboxylation/protonation events. A mechanism for the transformation of each enantiomer of acetolactate is proposed

    An objective approach to model reduction: application to the Sirius wheat model

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    An existing simulation model of wheat growth and development, Sirius, was evaluated through a systematic model reduction procedure. The model was automatically manipulated under software control to replace variables within the model structure with constants, individually and in combination. Predictions of the resultant models were compared to growth analysis observations of total biomass, grain yield, and canopy leaf area derived from 9 trials conducted in the UK and New Zealand under optimal, nitrogen limiting and drought conditions. Model performance in predicting these observations was compared in order to evaluate whether individual model variables contributed positively to the overall prediction. Of the 1 1 1 model variables considered 16 were identified as potentially redundant. Areas of the model where there was evidence of redundancy were: (a) translocation of biomass carbon to grain; (b) nitrogen physiology; (c) adjustment of air temperature for various modelled processes; (d) allowance for diurnal variation in temperature; (e) vernalisation (f) soil nitrogen mineralisation (g) soil surface evaporation. It is not suggested that these are not important processes in real crops, rather, that their representation in the model cannot be justified in the context of the analysis. The approach described is analogous to a detailed model inter-comparison although it would be better described as a model intra-comparison as it is based on the comparison of many simplified forms of the same model. The approach provides automation to increase the efficiency of the evaluation and a systematic means of increasing the rigour of the evaluation

    Using chemical fractionation and speciation to describe uptake of technetium, iodine and selenium by Agrostis capillaris and Lolium perenne

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd To understand the dynamic mechanisms governing soil-to-plant transfer of selenium (Se), technetium-99 (99Tc) and iodine (I), a pot experiment was undertaken using 30 contrasting soils after spiking with 77Se, 99Tc and 129I, and incubating for 2.5 years. Two grass species (Agrostis capillaris and Lolium perenne) were grown under controlled conditions for 4 months with 3 cuts at approximately monthly intervals. Native (soil-derived) 78Se and127I, as well as spiked 77Se, 99Tc and 129I, were assayed in soil and plants by ICP-MS. The grasses exhibited similar behaviour with respect to uptake of all three elements. The greatest uptake observed was for 99Tc, followed by 77Se, with least uptake of 129I, reflecting the transformations and interactions with soil of the three isotopes. Unlike soil-derived Se and I, the available pools of 77Se, 99Tc and 129I were substantially depleted by plant uptake across the three cuts with lower concentrations observed in plant tissues in each subsequent cut. Comparison between total plant offtake and various soil species suggested that 77SeO42−, 99TcO4− and 129IO3−, in soluble and adsorbed fractions were the most likely plant-available species. A greater ratio of 127I/129I in the soil solid phase compared to the solution phase confirmed incomplete mixing of spiked 129I with native 127I in the soil, despite the extended incubation period, leading to poor buffering of the spiked available pools. Compared to traditional expressions of soil-plant transfer factor (TFtotal), a transfer factor (TFavailable) expressed using volumetric concentrations of speciated ‘available’ fractions of each element showed little variation with soil properties

    Stabilized tilted-octahedra halide perovskites inhibit local formation of performance-limiting phases.

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    Efforts to stabilize photoactive formamidinium (FA)–based halide perovskites for perovskite photovoltaics have focused on the growth of cubic formamidinium lead iodide (α-FAPbI3) phases by empirically alloying with cesium, methylammonium (MA) cations, or both. We show that such stabilized FA-rich perovskites are noncubic and exhibit ~2° octahedral tilting at room temperature. This tilting, resolvable only with the use of local nanostructure characterization techniques, imparts phase stability by frustrating transitions from photoactive to hexagonal phases. Although the bulk phase appears stable when examined macroscopically, heterogeneous cation distributions allow microscopically unstable regions to form; we found that these transitioned to hexagonal polytypes, leading to local trap-assisted performance losses and photoinstabilities. Using surface-bound ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, we engineered an octahedral tilt into pure α-FAPbI3 thin films without any cation alloying. The templated photoactive FAPbI3 film was extremely stable against thermal, environmental, and light stressors

    A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean colour satellite applications – version three

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    A global in situ data set for validation of ocean colour products from the ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) is presented. This version of the compilation, starting in 1997, now extends to 2021, which is important for the validation of the most recent satellite optical sensors such as Sentinel 3B OLCI and NOAA-20 VIIRS. The data set comprises in situ observations of the following variables: spectral remote-sensing reflectance, concentration of chlorophyll-a, spectral inherent optical properties, spectral diffuse attenuation coefficient, and total suspended matter. Data were obtained from multi-project archives acquired via open internet services or from individual projects acquired directly from data providers. Methodologies were implemented for homogenization, quality control, and merging of all data. Minimal changes were made on the original data, other than conversion to a standard format, elimination of some points, after quality control and averaging of observations that were close in time and space. The result is a merged table available in text format. Overall, the size of the data set grew with 148 432 rows, with each row representing a unique station in space and time (cf. 136 250 rows in previous version; Valente et al., 2019). Observations of remote-sensing reflectance increased to 68 641 (cf. 59 781 in previous version; Valente et al., 2019). There was also a near tenfold increase in chlorophyll data since 2016. Metadata of each in situ measurement (original source, cruise or experiment, principal investigator) are included in the final table. By making the metadata available, provenance is better documented and it is also possible to analyse each set of data separately. The compiled data are available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.941318 (Valente et al., 2022)

    Use of rapid diagnostic techniques in ICU patients with infections

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