14,623 research outputs found

    Does "thin client" mean "energy efficient"?

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    The thick client –a personal computer with integral disk storage and local processing capability, which also has access to data and other resources via a network connection – is accepted as the model for providing computing resource in most office environments. The Further and Higher Education sector is no exception to that, and therefore most academic and administrative offices are equipped with desktop computers of this form to support users in their day to day tasks. This system structure has a number of advantages: there is a reduced reliance on network resources; users access a system appropriate to their needs, and may customise “their” system to meet their own personal requirements and working patterns. However it also has disadvantages: some are outside the scope of this project, but of most relevance to the green IT agenda is the fact that relatively complex and expensive (in first cost and in running cost) desktop systems and servers are underutilised – especially in respect of processing power. While some savings are achieved through use of “sleep” modes and similar power reducing mechanisms, in most configurations only a small portion of the overall total available processor resource is utilised. This realisation has led to the promotion of an alternative paradigm, the thin client. In a thin client system, the desktop is shorn of most of its local processing and data storage capability, and essentially acts as a terminal to the server, which now takes on responsibility for data storage and processing. The energy benefit is derived through resource sharing: the processor of the server does the work, and because that processor is shared by all users, a number of users are supported by a single system. Therefore – according to proponents of thin client – the total energy required to support a user group is reduced, since a shared physical resource is used more efficiently. These claims are widely reported: indeed there are a number of estimation tools which show these savings can be achieved; however there appears to be little or no actual measured data to confirm this. The community does not appear to have access to measured data comparing thin and thick client systems in operation in the same situation, allowing direct comparisons to be drawn. This is the main goal of this project. One specific question relates to the overall power use, while it would seem to be obvious that the thin client would require less electricity, what of the server? Two other variations are also considered: it is not uncommon for thin client deployments to continue to use their existing PCs as thin client workstations, with or without modification. Also, attempts by PC makers to reduce the power requirements of their products have given rise to a further variation: the incorporation of low power features in otherwise standard PC technology, working as thick clients. This project was devised to conduct actual measurements in use in a typical university environment. We identified a test area: a mixed administrative and academic office location which supported a range of users, and we made a direct replacement of the current thick client systems with thin client equivalents; in addition, we exchanged a number of PCs operating in thin and thick client mode with devices specifically branded as “low power” PCs and measured their power requirements in both thin and thick modes. We measured the energy consumption at each desktop for the duration of our experiments, and also measured the energy draw of the server designated to supporting the thin client setup, giving us the opportunity to determine the power per user of each technology. Our results show a significant difference in power use between the various candidate technologies, and that a configuration of low power PC in thick client mode returned the lowest power use during our study. We were also aware of other factors surrounding a change such as this: we have addressed the technical issues of implementation and management, and the non-technical or human factors of acceptance and use: all are reported within this document. Finally, our project is necessarily limited to a set of experiments carried out in a particular situation, therefore we use estimation methods to draw wider conclusions and make general observations which should allow others to select appropriate thick or thin client solutions in their situation

    Modeling a falling slinky

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    A slinky is an example of a tension spring: in an unstretched state a slinky is collapsed, with turns touching, and a finite tension is required to separate the turns from this state. If a slinky is suspended from its top and stretched under gravity and then released, the bottom of the slinky does not begin to fall until the top section of the slinky, which collapses turn by turn from the top, collides with the bottom. The total collapse time t_c (typically ~0.3 s for real slinkies) corresponds to the time required for a wave front to propagate down the slinky to communicate the release of the top end. We present a modification to an existing model for a falling tension spring (Calkin 1993) and apply it to data from filmed drops of two real slinkies. The modification of the model is the inclusion of a finite time for collapse of the turns of the slinky behind the collapse front propagating down the slinky during the fall. The new finite-collapse time model achieves a good qualitative fit to the observed positions of the top of the real slinkies during the measured drops. The spring constant k for each slinky is taken to be a free parameter in the model. The best-fit model values for k for each slinky are approximately consistent with values obtained from measured periods of oscillation of the slinkies.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure

    Dynamics of Coupled Maps with a Conservation Law

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    A particularly simple model belonging to a wide class of coupled maps which obey a local conservation law is studied. The phase structure of the system and the types of the phase transitions are determined. It is argued that the structure of the phase diagram is robust with respect to mild violations of the conservation law. Critical exponents possibly determining a new universality class are calculated for a set of independent order parameters. Numerical evidence is produced suggesting that the singularity in the density of Lyapunov exponents at λ=0\lambda=0 is a reflection of the singularity in the density of Fourier modes (a ``Van Hove'' singularity) and disappears if the conservation law is broken. Applicability of the Lyapunov dimension to the description of spatiotemporal chaos in a system with a conservation law is discussed.Comment: To be published in CHAOS #7 (31 page, 16 figures

    Domain Coarsening in Systems Far from Equilibrium

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    The growth of domains of stripes evolving from random initial conditions is studied in numerical simulations of models of systems far from equilibrium such as Rayleigh-Benard convection. The scaling of the size of the domains deduced from the inverse width of the Fourier spectrum is studied for both potential and nonpotential models. The morphology of the domains and the defect structures are however quite different in the two cases, and evidence is presented for a second length scale in the nonpotential case.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX; 3 uufiles encoded postscript figures appende

    Rayleigh-Benard Convection with a Radial Ramp in Plate Separation

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    Pattern formation in Rayleigh-Benard convection in a large-aspect-ratio cylinder with a radial ramp in the plate separation is studied analytically and numerically by performing numerical simulations of the Boussinesq equations. A horizontal mean flow and a vertical large scale counterflow are quantified and used to understand the pattern wavenumber. Our results suggest that the mean flow, generated by amplitude gradients, plays an important role in the roll compression observed as the control parameter is increased. Near threshold the mean flow has a quadrupole dependence with a single vortex in each quadrant while away from threshold the mean flow exhibits an octupole dependence with a counter-rotating pair of vortices in each quadrant. This is confirmed analytically using the amplitude equation and Cross-Newell mean flow equation. By performing numerical experiments the large scale counterflow is also found to aid in the roll compression away from threshold but to a much lesser degree. Our results yield an understanding of the pattern wavenumbers observed in experiment away from threshold and suggest that near threshold the mean flow and large scale counterflow are not responsible for the observed shift to smaller than critical wavenumbers.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure

    Pinning control of spatiotemporal chaos

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    Linear control theory is used to develop an improved localized control scheme for spatially extended chaotic systems, which is applied to a coupled map lattice as an example. The optimal arrangement of the control sites is shown to depend on the symmetry properties of the system, while their minimal density depends on the strength of noise in the system. The method is shown to work in any region of parameter space and requires a significantly smaller number of controllers compared to the method proposed earlier by Hu and Qu [Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 68 (1994)]. A nonlinear generalization of the method for a 1D lattice is also presented

    The stochastic dynamics of nanoscale mechanical oscillators immersed in a viscous fluid

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    The stochastic response of nanoscale oscillators of arbitrary geometry immersed in a viscous fluid is studied. Using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem it is shown that deterministic calculations of the governing fluid and solid equations can be used in a straightforward manner to directly calculate the stochastic response that would be measured in experiment. We use this approach to investigate the fluid coupled motion of single and multiple cantilevers with experimentally motivated geometries.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Extensive chaos in Rayleigh-BĂ©nard convection

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    Using large-scale numerical calculations we explore spatiotemporal chaos in Rayleigh-BĂ©nard convection for experimentally relevant conditions. We calculate the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents and the Lyapunov dimension describing the chaotic dynamics of the convective fluid layer at constant thermal driving over a range of finite system sizes. Our results reveal that the dynamics of fluid convection is truly chaotic for experimental conditions as illustrated by a positive leading-order Lyapunov exponent. We also find the chaos to be extensive over the range of finite-sized systems investigated as indicated by a linear scaling between the Lyapunov dimension of the chaotic attractor and the system size

    Traveling waves in rotating Rayleigh-BĂ©nard convection: Analysis of modes and mean flow

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    Numerical simulations of the Boussinesq equations with rotation for realistic no-slip boundary conditions and a finite annular domain are presented. These simulations reproduce traveling waves observed experimentally. Traveling waves are studied near threshhold by using the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE): a mode analysis enables the CGLE coefficients to be determined. The CGLE coefficients are compared with previous experimental and theoretical results. Mean flows are also computed and found to be more significant as the Prandtl number decreases (from sigma=6.4 to sigma=1). In addition, the mean flow around the outer radius of the annulus appears to be correlated with the mean flow around the inner radius
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