1,798 research outputs found

    Le Meloe variegatus Donovan sa ésence dans le Nord de l'Afrique sa biologie

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    1 láminaPeer reviewe

    Vortex oscillations induced by a spin-polarized current in a magnetic nanopillar: Evidence for a failure of the Thiele approach

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    We investigate the vortex excitations induced by a spin-polarized current in a magnetic nanopillar by means of micromagnetic simulations and analytical calculations. Damped motion, stationary vortex rotation and the switching of the vortex core are successively observed for increasing values of the current. We demonstrate that even for small amplitude of the vortex motion, the analytical description based the classical Thiele approach can yield quantitatively and qualitatively unsound results. We suggest and validate a new analytical technique based on the calculation of the energy dissipation

    Single spin-torque vortex oscillator using combined bottom-up approach and e-beam lithography

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    A combined bottom-up assembly of electrodeposited nanowires and electron beam lithography technique has been developed to investigate the spin transfer torque and microwave emission on specially designed nanowires containing a single Co/Cu/Co pseudo spin valve. Microwave signals have been obtained even at zero magnetic field. Interestingly, high frequency vs. magnetic field tunability was demonstrated, in the range 0.4 - 2 MHz/Oe, depending on the orientation of the applied magnetic field relative to the magnetic layers of the pseudo spin valve. The frequency values and the emitted signal frequency as a function of the external magnetic field are in good quantitative agreement with the analytical vortex model as well as with micromagnetic simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Switching the magnetic configuration of a spin valve by current induced domain wall motion

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    We present experimental results on the displacement of a domain wall by injection of a dc current through the wall. The samples are 1 micron wide long stripes of a CoO/Co/Cu/NiFe classical spin valve structure. The stripes have been patterned by electron beam lithography. A neck has been defined at 1/3 of the total length of the stripe and is a pinning center for the domain walls, as shown by the steps of the giant magnetoresistance curves at intermediate levels (1/3 or 2/3) between the resistances corresponding to the parallel and antiparallel configurations. We show by electric transport measurements that, once a wall is trapped, it can be moved by injecting a dc current higher than a threshold current of the order of magnitude of 10^7 A/cm^2. We discuss the different possible origins of this effect, i.e. local magnetic field created by the current and/or spin transfer from spin polarized current.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Switching a spin-valve back and forth by current-induced domain wall motion

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    We have studied the current-induced displacement of a domain wall (DW) in the permalloy (Py) layer of a Co/Cu/Py spin valve structure at zero and very small applied field. The displacement is in opposite direction for opposite dc currents, and the current density required to move DW is only of the order of 10^6 A/cm^2. For H = 3 Oe, a back and forth DW motion between two stable positions is observed. We also discuss the effect of an applied field on the DW motion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Domain wall displacement by remote spin-current injection

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    We demonstrate numerically the ability to displace a magnetic domain wall by a remote spin current injection. We consider a long and narrow magnetic nanostripe with a single domain wall (DW). The spin-polarized current is injected perpendicularly to the plane of the film (CPP) through a small nanocontact which is located at certain distance from the domain wall initial position. We show theoretically that the DW motion can be initiated not only by conventional spin-transfer torque but also by indirect spin-torque, created by a remote spin-current injection and then transferred to the DW by the exchange-spring mechanism. An analytical description of this effect is proposed. This finding may lead to a solution of bottleneck problems of DW motion-based spintronic and neuromorphic devices with perpendicular spin-current injection.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure